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Created November 24, 2023 04:07
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def followablePaths : Tree α → List Path
| nil => []
| node _ l r => Path.right (followablePaths r)
++ Path.left (followablePaths l)
++ []
lemma followablePaths_order : ∀ (p q : Path) (t : Tree α),
List.Sublist ({p, q} : List Path) (followablePaths t)
↔ (p.validFor t ∧ q.validFor t
∧ (q ≤ p ∨ (p ⊓ q ++ Path.left ≤ q
∧ p ⊓ q ++ Path.right ≤ p))) :=
have lem0 {t : Tree α} {p q : Path} :
List.Sublist [p, q] (followablePaths t) → p.validFor t ∧ q.validFor t :=
by refine ?_ ∘ List.Sublist.subset
simp only [List.cons_subset, mem_followablePaths_iff_validFor,
List.nil_subset, and_true, imp_self]
have lem1 (p q r : Path) : ¬ List.Sublist [p, q] [r]
| List.Sublist.cons x h => List.cons_ne_nil _ _ $ h
| List.Sublist.cons₂ x h => List.cons_ne_nil _ _ $ h
have lem2 (t : Tree α) p (h : p ≠ :
List.Sublist [p,] (followablePaths t)
↔ p.validFor t := by
refine ⟨And.left ∘ lem0, ?_⟩
intro h'; revert h; rw [← Decidable.or_iff_not_imp_left]; revert h'
cases t <;> cases p
<;> simp only [Path.validFor, true_or, false_or, forall_true_left,
IsEmpty.forall_iff, followablePaths]
<;> rw [← List.singleton_append]
<;> intro h <;> refine List.Sublist.append ?_ (List.Sublist.refl [])
<;> simp only [List.singleton_sublist, List.mem_append, List.mem_map,
mem_followablePaths_iff_validFor, and_false, exists_const,
Path.left.injEq, Path.right.injEq, exists_eq_right,
false_or, or_false] <;> assumption
have lem3 (t : Tree α) q :
¬ List.Sublist [, q] (followablePaths t) := by
cases t
<;> simp only [followablePaths, List.append_assoc, List.mem_map, or_self,
List.pair_sublist_append, and_false, exists_const, false_or,
List.mem_append, Path.left.injEq, exists_eq_right, not_or,
List.mem_singleton, or_false, false_and, and_self, lem1,
List.sublist_nil, not_false_eq_true]
<;> refine mt List.Sublist.subset ?_
<;> simp only [List.cons_subset, List.mem_map, and_false, exists_const,
Path.left.injEq, exists_eq_right, List.nil_subset, and_true,
false_and, not_false_eq_true]
have lem4 (t : Tree α) p q :
¬ List.Sublist [Path.left p, Path.right q] (followablePaths t) := by
cases t
<;> simp only [followablePaths, List.append_assoc, List.pair_sublist_append, List.mem_map,
and_false, exists_const, List.mem_append, List.mem_singleton, or_self, and_self,
Path.left.injEq, exists_eq_right, lem1, or_false, false_or, not_or, List.sublist_nil]
<;> refine mt List.Sublist.subset ?_
<;> simp only [List.cons_subset, List.mem_map, Path.left.injEq, exists_eq_right, and_false,
exists_const, List.nil_subset, and_true, not_false_eq_true, false_and]
have lem5 (t : Tree α) p q :
List.Sublist [Path.right p, Path.left q] (followablePaths t)
↔ (Path.validFor (Path.right p) t ∧ Path.validFor (Path.left q) t) := by
refine ⟨lem0, ?_⟩
cases t
<;> simp only [Path.validFor, followablePaths, List.pair_sublist_append,
List.mem_map, mem_followablePaths_iff_validFor, Path.right.injEq,
List.mem_append, Path.left.injEq, List.mem_singleton, or_false,
and_self, false_or, List.sublist_nil, IsEmpty.forall_iff, or_assoc,
exists_eq_right, and_false, exists_const]
exact Or.inr ∘ Or.inl
have lem6 a (l r : Tree α) p q :
List.Sublist [Path.left p, Path.left q] (followablePaths (node a l r))
↔ List.Sublist [p, q] (followablePaths l) := by
simp only [followablePaths, List.append_assoc, List.pair_sublist_append,
List.mem_map, and_false, exists_const, List.mem_append,
Path.left.injEq, exists_eq_right, List.mem_singleton, or_false,
false_and, false_or, lem1]
rw [or_iff_right]
. refine @List.Sublist.map_inj _ _ Path.left ?_ [p, q] _
intro _ _; exact (Path.left.injEq _ _)
. refine mt List.Sublist.subset ?_
simp only [List.cons_subset, List.mem_map, and_false, exists_const,
List.nil_subset, and_true, and_self, not_false_eq_true]
have lem7 a (l r : Tree α) p q :
List.Sublist [Path.right p, Path.right q] (followablePaths (node a l r))
↔ List.Sublist [p, q] (followablePaths r) := by
simp only [followablePaths, List.append_assoc, List.pair_sublist_append,
List.mem_map, and_false, exists_const, List.mem_append,
Path.right.injEq, exists_eq_right, List.mem_singleton, or_false,
false_and, false_or, lem1]
rw [or_iff_left]
. refine @List.Sublist.map_inj _ _ Path.right ?_ [p, q] _
intro _ _; exact (Path.right.injEq _ _)
. refine mt List.Sublist.subset ?_
simp only [List.cons_subset, List.mem_map, and_false, exists_const,
List.nil_subset, and_true, and_self, not_false_eq_true]
by dsimp only [Inf.inf]
intros p q t
rw [List.doubleton_eq']
split_ifs with h
. simp only [h, List.singleton_sublist, mem_followablePaths_iff_validFor,
le_refl, inf_of_le_left, true_or, and_true, and_self]
rw [← and_assoc, ← and_iff_right_of_imp lem0, and_congr_right_iff, and_imp]
revert h p q
induction' t with a l r ihₗ ihᵣ <;> intro p q h
. simp only [Path.validFor, IsEmpty.forall_iff, implies_true]
. intro hp hq
cases' q with q q
. simp only [ne_eq, h, hp, not_false_eq_true, lem2, Path.here_le,
inf_of_le_right, Path.not_left_le_here, false_and,
or_false, true_iff, true_or]
all_goals cases' p with p p
all_goals simp only
[Path.not_left_le_here, Path.longestCommonPrefix, false_or,
Path.here_append, Path.left_le_left_iff_le, Path.not_right_le_left,
and_false, or_self, Path.not_right_le_here, Path.not_left_le_right,
Path.here_le, true_and, and_self, Path.right_le_right_iff_le,
iff_true, true_iff, true_or, lem3, lem4, lem5, lem6, lem7]
. refine Iff.trans (ihₗ p q (Path.left.injEq p q ▸ h) hp hq) (or_congr_right ?_)
simp only [Path.left_append, Path.left_le_left_iff_le]
. constructor <;> assumption
. refine Iff.trans (ihᵣ p q (Path.right.injEq p q ▸ h) hp hq) (or_congr_right ?_)
simp only [Path.right_append, Path.right_le_right_iff_le]
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