Want to process XML that's too large to fit in memory?
The Scala standard library used to offer scala.xml.pull
for this. It became part of the scala-xml library when scala-xml became separate. But then scala.xml.pull
got deprecated (in scala.xml 1.1.1) and finally removed entirely (in scala-xml 2.0.0-M1). The recommended replacement is javax.xml.stream.events
I had some old code that used scala.xml.pull
to digest my iTunes Music Library.xml
and print various statistics. Recently I converted it to Scala 3, so I decided to get off the deprecated API at the same time.
So, here is the before-and-after. Perhaps this will help other users of scala.xml.pull
who want to convert.
/// nicer API/DSL for dealing with XMLEventReader
class Reader(source: io.Source) {
import scala.xml.pull._
private val reader =
new XMLEventReader(source) { override val preserveWS = false }
private val it: collection.BufferedIterator[XMLEvent] = reader.buffered
def start() = it.next() match { case EvElemStart(_, s, _, _) => s }
def start(s: String) = { it.next() match { case EvElemStart(_, `s`, _, _) => } }
def end() = it.next() match { case EvElemEnd(_, s) => s}
def end(s: String) = { it.next() match { case EvElemEnd(_, `s`) => } }
// it would be nice to use BufferedIterator.takeWhile here, but it advances the iterator one too
// far; see https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-3581 - ST 7/15/10
def text() = Iterator.continually(it.head)
.collect{case EvText(x) => it.next(); x}
def slurp() = (start(), text(), end())._2
def slurp(s: String) = (start(s), text(), end(s))._2
def atEnd = it.head.isInstanceOf[EvElemEnd]
def atEnd(s: String) = it.head match {
case EvElemEnd(_, `s`) => true
case _ => false
def stop() = reader.stop()
import javax.xml.stream.{ XMLInputFactory, XMLEventReader, XMLStreamConstants }
import javax.xml.stream.events.XMLEvent
/** nicer API/DSL for dealing with XMLEventReader */
class Reader(stream: java.io.InputStream):
private val reader: XMLEventReader = {
val factory = XMLInputFactory.newFactory
val reader = factory.createXMLEventReader(stream)
ev => !ev.isStartDocument &&
ev.getEventType != XMLStreamConstants.DTD && !(ev.isCharacters && ev.asCharacters.isIgnorableWhiteSpace))
private object it extends collection.BufferedIterator[XMLEvent]:
override def hasNext = reader.hasNext
override def head = reader.peek()
override def next() = reader.nextEvent()
def close() =
def start() =
def start(s: String) =
require(s == it.next().asStartElement.getName.getLocalPart)
def end() =
def end(s: String) =
require(s == it.next().asEndElement.getName.getLocalPart)
def atEnd =
def atEnd(s: String) =
it.head.isEndElement && s == it.head.asEndElement.getName.getLocalPart
def text() =
// it would be nice to use BufferedIterator.takeWhile here, but it advances the iterator one too
// far; see https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-3581 - ST 7/15/10
.map{ev => it.next(); ev.asCharacters.getData}
def slurp() =
(start(), text(), end())._2
def slurp(s: String) =
(start(s), text(), end(s))._2
Here's an example of actually using this code to process some XML. I've only included the Scala 3 version, since it barely needed to change.
case class Track(
name: String,
artist: String,
album: String,
trackNumber: Int,
time: Long,
plays: Int,
lastPlayed: Long,
stars: Int,
case class Library(
tracks: Set[Track],
trackNames: Map[String, Long],
artists: Map[String, Long],
artistLengths: Map[String, Long],
albums: Map[String, Long],
albumLengths: Map[String, Long],
playDates: Map[String, Long],
def foreachTrack(stream: java.io.InputStream)(fn: Track => Unit): Unit =
val reader = new Reader(stream)
import reader._
while(slurp("key") != "Tracks")
while(!atEnd) do
val entries =
val temp = collection.mutable.Map[String, String]()
while (!atEnd("dict"))
temp += slurp("key") -> slurp()
name = entries("Name"),
trackNumber = entries.getOrElse("Track Number", "0").toInt,
artist = entries.getOrElse("Sort Artist", entries("Artist")),
album = entries.getOrElse("Album", ""),
time = entries("Total Time").toLong,
plays = entries.getOrElse("Play Count", "0").toInt,
lastPlayed = entries.getOrElse("Play Date", "0").toLong,
stars = entries.getOrElse("Rating", "0").toInt / 20,
case _: java.util.NoSuchElementException =>
if !skippable(entries)
then println(entries)
def skippable(entries: Map[String, String]): Boolean =
!entries.isDefinedAt("Kind") ||
entries("Kind").endsWith(" app") ||
entries("Kind").endsWith(" book") ||
entries("Kind") == "Book" ||
entries("Genre") == "Podcast"
def read(stream: java.io.InputStream): Library =
def newMap = collection.mutable.Map[String, Long]()
val (trackNames, artists, artistLengths, albums, albumLengths, playDates) = (newMap, newMap, newMap, newMap, newMap, newMap)
val tracks = collection.mutable.Set[Track]()
def loop(): Unit =
foreachTrack(stream){ track =>
tracks += track
import track._
trackNames(artist + " - " + name) = time * plays
artists(artist) = time * plays + artists.getOrElse(artist, 0L)
artistLengths(artist) = time + artistLengths.getOrElse(artist, 0L)
val artistAlbum = artist + " - " + album
albums(artistAlbum) = time * plays + albums.getOrElse(artistAlbum, 0L)
albumLengths(artistAlbum) = time + albumLengths.getOrElse(artistAlbum, 0L)
if !playDates.isDefinedAt(artist) || playDates(artist) < lastPlayed
then playDates(artist) = lastPlayed
// if artists.size >= 200 then return
trackNames.toMap, artists.toMap, artistLengths.toMap,
albums.toMap, albumLengths.toMap, playDates.toMap)