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SharadKumar97 /
Created July 12, 2017 08:59
This script will hide any text behind any file.
# This script hide's text behind any media file like jpg file, mp3 file ecetera.
# This script accepts two parameter for hiding text and one parameter for finding text.
# Please install steganography python library by - pip install steganography
# This script is compatible with python 2.7
from __future__ import absolute_import,unicode_literals
import argparse
from steganography.steganography import Steganography
parser.add_argument("--carrier",help="Give path of carrier file which will contain our text.")
SharadKumar97 /
Last active March 6, 2025 07:48
Swiss crypto tool is created purely in python.It supports different hashing algorithm and different encryption algorithm too. User can also send a secure email by encrypting their body with private key using this tool.
# Swiss crypto tool is created purely in python.It supports
# different hashing algorithm and different encryption algorithm
# too.User can also send a secure email by encrypting their body
# with private key using this tool.
# This script is compatible with python2.7.
# Before running this script please install pycrypto library and try
# to resolve all dependencies issues.
# Author : Sharad Kumar
SharadKumar97 /
Last active June 6, 2019 13:12
This script will insert a cookie with a key value pair in your system .
SharadKumar97 /
Last active December 29, 2020 07:56
This script will fetch out all the hyperlinks from particular website.
#This script is made for Tutorialspoint.#
#This will fetch all the url's of targe.#
#website. #
#Usage - #
# ./ target_address #
# #
import urllib2
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup