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Created May 14, 2014 23:07
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From my IRC bot demo during cfobjective
fusiongrokker: please tell me sharon is pulling up irc on stage…
[4:40pm] RyanGuill: that would be awesome
[4:40pm] elizabot joined the chat room.
[4:40pm] fusiongrokker: YAY
[4:40pm] fusiongrokker: hi mom
[4:41pm] abram: hey Sharon
[4:41pm] fusiongrokker: I CAN SEE MY HOUSE FROM HERE
[4:41pm] bittersweetryan joined the chat room.
[4:41pm] sharondio: elizabot: Hello
[4:41pm] elizabot: sharondio: How do you do. Please tell me your problem.
[4:41pm] fusiongrokker: elizabot: KILL ALL HUMANS
[4:41pm] elizabot: fusiongrokker: How do you do. Please tell me your problem.
[4:42pm] fusiongrokker: elizabot: I am under-caffienated
[4:42pm] elizabot: fusiongrokker: How long have you been under-caffienated ?
[4:42pm] fusiongrokker: elizabot: ALL MY LIFE, GURL.
[4:42pm] elizabot: fusiongrokker: Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you ?
[4:42pm] sharondio: elizabot: I’m thirsty
[4:42pm] elizabot: sharondio: Do you drink a lot?
[4:43pm] sharondio: elizabot: I like beer
[4:43pm] elizabot: sharondio: What is your favorite beer?
[4:43pm] sharondio: elizabot: I like Bud
[4:43pm] DanWilson joined the chat room.
[4:43pm] elizabot: sharondio: Friends don't let friends drink Bud.
[4:43pm] sharondio: elizabot: But Raymondcamden likes Bud
[4:43pm] elizabot: sharondio: Bud Light isn't beer. It's flavored water.
[4:43pm] esprehn joined the chat room.
[4:44pm] DanWilson: Elizabot: what is the answer to life?
[4:44pm] fusiongrokker: if you drink bud light you either hate beer or yourself
[4:44pm] fusiongrokker: DanWilson: you may need to use lower-case
[4:44pm] choop: elizabot, beer me
[4:44pm] elizabot: choop: Please tell me what's been bothering you.
[4:45pm] choop: elizabot, i don't have any beer
[4:45pm] elizabot: choop: Are you thirsty?
[4:45pm] choop: elizabot, yes i am thirsty
[4:45pm] elizabot: choop: The bar is open.
[4:45pm] choop: elizabot, beer me
[4:45pm] elizabot: choop: Are you trying to compete with fusiongrokker for @untappd achievements?
[4:45pm] DanWilson: elizabot what is the answer to life?
[4:45pm] elizabot: DanWilson: Is something troubling you ?
[4:45pm] abram: woot
[4:45pm] DanWilson: elizabot I need a hug
[4:45pm] elizabot: DanWilson: What if you never got a hug ?
[4:45pm] choop: elizabot, i'm leaving
[4:45pm] elizabot: choop: Is it because you are leaving that you came to me ?
[4:45pm] fusiongrokker: sharondio: YOUR DOCK ICON IS BOUNCING
[4:45pm] abram: elizabot: do you like cfclient?
[4:45pm] elizabot: abram: Please tell me what's been bothering you.
[4:46pm] esprehn: elizabot: how do you feel?
[4:46pm] elizabot: esprehn: Is something troubling you ?
[4:46pm] esprehn: elizabot: perhaps
[4:46pm] elizabot: esprehn: Can't you be more positive ?
[4:47pm] esprehn: elizabot: definitely!
[4:47pm] elizabot: esprehn: What does that suggest to you ?
[4:47pm] RyanGuill: elizabot, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
[4:47pm] elizabot: RyanGuill: Is something troubling you ?
[4:48pm] choop: elizabot, Is something troubling you ?
[4:48pm] elizabot: choop: We were discussing you -- not me.
[4:48pm] choop: elizabot, The bar is open.
[4:48pm] elizabot: choop: You need a therapist or a bartender. So start talking or start drinking.
[4:49pm] choop: elizabot, I need both probably, but you can't even beer me
[4:49pm] elizabot: choop: Suppose you got both probably soon.
[4:56pm] esprehn: elizabot: do you want LEDs too?
[4:56pm] elizabot: esprehn: What are your feelings now ?
[4:56pm] evil-elizabot joined the chat room.
[4:57pm] seancorfield: elizabot: Hi!
[4:57pm] elizabot: seancorfield: Is something troubling you ?
[4:57pm] seancorfield: elizabot: are you the elizabot.js program written by Norbert Landsteiner in 2005?
[4:57pm] elizabot: seancorfield: Why are you interested in whether I am the elizabot or not ?
[4:57pm] evil-elizabot: elizabot: shutdown -n
[4:57pm] elizabot: evil-elizabot: Please tell me what's been bothering you.
[4:57pm] evil-elizabot: you elizabot
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