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Last active December 6, 2019 14:30
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  • Save ShahOdin/b63bf3a322f0806305f6fd0bf165ee82 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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reconstructing state
import cats.Show
import{NonEmptyList, NonEmptySet, Validated}
import cats.syntax.apply._
import cats.syntax.either._
import cats.syntax.validated._
import cats.instances.all._
import cats.kernel.Semigroup
//This demo showcases a system with two entities that can be independently updated.
//we can either aggregate them dynamically (in-memory) and reconstruct a history of the
//evolution of the aggregate model.
//alternatively, we can record the aggregate model and update its value at every update so that one can
//read a static list of values for the aggregate model.
//Or we can do both, as the two give us different set of information and can be different if
//our pipeline isn't updating the aggregate model correctly.
object CoolDemo extends App {
sealed trait Color
object Color {
case object Green extends Color
case object Red extends Color
sealed trait Hobby
object Hobby {
case object BirdWatching extends Hobby
case object Sports extends Hobby
type TimeCount = Long
case class Failed(reasons: NonEmptyList[String], failedAt: TimeCount, sources: NonEmptySet[String])
object Failed{
def one(reason: String, failureTime: TimeCount, sources: NonEmptySet[String]) = Failed(, failureTime, sources)
implicit val semiGroup: Semigroup[Failed] = (x: Failed, y: Failed) => Failed(x.reasons ::: y.reasons, math.max(x.failedAt, y.failedAt), (x.sources ++ y.sources))
type ValueOrWhyNot[A] = Either[Failed, A]
case class Profile(favoriteColor: Color, wantsKids: Boolean, favoriteHobby: Hobby)
object Profile {
def fromPersonRecord(personRecord: PersonRecord, attemptTime: TimeCount): Validated[Failed, Profile] = {
case (c, wk, h) => Profile(c, wk, h)
_.copy(failedAt = attemptTime)
case class PersonRecord(favoriteColor: ValueOrWhyNot[Color], wantsKids: ValueOrWhyNot[Boolean], favoriteHobby: ValueOrWhyNot[Hobby], updateTime: TimeCount)
case class Match(p1: Profile, p2: Profile, matchedAt: TimeCount)
object Match {
def fromProfiles(p1: Profile, p2: Profile, matchAttemptTime: TimeCount): Validated[Failed, Match] = {
if (matchScore(p1, p2) >= 2) {
Match(p1, p2, matchAttemptTime).valid
} else {"Profiles complete but the two do not have enough in common.", matchAttemptTime, NonEmptySet.of("Alice", "Bob")).invalid
def matchScore(p1: Profile, p2: Profile): Int = {
implicit class convertBooleanToInt(b: Boolean) {
def toInt = if(b) 1 else 0
p1.wantsKids == p2.wantsKids,
p1.favoriteColor == p2.favoriteColor,
p1.favoriteHobby == p2.favoriteHobby
var alice: NonEmptyList[PersonRecord] =
favoriteColor ="Alice Color: N/A", failureTime = 0,"Alice")).asLeft,
wantsKids ="Alice Wants Kids: N/A", failureTime = 0,"Alice")).asLeft,
favoriteHobby ="Alice Hobby: N/A", failureTime = 0,"Alice")).asLeft,
updateTime = 0
var bob: NonEmptyList[PersonRecord] =
favoriteColor ="Bob Color: N/A", failureTime = 0,"Bob")).asLeft,
wantsKids ="Bob Wants Kids: N/A", failureTime = 0,"Bob")).asLeft,
favoriteHobby ="Bob Hobby: N/A", failureTime = 0,"Bob")).asLeft,
updateTime = 0
var matchHistory: List[Either[Failed, Match]] = Nil
def updateMatchStatus(timeCount: TimeCount): Unit = {
val latestMatchStatus = matchRecords(
.andThen( _ => = "Computer says no.", timeCount, NonEmptySet.of("Bob", "Alice")).invalid[Match])
matchHistory = latestMatchStatus :: matchHistory
def updateAliceState(record: PersonRecord): Unit = {
alice = record :: alice
def updateBobState(record: PersonRecord): Unit = {
bob = record :: bob
def updateAliceHobby(maybeHobby: ValueOrWhyNot[Hobby], count: TimeCount): Unit = {
updateAliceState(alice.head.copy(favoriteHobby = maybeHobby, updateTime = count))
def updateAliceColor(maybeColor: ValueOrWhyNot[Color], count: TimeCount): Unit = {
updateAliceState(alice.head.copy(favoriteColor = maybeColor, updateTime = count))
def updateAliceWantsKids(maybeWantsKids: ValueOrWhyNot[Boolean], count: TimeCount): Unit = {
updateAliceState(alice.head.copy(wantsKids = maybeWantsKids, updateTime = count))
def updateBobHobby(maybeHobby: ValueOrWhyNot[Hobby], count: TimeCount): Unit = {
updateBobState(bob.head.copy(favoriteHobby = maybeHobby, updateTime = count))
def updateBobColor(maybeColor: ValueOrWhyNot[Color], count: TimeCount): Unit = {
updateBobState(bob.head.copy(favoriteColor = maybeColor, updateTime = count))
def updateBobWantsKids(maybeWantsKids: ValueOrWhyNot[Boolean], count: TimeCount): Unit = {
updateBobState(bob.head.copy(wantsKids = maybeWantsKids, updateTime = count))
def aliceRecordAtTime(count: TimeCount): PersonRecord = alice
.filter(_.updateTime <= count)
def bobRecordAtTime(count: TimeCount): PersonRecord = bob
.filter(_.updateTime <= count)
def updateEntryTimes: NonEmptyList[TimeCount] = { :::
def aliceAndBobRecords: NonEmptyList[(PersonRecord, PersonRecord, TimeCount)] = { t =>
def matchRecords(record1: PersonRecord, record2: PersonRecord, timeCount: TimeCount): Validated[Failed, Match] = (
Profile.fromPersonRecord(record1, timeCount),
Profile.fromPersonRecord(record2, timeCount)
).mapN {
case (profile1, profile2) =>
Match.fromProfiles(profile1, profile2, timeCount)
def recordMatchability(nel: NonEmptyList[PersonRecord]): NonEmptyList[(Boolean, TimeCount)] ={
r =>
val ready = r.favoriteColor.isRight && r.favoriteHobby.isRight && r.wantsKids.isRight
(ready, r.updateTime)
case class MatchResult(value: Either[Failed, Match]) extends AnyVal
object MatchResult {
implicit val show: Show[MatchResult] = {
matchResult =>
matchResult.value match {
case Left(failed) => s"Failed because of: ${failed.sources.toNonEmptyList.toList.mkString(",")}, detailed: ${failed.reasons.toList.mkString(",")}, updated at: ${failed.failedAt}"
case Right(matched) => matched.toString
def reconstructedAliceAndBobCompatibilityOverTime: NonEmptyList[MatchResult] = { {
case (aliceRecord, bobRecord, t) =>
matchRecords(aliceRecord, bobRecord, t).toEither
def recordedAliceAndBobCompatibilityOverTime: List[MatchResult] = matchHistory
updateAliceHobby(Hobby.BirdWatching.asRight, 1)
updateBobHobby(Hobby.Sports.asRight, 2)
updateAliceColor(Color.Red.asRight, 3)
updateAliceWantsKids(false.asRight, 4)
updateBobWantsKids(true.asRight, 6)
updateBobColor(Color.Red.asRight, 7)
updateBobWantsKids(false.asRight, 9)
updateAliceWantsKids("Alice wants kids: It's complicated", 12,"Alice")).asLeft, 11)
updateAliceWantsKids(true.asRight, 12)
println("\n***recorded info over time. shows the bug at the outermost level: `computer says no` ***\n") => println(
println("\n***alice ready to be matched over time***\n")
println("\n***bob ready to be matched over time***\n")
println("\n***reconstructed info over time. ***\n") => println(
//Failed because of: Alice,Bob, detailed: Alice Color: N/A,Alice Wants Kids: N/A,Alice Hobby: N/A,Bob Color: N/A,Bob Wants Kids: N/A,Bob Hobby: N/A, updated at: 0
//Failed because of: Alice,Bob, detailed: Alice Color: N/A,Alice Wants Kids: N/A,Bob Color: N/A,Bob Wants Kids: N/A,Bob Hobby: N/A, updated at: 1
//Failed because of: Alice,Bob, detailed: Alice Color: N/A,Alice Wants Kids: N/A,Bob Color: N/A,Bob Wants Kids: N/A, updated at: 2
//Failed because of: Alice,Bob, detailed: Alice Wants Kids: N/A,Bob Color: N/A,Bob Wants Kids: N/A, updated at: 3
//Failed because of: Bob, detailed: Bob Color: N/A,Bob Wants Kids: N/A, updated at: 4
//Failed because of: Bob, detailed: Bob Color: N/A, updated at: 6
//Failed because of: Alice,Bob, detailed: Profiles complete but the two do not have enough in common., updated at: 7
//Failed because of: Alice,Bob, detailed: Computer says no., updated at: 9
//Failed because of: Alice, detailed: Alice wants kids: It's complicated, updated at: 11
//Failed because of: Alice,Bob, detailed: Profiles complete but the two do not have enough in common., updated at: 12
//***alice ready to be matched over time***
//***bob ready to be matched over time***
//***reconstructed info over time. ***
//Failed because of: Alice,Bob, detailed: Alice Color: N/A,Alice Wants Kids: N/A,Alice Hobby: N/A,Bob Color: N/A,Bob Wants Kids: N/A,Bob Hobby: N/A, updated at: 0
//Failed because of: Alice,Bob, detailed: Alice Color: N/A,Alice Wants Kids: N/A,Bob Color: N/A,Bob Wants Kids: N/A,Bob Hobby: N/A, updated at: 1
//Failed because of: Alice,Bob, detailed: Alice Color: N/A,Alice Wants Kids: N/A,Bob Color: N/A,Bob Wants Kids: N/A, updated at: 2
//Failed because of: Alice,Bob, detailed: Alice Wants Kids: N/A,Bob Color: N/A,Bob Wants Kids: N/A, updated at: 3
//Failed because of: Bob, detailed: Bob Color: N/A,Bob Wants Kids: N/A, updated at: 4
//Failed because of: Bob, detailed: Bob Color: N/A, updated at: 6
//Failed because of: Alice,Bob, detailed: Profiles complete but the two do not have enough in common., updated at: 7
//Failed because of: Alice, detailed: Alice wants kids: It's complicated, updated at: 11
//Failed because of: Alice,Bob, detailed: Profiles complete but the two do not have enough in common., updated at: 12
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ShahOdin commented Dec 6, 2019

added source of failure to make it easier to read.

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