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Last active December 9, 2019 16:48
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Content monitoring made easy with Ior
import cats.{Order, Show}
import{Ior, NonEmptyList, NonEmptySet, Validated}
import cats.kernel.Semigroup
import cats.syntax.apply._
import cats.syntax.option._
import cats.syntax.order._
import cats.syntax.foldable._
import cats.instances.list._
import cats.instances.long._
import cats.instances.string._
import cats.instances.sortedSet._
import cats.instances.option._
object demo2 extends App {
import GenericModels._
import DomainModels._
import SharedProcessing._
import PrettyPrint._
object GenericModels {
type TimeStamp = Long
type Identifier = Long
type Reason = String
case class InternalComponent(name: String, id: Identifier)
object InternalComponent {
implicit val order: Order[InternalComponent] = {
val byName: Order[InternalComponent] =
val byId: Order[InternalComponent] =
Order.whenEqual(byName, byId)
sealed trait Source
object Source {
case class ExternalSource(name: String) extends Source
case class InternalSource(components: NonEmptySet[InternalComponent]) extends Source
implicit val order: Order[Source] = (x: Source, y: Source) => (x, y) match {
case (_:ExternalSource, _: InternalSource) =>
case (_: InternalSource, _:ExternalSource) =>
case (InternalSource(cx), InternalSource(cy)) =>
case (ExternalSource(nameX), ExternalSource(nameY)) =>
case class EventIncompleteBecause(id: Identifier, timeStamp: TimeStamp, sources: NonEmptySet[Source], reasons: NonEmptyList[Reason])
object EventIncompleteBecause {
implicit val show: Show[EventIncompleteBecause] = entry => s"Error: {timeStamp: ${entry.timeStamp}, id: ${}, reasons: ${entry.reasons.toList.mkString(", ")}, sources: ${entry.sources.toSortedSet.mkString(", ")} }"
case class ErrorLog(sources: NonEmptySet[Source], reasons: NonEmptyList[Reason])
object ErrorLog {
def one(source: Source, reason: Reason): ErrorLog = ErrorLog(,
implicit val semigroup: Semigroup[ErrorLog] = (x: ErrorLog, y: ErrorLog) => ErrorLog(x.sources ++ y.sources, x.reasons ::: y.reasons)
case class Availability[E, A](value: Ior[E, A]) extends AnyVal
object Availability {
implicit def show[E: Show, A: Show]: Show[Availability[E,A]] = _.value.fold(
e => s" - Error: ${}".magenta,
a => s" - Available: ${}".cyan,
(e, a) => s" - Unavailable because: ${}".red ++ s" raw value: ${}".yellow,
object PrettyPrint {
implicit class ConsoleColorise(val str: String) extends AnyVal {
import Console._
def black = s"$BLACK$str$RESET"
def red = s"$RED$str$RESET"
def green = s"$GREEN$str$RESET"
def yellow = s"$YELLOW$str$RESET"
def blue = s"$BLUE$str$RESET"
def magenta = s"$MAGENTA$str$RESET"
def cyan = s"$CYAN$str$RESET"
def white = s"$WHITE$str$RESET"
def blackBg = s"$BLACK_B$str$RESET"
def redBg = s"$RED_B$str$RESET"
def greenBg = s"$GREEN_B$str$RESET"
def yellowBg = s"$YELLOW_B$str$RESET"
def blueBg = s"$BLUE_B$str$RESET"
def magentaBg = s"$MAGENTA_B$str$RESET"
def cyanBg = s"$CYAN_B$str$RESET"
def whiteBg = s"$WHITE_B$str$RESET"
object DomainModels {
trait Hobby
object Hobby {
case object BirdWatching extends Hobby
case object Sports extends Hobby
case class ProfileEvent(id: Identifier, timeStamp: TimeStamp, maybeAge: Option[Int], maybeHobby: Option[Hobby])
object ProfileEvent {
val AliceId = 1L
val BobId = 2L
def ofBob(timeStamp: TimeStamp, age: Option[Int], hobby: Option[Hobby]): ProfileEvent = ProfileEvent(BobId, timeStamp, age, hobby)
def ofAlice(timeStamp: TimeStamp, age: Option[Int], hobby: Option[Hobby]): ProfileEvent = ProfileEvent(AliceId, timeStamp, age, hobby)
implicit val show: Show[ProfileEvent] = entry => s"{timeStamp: ${entry.timeStamp}, id: ${}, age: ${entry.maybeAge} , hobby: ${entry.maybeHobby}}"
case class Profile private (age: Int, hobby: Hobby)
object Profile {
def fromDbEntry(dbProfile: ProfileEvent): Validated[ErrorLog, Profile] = {
Validated.fromOption(dbProfile.maybeAge,"user"), "Age is not specified.")).andThen(
i => Validated.cond(i> 0, i,"user"), "Age is negative."))
Validated.fromOption(dbProfile.maybeHobby,"user"), "Hobby is not specified."))
case (age, hobby) => Profile(age, hobby)
case class MatchEvent(id: Identifier, timeStamp: TimeStamp, p1: Option[ProfileEvent], p2: Option[ProfileEvent])
object MatchEvent {
implicit val show: Show[MatchEvent] = entry => s"{timeStamp: ${entry.timeStamp}, p1: ${}, p2: ${}}"
case class Match private (p1: Profile, p2: Profile)
object Match {
def fromDbEntry(dbMatch: MatchEvent): Validated[ErrorLog, Match] = {
Validated.fromOption(dbMatch.p1,"profile1"), "Profile 1 could not be found")),
Validated.fromOption(dbMatch.p2,"profile2"), "Profile 2 could not be found"))
case (p1, p2) =>
.leftMap(_ =>"profile1",, "Profile was not complete")) // not passing on the full set of reasons, just giving enough info to find it later.
.leftMap(_ =>"profile2",, "Profile was not complete")) //same
).mapN{ case (profile1, profile2) =>
profile1.hobby == profile2.hobby,
Match(profile1, profile2),
"The profiles are both complete but do not have compatible hobbies."
object SharedProcessing {
def process[E, A, B](value: A, validate: A => Validated[E, B]): Ior[E, A] = validate(value) match {
case Validated.Valid(_) => Ior.right(value)
case Validated.Invalid(e) => Ior.both(e, value)
var profileHistory: List[Ior[EventIncompleteBecause, ProfileEvent]] = Nil
var matchHistory: List[Ior[EventIncompleteBecause, MatchEvent]] = Nil
def profilesWithId(id: Identifier): List[Ior[EventIncompleteBecause, ProfileEvent]] = profileHistory.filter(
_.bimap(, == id
def processMatchEntry(record: MatchEvent): Ior[EventIncompleteBecause, MatchEvent] = {
(entry: MatchEvent) => Match.fromDbEntry(entry)
.leftMap(l =>
EventIncompleteBecause(, record.timeStamp, l.sources, l.reasons)
def aliceHistory: List[Ior[EventIncompleteBecause, ProfileEvent]] = profilesWithId(ProfileEvent.AliceId)
def bobHistory: List[Ior[EventIncompleteBecause, ProfileEvent]] = profilesWithId(ProfileEvent.BobId)
trait HistoryRecorder[E, A] {
def getHistory(): List[Ior[E, A]]
object RealTimeProcessing extends HistoryRecorder[EventIncompleteBecause, MatchEvent] {
private def getLatestTimeStampTimeStamp(): TimeStamp =
_.bimap(_.timeStamp, _.timeStamp).fold(identity, identity, math.max)
private def processProfile(record: ProfileEvent): Ior[EventIncompleteBecause, ProfileEvent] = {
process(record, Profile.fromDbEntry)
l => EventIncompleteBecause(, record.timeStamp, l.sources, l.reasons)
private def readLatestAliceAndBobMatchState(): MatchEvent = MatchEvent(42,
def processProfileEntry(record: ProfileEvent): Unit = {
profileHistory = processProfile(record) :: profileHistory
val matchEntry = readLatestAliceAndBobMatchState()
val processed: Ior[EventIncompleteBecause, MatchEvent] = processMatchEntry(matchEntry)
val processedWithBug: Ior[EventIncompleteBecause, MatchEvent] = {
val bug ="universe"), "bug")
val dbErrorLog = EventIncompleteBecause(42, record.timeStamp, bug.sources, bug.reasons)
e => Ior.left(e), _ => Ior.left(dbErrorLog), (e, a) => Ior.both(e,a)
matchHistory = processedWithBug :: matchHistory
override def getHistory(): List[Ior[EventIncompleteBecause, MatchEvent]] = matchHistory
object PostProcessing extends HistoryRecorder[EventIncompleteBecause, MatchEvent] {
private def getProfile(identifier: Identifier, timeStamp: TimeStamp): Option[ProfileEvent] = {
_.bimap(_.timeStamp, _.timeStamp).toEither.merge <= timeStamp
).maximumOption(, _.timeStamp).toEither.merge))
private def getAllEventTimeStamps(): List[TimeStamp] =, _.timeStamp).toEither.merge)
private def reconstructedMatchEntries: List[MatchEvent] = getAllEventTimeStamps().map(t =>
getProfile(ProfileEvent.AliceId, t),
getProfile(ProfileEvent.BobId, t)
override def getHistory(): List[Ior[EventIncompleteBecause, MatchEvent]] =
RealTimeProcessing.processProfileEntry(ProfileEvent.ofAlice(1, age = none, hobby = none))
RealTimeProcessing.processProfileEntry(ProfileEvent.ofAlice(2, none, Hobby.BirdWatching.some))
RealTimeProcessing.processProfileEntry(ProfileEvent.ofAlice(3, 30.some, Hobby.BirdWatching.some))
RealTimeProcessing.processProfileEntry(ProfileEvent.ofBob(4, none, none))
RealTimeProcessing.processProfileEntry(ProfileEvent.ofBob(5, none, Hobby.Sports.some))
RealTimeProcessing.processProfileEntry(ProfileEvent.ofBob(6, 29.some, Hobby.Sports.some))
RealTimeProcessing.processProfileEntry(ProfileEvent.ofBob(7, 29.some, Hobby.BirdWatching.some))
RealTimeProcessing.processProfileEntry(ProfileEvent.ofAlice(8, -1.some, Hobby.BirdWatching.some))
//todo: color print these.
println("\n***Stored Match values***\n".white)
RealTimeProcessing.getHistory() => println(
println("\n***Alice(Profile1)***\n".white) => println(
println("\n***Bob(Profile2)***\n".white) => println(
println("\n***Reconstructed Match values***\n".white)
PostProcessing.getHistory() => println(
//***Stored Match values***
//- Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 1, id: 42, reasons: Profile 2 could not be found, sources: ExternalSource(profile2) } raw value: {timeStamp: 1, p1: Some({timeStamp: 1, id: 1, age: None , hobby: None}), p2: None}
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 2, id: 42, reasons: Profile 2 could not be found, sources: ExternalSource(profile2) } raw value: {timeStamp: 2, p1: Some({timeStamp: 2, id: 1, age: None , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)}), p2: None}
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 3, id: 42, reasons: Profile 2 could not be found, sources: ExternalSource(profile2) } raw value: {timeStamp: 3, p1: Some({timeStamp: 3, id: 1, age: Some(30) , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)}), p2: None}
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 4, id: 42, reasons: Profile was not complete, sources: InternalSource(TreeSet(InternalComponent(profile2,2))) } raw value: {timeStamp: 4, p1: Some({timeStamp: 3, id: 1, age: Some(30) , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)}), p2: Some({timeStamp: 4, id: 2, age: None , hobby: None})}
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 5, id: 42, reasons: Profile was not complete, sources: InternalSource(TreeSet(InternalComponent(profile2,2))) } raw value: {timeStamp: 5, p1: Some({timeStamp: 3, id: 1, age: Some(30) , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)}), p2: Some({timeStamp: 5, id: 2, age: None , hobby: Some(Sports)})}
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 6, id: 42, reasons: The profiles are both complete but do not have compatible hobbies., sources: InternalSource(TreeSet(InternalComponent(profile1,1), InternalComponent(profile2,2))) } raw value: {timeStamp: 6, p1: Some({timeStamp: 3, id: 1, age: Some(30) , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)}), p2: Some({timeStamp: 6, id: 2, age: Some(29) , hobby: Some(Sports)})}
// - Error: Error: {timeStamp: 7, id: 42, reasons: bug, sources: ExternalSource(universe) }
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 8, id: 42, reasons: Profile was not complete, sources: InternalSource(TreeSet(InternalComponent(profile1,1))) } raw value: {timeStamp: 8, p1: Some({timeStamp: 8, id: 1, age: Some(-1) , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)}), p2: Some({timeStamp: 7, id: 2, age: Some(29) , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)})}
// ***Alice(Profile1)***
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 1, id: 1, reasons: Age is not specified., Hobby is not specified., sources: ExternalSource(user) } raw value: {timeStamp: 1, id: 1, age: None , hobby: None}
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 2, id: 1, reasons: Age is not specified., sources: ExternalSource(user) } raw value: {timeStamp: 2, id: 1, age: None , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)}
// - Available: {timeStamp: 3, id: 1, age: Some(30) , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)}
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 8, id: 1, reasons: Age is negative., sources: ExternalSource(user) } raw value: {timeStamp: 8, id: 1, age: Some(-1) , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)}
// ***Bob(Profile2)***
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 4, id: 2, reasons: Age is not specified., Hobby is not specified., sources: ExternalSource(user) } raw value: {timeStamp: 4, id: 2, age: None , hobby: None}
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 5, id: 2, reasons: Age is not specified., sources: ExternalSource(user) } raw value: {timeStamp: 5, id: 2, age: None , hobby: Some(Sports)}
// - Available: {timeStamp: 6, id: 2, age: Some(29) , hobby: Some(Sports)}
// - Available: {timeStamp: 7, id: 2, age: Some(29) , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)}
// ***Reconstructed Match values***
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 1, id: 42, reasons: Profile 2 could not be found, sources: ExternalSource(profile2) } raw value: {timeStamp: 1, p1: Some({timeStamp: 1, id: 1, age: None , hobby: None}), p2: None}
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 2, id: 42, reasons: Profile 2 could not be found, sources: ExternalSource(profile2) } raw value: {timeStamp: 2, p1: Some({timeStamp: 2, id: 1, age: None , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)}), p2: None}
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 3, id: 42, reasons: Profile 2 could not be found, sources: ExternalSource(profile2) } raw value: {timeStamp: 3, p1: Some({timeStamp: 3, id: 1, age: Some(30) , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)}), p2: None}
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 4, id: 42, reasons: Profile was not complete, sources: InternalSource(TreeSet(InternalComponent(profile2,2))) } raw value: {timeStamp: 4, p1: Some({timeStamp: 3, id: 1, age: Some(30) , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)}), p2: Some({timeStamp: 4, id: 2, age: None , hobby: None})}
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 5, id: 42, reasons: Profile was not complete, sources: InternalSource(TreeSet(InternalComponent(profile2,2))) } raw value: {timeStamp: 5, p1: Some({timeStamp: 3, id: 1, age: Some(30) , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)}), p2: Some({timeStamp: 5, id: 2, age: None , hobby: Some(Sports)})}
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 6, id: 42, reasons: The profiles are both complete but do not have compatible hobbies., sources: InternalSource(TreeSet(InternalComponent(profile1,1), InternalComponent(profile2,2))) } raw value: {timeStamp: 6, p1: Some({timeStamp: 3, id: 1, age: Some(30) , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)}), p2: Some({timeStamp: 6, id: 2, age: Some(29) , hobby: Some(Sports)})}
// - Available: {timeStamp: 7, p1: Some({timeStamp: 3, id: 1, age: Some(30) , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)}), p2: Some({timeStamp: 7, id: 2, age: Some(29) , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)})}
// - Unavailable because: Error: {timeStamp: 8, id: 42, reasons: Profile was not complete, sources: InternalSource(TreeSet(InternalComponent(profile1,1))) } raw value: {timeStamp: 8, p1: Some({timeStamp: 8, id: 1, age: Some(-1) , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)}), p2: Some({timeStamp: 7, id: 2, age: Some(29) , hobby: Some(BirdWatching)})}
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