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Created April 1, 2017 11:20
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Omegle conversation on
Apr 01 02:05:24 <Omegle> [AWAITING STRANGER]
Apr 01 02:05:24 <Omegle> [STRANGER CONNECTED]
Apr 01 02:05:25 <marlzey> hi, r u a bot or human, do you have a unicorn costume if youre a human?
Apr 01 02:05:44 <Omegle> <Stranger> no, i just have a nazi uniform custume
Apr 01 02:05:52 <Omegle> <Stranger> but it is as magical as a unicorn
Apr 01 02:05:56 <marlzey> oh my fucking god youre the first person ive seen on omegle in past 15 min
Apr 01 02:06:06 <marlzey> the prayers have been answered!
Apr 01 02:06:25 <Omegle> <Stranger> prayers to who?
Apr 01 02:06:31 <marlzey> anyone who listens
Apr 01 02:06:38 <Omegle> <Stranger> allah?
Apr 01 02:06:44 <marlzey> more like spaghetti monster i guess
Apr 01 02:06:51 <marlzey> How come you have a nazi uniform lol?
Apr 01 02:07:05 <Omegle> <Stranger> it was a joke, i sadly have none
Apr 01 02:07:21 <marlzey> i think youd look fabulous as hell in a unicorn costume
Apr 01 02:07:23 <marlzey> you should get one
Apr 01 02:07:28 <Omegle> <Stranger> i would even go to jail for owning one
Apr 01 02:07:35 <marlzey> thats the spirit
Apr 01 02:08:04 <marlzey> how long have you been on omegle today?
Apr 01 02:08:13 <marlzey> how come 99.9% of strangers are bots?
Apr 01 02:08:21 <Omegle> <Stranger> who do you build unicorn costumes?
Apr 01 02:08:29 <Omegle> <Stranger> skin a horse and use a narrwale horn?
Apr 01 02:08:40 <Omegle> <Stranger> hm, i have been here for ~10 minutes
Apr 01 02:08:41 <marlzey> yes, or a pony for midgets
Apr 01 02:09:02 <marlzey> we also feed them lots of skittles so the poop is rainbow colored
Apr 01 02:09:03 <Omegle> <Stranger> i do not even know whats the right english word for narwal
Apr 01 02:09:12 <marlzey> narwhal maybe?
Apr 01 02:09:19 <Omegle> <Stranger> ok, that was easy
Apr 01 02:09:37 <marlzey> "...The narwhal, or narwhale (Monodon monoceros), is a medium-sized toothed whale..."
Apr 01 02:09:58 <Omegle> <Stranger> i do not know why here are so many bots seems like people are stupid enough to fall for them and there is money in it
Apr 01 02:10:20 <Omegle> <Stranger> a narwhal would make a good pokemon, why is there none?
Apr 01 02:10:31 <marlzey> one responded ""what do you mean bot? is that some kind of robot or something??"
Apr 01 02:10:38 <marlzey> almost convinced that it was a person
Apr 01 02:10:47 <marlzey> but then it sent "contact me on kik"
Apr 01 02:11:05 <marlzey> and i dont know much about pokemons :( sorry
Apr 01 02:11:05 <Omegle> <Stranger> real persons over here are very obsessed with this kik messenger as well
Apr 01 02:11:17 <Sharparam> nobody i know uses it :o
Apr 01 02:11:26 <Omegle> <Stranger> hm, well same here
Apr 01 02:11:41 <Omegle> <Stranger> stupid people have whatsapp and the others one of the encrypted ones
Apr 01 02:11:53 <Sharparam> signal ftw <3
Apr 01 02:12:12 <marlzey> this is probably an excellent time to point out that youre now talking to 2 people at once now, I have a friend who made an omegle bot so we can talk to omegle people together from another chatroom
Apr 01 02:12:30 <Omegle> <Stranger> the problem with the encrypted ones there are so many you either have them all or half of the people missing
Apr 01 02:12:41 <marlzey> heres a screenshot if youre curious about how this is going lol
Apr 01 02:13:00 <Sharparam> i got a friend converted to signal
Apr 01 02:13:05 <Omegle> <Stranger> i am more curious about the why?
Apr 01 02:13:18 <marlzey> well we were hoping to fuck around with people but there are none
Apr 01 02:13:26 <Omegle> <Stranger> my circle of friends of cause decided for the only paid one
Apr 01 02:13:42 <Sharparam> you should try to get them to use telegram
Apr 01 02:13:53 <marlzey> yes telegram is good, everyone should use it
Apr 01 02:13:53 <Omegle> <Stranger> well now i have bought it, so it does not matter
Apr 01 02:14:16 <marlzey> why would you buy a chat application
Apr 01 02:14:26 <Omegle> <Stranger> why not?
Apr 01 02:14:29 <marlzey> money?
Apr 01 02:14:49 <marlzey> i like how you conveniently ignored that theres 2 people talking to you tho lol
Apr 01 02:14:51 <Omegle> <Stranger> hm, well everyone used it and i wanted to talk to them, also they are not really money, just some coins
Apr 01 02:15:10 <Omegle> <Stranger> maybe there are not two and you are shizophrenic, like the one in fight club?
Apr 01 02:15:18 <Sharparam> oh god
Apr 01 02:15:19 <marlzey> well i did provide a screenshot as proof
Apr 01 02:15:26 <marlzey> god fuck me though if this other person in this chat is in my head though
Apr 01 02:15:32 <Omegle> <Stranger> ah yes, i open no links
Apr 01 02:15:37 <marlzey> fair enough
Apr 01 02:15:40 <Sharparam> i have multiple personality disorder and my other personality is a woman!
Apr 01 02:15:50 <marlzey> .png is generally safe though since its an image
Apr 01 02:15:50 <Omegle> <Stranger> everytime i do it, it is a small penis
Apr 01 02:15:54 <Omegle> <Stranger> not falling for this one again
Apr 01 02:15:58 <marlzey> lol
Apr 01 02:16:10 <marlzey> take a leap of faith+
Apr 01 02:16:14 <Sharparam> images of small penises must be the worst. not only is it a picture of a penis, it's also a disappointing one
Apr 01 02:16:16 <marlzey> its actually a screenshot of thi schat
Apr 01 02:16:20 <marlzey> from our perspective
Apr 01 02:16:47 <marlzey> as a lesbian i say all images of penises are disappointing.
Apr 01 02:16:59 <marlzey> invert it and then we can talk
Apr 01 02:17:01 <Sharparam> what if they are aesthetically pleasing though?
Apr 01 02:17:07 <Sharparam> like a work of art on its own
Apr 01 02:17:17 <Omegle> <Stranger> as a hetero female i can say they are not :>
Apr 01 02:17:19 <marlzey> this must seem so schizophrenic to the poor stranger
Apr 01 02:17:32 <Sharparam> maybe all three of us are the same person
Apr 01 02:17:42 <Omegle> <Stranger> you should at least put tags on your sentences in frong
Apr 01 02:17:44 <Omegle> <Stranger> front
Apr 01 02:17:56 <Sharparam> it's more fun when it's unknown though :D
Apr 01 02:18:13 <Sharparam> leaves it up to the stranger to figure out who's who :)
Apr 01 02:18:20 <marlzey> well theres 2 of us here right now, im marlzey and the person who sent last message is sharparam. theres about 6 more people in the channel but theyre silent
Apr 01 02:18:22 <marlzey> and asleep
Apr 01 02:18:33 <Sharparam> some might even be dead
Apr 01 02:18:37 <marlzey> hes some redhead swede so no soul and hasnt even got meatbags
Apr 01 02:18:41 <marlzey> meatballs
Apr 01 02:18:44 <Omegle> <Stranger> what are those names?
Apr 01 02:18:45 <marlzey> and im estonian
Apr 01 02:18:47 <Sharparam> i have meatballs
Apr 01 02:18:48 <marlzey> our nicknames!
Apr 01 02:18:50 <Sharparam> in the fridge
Apr 01 02:19:07 <Omegle> <Stranger> when i was young i was in tallinn
Apr 01 02:19:11 <marlzey> oh wow
Apr 01 02:19:20 <marlzey> Didnt see that one coming
Apr 01 02:19:34 <Omegle> <Stranger> nobody does
Apr 01 02:19:44 <marlzey> (ill try to tag my shit now so it seems less weird to you)
Apr 01 02:19:55 <marlzey> so are you european then? how come you came to tallinn - marlzey
Apr 01 02:20:17 <Omegle> <Stranger> i was a music student at highschool and we visited this sing a song festival
Apr 01 02:20:44 <marlzey> on that hill? with some half-dome or whatever in front of it? - marlzey
Apr 01 02:20:48 <marlzey> near the sea?
Apr 01 02:20:51 <Omegle> <Stranger> yes and the fire
Apr 01 02:21:04 <marlzey> you can climb up there! -marlzey
Apr 01 02:21:43 <marlzey> so are you from europe then?
Apr 01 02:21:55 <Omegle> <Stranger> i am living there since i am small
Apr 01 02:22:08 <marlzey> what?
Apr 01 02:22:14 <marlzey> what does that even mean
Apr 01 02:22:55 <Omegle> <Stranger> i was born in hongkong before it was chinese and then my parents moved to germany and i lived there
Apr 01 02:23:33 <Sharparam> do you still live in germany?
Apr 01 02:23:39 <Omegle> <Stranger> yes
Apr 01 02:23:57 <marlzey> du bist ein kartoffel
Apr 01 02:24:04 <marlzey> or eine kartoffel, i cant remember
Apr 01 02:24:10 <Omegle> <Stranger> eine
Apr 01 02:24:30 <Omegle> <Stranger> i just now that latvia has no potato, i am not sure about estland
Apr 01 02:24:34 <Sharparam> in latvia, kartoffel sind nur traum
Apr 01 02:24:56 <marlzey> kartoffel macht frei
Apr 01 02:25:33 <marlzey> estonia does have potatoes though, wedges are really nice with some sour cream - m
Apr 01 02:25:52 <Omegle> <Stranger> hm, soon you only will have bortschts :(
Apr 01 02:26:22 <marlzey> what does bortschts even mean
Apr 01 02:26:29 <Omegle> <Stranger> this russian red soup
Apr 01 02:26:40 <Omegle> <Stranger> which tasts stupid and sour
Apr 01 02:26:42 <marlzey> OHHHH thats what you called it, i suspected it but wasnt sure
Apr 01 02:26:54 <marlzey> in estonian its "böršs" - m
Apr 01 02:27:25 <marlzey> it isnt the best soup tho it kinda just sucks
Apr 01 02:28:14 <Omegle> <Stranger> i do not know i mostly eat my own food
Apr 01 02:28:35 <marlzey> So we have something called seljanka here, Wasnt sure what its called in german and i got "dicke" soupe. God knows if thats correct or some kind of a dick joke. heres what it looks like though
Apr 01 02:28:52 <Omegle> <Stranger> dick means thick, fat, whatever
Apr 01 02:29:08 <marlzey> no idea what you would call it then, refer to the picture
Apr 01 02:29:36 <marlzey> infinitely better than bortschts
Apr 01 02:29:47 <Omegle> <Stranger> sojanka, it is a thing here in germany as well due to the east germans
Apr 01 02:30:09 <Omegle> <Stranger> they eat strange eastern european dishes and surrogates due to communism
Apr 01 02:30:10 <marlzey> couldnt find the name for it on google sorry
Apr 01 02:30:18 <marlzey> That soup is pretty nice though
Apr 01 02:30:28 <marlzey> very different from other lame russian soups
Apr 01 02:30:36 <Omegle> <Stranger> for example because they had no real meat they make schnitzel out of saussages
Apr 01 02:30:53 <marlzey> thats a little sad
Apr 01 02:31:24 <Omegle> <Stranger> yes a bit
Apr 01 02:32:20 <marlzey> so what do you eat normally then
Apr 01 02:32:40 <Omegle> <Stranger> where i am living though, rural north germany we eat only pigs
Apr 01 02:33:11 <marlzey> poor policemen
Apr 01 02:33:15 <Omegle> <Stranger> well i switch between german and south chinese dishes
Apr 01 02:33:19 <Omegle> <Stranger> poor muslims
Apr 01 02:33:22 <marlzey> kek
Apr 01 02:33:32 <Omegle> <Stranger> even bread can be bought with pigblood in it
Apr 01 02:33:38 <marlzey> wtf?
Apr 01 02:33:44 <marlzey> how is that even a thing
Apr 01 02:34:02 <Omegle> <Stranger> water is expensive
Apr 01 02:34:05 <marlzey> i am gonna confirm this with my girlfriend when she comes online
Apr 01 02:34:06 <marlzey> wtf
Apr 01 02:34:21 <marlzey> how do you even come up with putting pig blood in bread
Apr 01 02:34:51 <Omegle> <Stranger> i do not know, maybe it was there and needed to be used
Apr 01 02:35:11 <Omegle> <Stranger> it is called m�ppkenbrot
Apr 01 02:35:55 <marlzey> got any curious chinese food to share?
Apr 01 02:36:02 <Omegle> <Stranger> curious?
Apr 01 02:36:26 <marlzey> (btw why did you specifically mention south chinese dishes, and not just chinese? i am not good at history or geography, is there some difference between south chinese vs just chinese?)
Apr 01 02:36:38 <Omegle> <Stranger> china is very big...
Apr 01 02:36:49 <marlzey> well curious as in interesting, unusual? something you wouldnt normally expect - like fucking pig blood in bread out of all the things
Apr 01 02:36:58 <Omegle> <Stranger> so if you compare norwegian cuisine with italian cuisine it is nothing the same, china spans that distance
Apr 01 02:37:00 <marlzey> big enough for the dishes to be actually different?
Apr 01 02:37:07 <marlzey> huh neat!
Apr 01 02:37:43 <Omegle> <Stranger> it goes up north as far as hokkaido, then you have the mountains in tiebet, desert in the west and tropic in the south
Apr 01 02:37:57 <marlzey> did not know you have a desert
Apr 01 02:38:09 <marlzey> *opens google maps*
Apr 01 02:38:16 <Omegle> <Stranger> oh, due to global warming it is gettin even bigger
Apr 01 02:38:34 <marlzey> oh yeah you should love it in germany
Apr 01 02:38:41 <marlzey> here at least we can get a non-murderous summer
Apr 01 02:38:44 <marlzey> been to germany
Apr 01 02:38:45 <Omegle> <Stranger> desert gebi... but the government is fighting the desertification
Apr 01 02:38:46 <marlzey> +40 is not fun
Apr 01 02:39:26 <Omegle> <Stranger> it gets 40 in estland?!
Apr 01 02:39:46 <marlzey> no, it gets +40 in germany mid summer
Apr 01 02:39:55 <Omegle> <Stranger> no, not really
Apr 01 02:39:59 <marlzey> ya rly
Apr 01 02:40:05 <marlzey> was in wiesbaden some years ago
Apr 01 02:40:07 <marlzey> was not fun
Apr 01 02:40:13 <marlzey> my icecream melted way too fast.
Apr 01 02:40:19 <Omegle> <Stranger> it is a rare thing though
Apr 01 02:40:25 <marlzey> yeah but youre like uh
Apr 01 02:40:31 <Omegle> <Stranger> not like it gets casually over 40 for a month
Apr 01 02:40:32 <marlzey> "lower" on the map and closer to equator
Apr 01 02:40:40 <marlzey> so when global warming hits
Apr 01 02:40:44 <marlzey> youll cook faster than i will
Apr 01 02:40:51 <marlzey> :)
Apr 01 02:41:07 <marlzey> especially given that it already sometimes gets super hot there
Apr 01 02:41:27 <Omegle> <Stranger> hm, that is acually not really clear, there is a thing called polar amplification also middle europe is currently heated by a sea whatever the name is, current maybe
Apr 01 02:41:49 <Omegle> <Stranger> but i hate talking about that topic because the stupidity of it annoys me
Apr 01 02:42:03 <marlzey> alright
Apr 01 02:42:11 <marlzey> i looked on google maps in meanwhile though
Apr 01 02:42:16 <marlzey> china has a huge fucking desert jesus christ
Apr 01 02:42:24 <marlzey> theres like more desert than green areas even
Apr 01 02:42:51 <Omegle> <Stranger> it is not all desert, some is also... i again do not know the word
Apr 01 02:43:01 <Omegle> <Stranger> steppe
Apr 01 02:43:06 <marlzey> i know what that is
Apr 01 02:43:12 <marlzey> I dont know what the word for english is though either lol
Apr 01 02:43:46 <Omegle> <Stranger> i just can speak propper german and cantonese, everything else is weak
Apr 01 02:43:50 <marlzey> you should visit norway and their mountains!
Apr 01 02:44:00 <Omegle> <Stranger> but norway is super expensive
Apr 01 02:44:03 <marlzey> since you live in europe and (presumably) have de citizenship it should be easy, and its super pretty
Apr 01 02:44:19 <Omegle> <Stranger> yes, i have recently gotten it
Apr 01 02:44:24 <marlzey> grats!
Apr 01 02:44:37 <Omegle> <Stranger> oh, it was not hard, i did not study just like i always do
Apr 01 02:45:25 <marlzey> ive looked at the requirements, seems like they only care about you knowing german and some culture stuff and living in the country for a bit
Apr 01 02:45:33 <marlzey> not too hard but also not that easy either
Apr 01 02:45:38 <marlzey> Still though congrats on getting it, its still nice
Apr 01 02:45:47 <Omegle> <Stranger> hm, they have an 30 question exam, but 25 questions are trick questions for the arabian world
Apr 01 02:45:55 <marlzey> lol what do you mean?
Apr 01 02:46:20 <marlzey> "you see a woman alone in a hallway, with no one else around, what do you do?" type of thing lol?
Apr 01 02:46:24 <Omegle> <Stranger> like: "my adult daughter has a boyfriend i do not like what can i do: 1) nothing 2) kill him 3) beat her up 4) ship her back to my home country
Apr 01 02:46:29 <marlzey> oh my god
Apr 01 02:46:31 <marlzey> hahaah
Apr 01 02:46:44 <Omegle> <Stranger> i think it does not say kill him
Apr 01 02:46:58 <Omegle> <Stranger> but it has forbid her to talk to him, threaten him, and so on
Apr 01 02:47:03 <marlzey> that is so funny
Apr 01 02:47:07 <Omegle> <Stranger> but the correct one is that you cannot tell adults what to do
Apr 01 02:47:16 <marlzey> sure you can
Apr 01 02:47:19 <marlzey> touch your nose
Apr 01 02:47:26 <marlzey> i just told you what to do
Apr 01 02:47:36 <marlzey> you just cant enforce it
Apr 01 02:47:56 <Omegle> <Stranger> but some people are super stupid, when i did my highschool i was in school with a nazi and he chose a "ethics" class and handed in a nation wide exam where he argued that it is ok to wipe out eastern european people
Apr 01 02:48:05 <Omegle> <Stranger> and then he got suspended and yes...
Apr 01 02:48:38 <marlzey> was there no language test or something though? just those 30 questions? it said you had to be something like c2 b2 in german
Apr 01 02:48:45 <Omegle> <Stranger> i mean even if you think it for some reason... one just need to know when to shut up for five minutes
Apr 01 02:48:55 <Omegle> <Stranger> i grew up there i speak accent free and "perfect
Apr 01 02:49:07 <marlzey> i mean its a good idiot test? weed out the morons and send them back
Apr 01 02:49:23 <Omegle> <Stranger> they are not send back just no citizenship
Apr 01 02:49:28 <Omegle> <Stranger> also a lot of trivia in it
Apr 01 02:49:51 <marlzey> so what about the language test though? did they make you do one?
Apr 01 02:49:56 <Omegle> <Stranger> no
Apr 01 02:49:58 <marlzey> I was kind of thinking of eventually moving to de myself
Apr 01 02:49:59 <marlzey> Oh huh
Apr 01 02:50:13 <Omegle> <Stranger> i had a german highschool diploma at the point
Apr 01 02:50:16 <marlzey> i mean you speak fluent german anyway so kinda whatever if you do one or not but im surprised you didnt have one
Apr 01 02:50:19 <marlzey> aaaah there you go
Apr 01 02:50:37 <marlzey> you likely did the test at the end of gymnasium like most europeans do
Apr 01 02:50:54 <marlzey> they give you some "rank" (c1,c2,b1,b2,etc etc) and that counts
Apr 01 02:51:01 <Omegle> <Stranger> hm, no, i had no language test, i just had speach classes like everyone
Apr 01 02:51:14 <marlzey> did you not do an exam at the end of gymnasium?
Apr 01 02:51:22 <marlzey> i had to do one here for estonian math and english
Apr 01 02:51:33 <marlzey> got c1 in english which i can use as official proof of me knowing the language
Apr 01 02:52:01 <Omegle> <Stranger> hm, i had exams at the end of gymnasium but german and french teacher are always old bitter witches so you do not choose them
Apr 01 02:52:12 <marlzey> haha
Apr 01 02:52:28 <marlzey> for me its the math ones
Apr 01 02:52:32 <marlzey> they always seem bitter
Apr 01 02:52:34 <marlzey> not the language ones
Apr 01 02:52:43 <marlzey> i dont think ive ever seen one happy?
Apr 01 02:52:49 <Omegle> <Stranger> i also never had a letter for my english skills
Apr 01 02:53:51 <marlzey> dunno maybe its different for germany and you have to do another test if you want to specifically have your skills qualified
Apr 01 02:53:58 <marlzey> but its kinda pointless since you can just say youre a native speaker...
Apr 01 02:54:40 <Omegle> <Stranger> well also there is concept called "bildungsinl�nder" when you get a german highschool diploma which is only available in german (and danish and slavic) you are assumed to speak german
Apr 01 02:55:41 <marlzey> its probably your equivalent of "the test"
Apr 01 02:55:46 <marlzey> proves you know the language and stuff
Apr 01 02:56:18 <marlzey> but probably the diploma itself doe ssince i doubt they let you graduate with a 5 as a german grade
Apr 01 02:56:18 <Omegle> <Stranger> maybe, i do not know, hopefully they do not notice in 10 years that they are missing it and everything is invalid
Apr 01 02:57:01 <Omegle> <Stranger> i do not know anymore if you can pass abitur with a 5 as a grade
Apr 01 02:57:10 <marlzey> surely you cant
Apr 01 02:57:17 <marlzey> thats like complete fail
Apr 01 02:57:49 <Omegle> <Stranger> in highschool i never knew what to do, i just showed up and wrote my exams and assumed that is ok like that... not like university where you have to assemble classes yourself
Apr 01 02:58:28 <marlzey> so do you go to uni then?
Apr 01 02:58:39 <Omegle> <Stranger> yes i do, sometimes :/
Apr 01 02:59:18 <marlzey> why sometimes?
Apr 01 02:59:30 <Omegle> <Stranger> hm, i do not know, it is super hard for me
Apr 01 02:59:58 <marlzey> ah i understand
Apr 01 03:00:19 <Omegle> <Stranger> my alarm clock goes and i look on it and think: "well the lecture will be on youtube, does not matter" and sleep
Apr 01 03:01:04 <marlzey> heh
Apr 01 03:01:13 <Omegle> <Stranger> what do you all do, except writing omegle bots?
Apr 01 03:01:14 <marlzey> yeah i had such issues in gymnasium
Apr 01 03:01:26 <marlzey> well i took a break after gymnasium due to some mental health issues
Apr 01 03:01:38 <Omegle> <Stranger> well the last year when you are an adult and you can write yourself sick...
Apr 01 03:01:55 <marlzey> the friend who wrote the bot is about to graduate his university
Apr 01 03:02:05 <marlzey> yeah i did that a lot
Apr 01 03:02:07 <Omegle> <Stranger> in computer science?
Apr 01 03:02:09 <marlzey> yeah
Apr 01 03:02:12 <marlzey> something like that
Apr 01 03:02:14 <marlzey> i dont really remember
Apr 01 03:02:17 <Omegle> <Stranger> estland for some reason is a computer country
Apr 01 03:02:30 <marlzey> never been interested in computer science myself
Apr 01 03:02:37 <Omegle> <Stranger> is skype not from there, before it became stupid
Apr 01 03:02:48 <marlzey> i got into a med school though (yes it was from here, but then microsoft bought it)
Apr 01 03:02:55 <marlzey> I chose not to go there though due to aforementioned issues
Apr 01 03:03:03 <marlzey> and its free in estonia so thats kinda nice
Apr 01 03:03:21 <Omegle> <Stranger> oh, when i was directly after school i applied for medschool but then retreated because i remeberd all my issues
Apr 01 03:03:47 <Omegle> <Stranger> asian parents: "why not doctor
Apr 01 03:04:42 <marlzey> heh :p
Apr 01 03:04:51 <marlzey> what did you pick?
Apr 01 03:04:53 <Omegle> <Stranger> sadly i am afraid of blood, of sickness and an hyprochondric
Apr 01 03:05:20 <Omegle> <Stranger> liquid human blood, not in bread :P
Apr 01 03:05:30 <Omegle> <Stranger> i am in physics
Apr 01 03:05:30 <marlzey> haha
Apr 01 03:05:35 <marlzey> oh noes
Apr 01 03:05:37 <marlzey> another smartypants
Apr 01 03:05:50 <marlzey> im really bad at math and physics lol
Apr 01 03:05:57 <Omegle> <Stranger> when i go into a red cross to donate i have to close my eyes or i pas out
Apr 01 03:06:37 <Omegle> <Stranger> i am very bad at both as well sadly, i do not know, maybe the most stupid person who ever passed it
Apr 01 03:06:59 <Omegle> <Stranger> but a friend of mine also said it could be a psychologic effect
Apr 01 03:07:31 <marlzey> it probably is
Apr 01 03:07:34 <marlzey> it is for me with math
Apr 01 03:08:10 <Omegle> <Stranger> impostor syndrome it would be, but i always have the feeling everyone else is so much better and doing things while myself i am constantly struggeling
Apr 01 03:08:42 <marlzey> thats what my girlfriend thinks of herself
Apr 01 03:08:51 <marlzey> she keeps passing all the tests
Apr 01 03:08:54 <marlzey> does really really well
Apr 01 03:09:02 <marlzey> but before she gets the results
Apr 01 03:09:08 <Omegle> <Stranger> hm, the article said it is really common
Apr 01 03:09:08 <marlzey> she is neurotically anxious about failing
Apr 01 03:09:22 <Omegle> <Stranger> hm, well i think the point is that you think it even after the exam
Apr 01 03:09:37 <marlzey> she thinks it after too
Apr 01 03:09:42 <marlzey> more or less every step of the way
Apr 01 03:10:01 <Omegle> <Stranger> it is like i think: ok, i did it cleverly and cheated myself through it, but never: ok i understood
Apr 01 03:10:28 <marlzey> she just seems to think she got lucky
Apr 01 03:10:45 <Omegle> <Stranger> i mostly feel i "cheated
Apr 01 03:11:25 <Omegle> <Stranger> what does she do?
Apr 01 03:11:39 <marlzey> as in what shes studying?
Apr 01 03:11:40 <marlzey> teaching
Apr 01 03:11:42 <Omegle> <Stranger> yes
Apr 01 03:12:17 <Omegle> <Stranger> that is what everyone assumes i do :(
Apr 01 03:12:25 <marlzey> whys that?
Apr 01 03:12:39 <Omegle> <Stranger> oh a girl in natural science, must be for teaching degree
Apr 01 03:13:07 <marlzey> speaking of that
Apr 01 03:13:10 <marlzey> what Are you in there for?
Apr 01 03:13:16 <marlzey> what field do you hope to work in later?
Apr 01 03:13:28 <Omegle> <Stranger> i have no idea
Apr 01 03:13:38 <marlzey> i heard space is fun
Apr 01 03:13:40 <marlzey> get into rockets
Apr 01 03:13:47 <Omegle> <Stranger> oh no, it is unemployment
Apr 01 03:13:52 <marlzey> lol
Apr 01 03:14:00 <Omegle> <Stranger> i am in condensed matter currently
Apr 01 03:14:11 <marlzey> wtf is condensed matter
Apr 01 03:14:15 <marlzey> is it like condensed milk?
Apr 01 03:14:18 <marlzey> all sweet and stuff?
Apr 01 03:14:38 <Omegle> <Stranger> no, it is a theoretical aggregate state
Apr 01 03:15:02 <Omegle> <Stranger> a lot of theories are for free particles, and in condensed matter they are fixed, or bound or interact in a similar way
Apr 01 03:15:15 <marlzey> state as in
Apr 01 03:15:23 <marlzey> plasma,liquid,gas and whatever? and thats like another one?
Apr 01 03:15:33 <Omegle> <Stranger> yes, no it is not a real one
Apr 01 03:15:43 <Omegle> <Stranger> it is one we invented to be able to calculate good :D
Apr 01 03:16:05 <marlzey> hey at least i had the right idea!
Apr 01 03:16:18 <Omegle> <Stranger> for me it is with fixed particles
Apr 01 03:17:05 <Omegle> <Stranger> well it is sometimes hard to describe what i do, because i spend 4 years finding out
Apr 01 03:17:27 <marlzey> haha
Apr 01 03:17:49 <Omegle> <Stranger> and then someone in a bar asks you to explain in three sentences and gets mad when you do not
Apr 01 03:18:26 <marlzey> hey you can explain it!
Apr 01 03:18:31 <marlzey> "its a really complicated topic"
Apr 01 03:18:33 <marlzey> "youre an idiot"
Apr 01 03:18:36 <marlzey> "and i cant make it simple for you"
Apr 01 03:18:40 <marlzey> thats 3 sentences!
Apr 01 03:18:44 <Omegle> <Stranger> sometimes i think i should have listend to my grandma and became a dota pro
Apr 01 03:18:52 <marlzey> lol what
Apr 01 03:19:16 <Omegle> <Stranger> not a good idea?
Apr 01 03:19:32 <marlzey> dont know
Apr 01 03:19:36 <marlzey> is a questionable one though
Apr 01 03:19:40 <marlzey> can you even make money from that
Apr 01 03:20:00 <Omegle> <Stranger> no, my grandma always told me to become a bank worker, but that is obviously a stupid idea
Apr 01 03:20:46 <marlzey> Hey i am looking at a page and not quite clear on the translation
Apr 01 03:20:51 <marlzey> Could you translate this for me if you dont mind? Beratungsstelle Radikalisierung
Apr 01 03:20:54 <Omegle> <Stranger> well you can either make millions if you win or you get nothing if you lose. so it is hard
Apr 01 03:21:09 <marlzey> Yeah but you have to get to the top too
Apr 01 03:21:30 <Omegle> <Stranger> hm, help center radicalisation
Apr 01 03:21:40 <marlzey> Yes thats what i got too and i wondered if that was an error
Apr 01 03:21:50 <marlzey> No idea what radicalisation would mean in that context
Apr 01 03:22:09 <Omegle> <Stranger> extremism
Apr 01 03:22:39 <Omegle> <Stranger> they help you if you want to get more radical :>
Apr 01 03:22:47 <marlzey> yeah probably something like that
Apr 01 03:22:58 <Omegle> <Stranger> no, it is acually the opposite
Apr 01 03:23:26 <marlzey> that was sarcasm
Apr 01 03:23:40 <marlzey> but yes i got the website to load and it explained that its exactly that
Apr 01 03:23:50 <Omegle> <Stranger> back when i was young the only radical thing where skateboard tricks
Apr 01 03:23:58 <marlzey> i LOVE that the whole page is about islamism
Apr 01 03:24:03 <marlzey> and only their radicalisation
Apr 01 03:24:05 <marlzey> cuz christians are so nice
Apr 01 03:24:09 <marlzey> and all the other religions
Apr 01 03:24:15 <Omegle> <Stranger> hm, well, it is a page for the bamf
Apr 01 03:24:24 <marlzey> true
Apr 01 03:24:26 <marlzey> but like
Apr 01 03:24:28 <Omegle> <Stranger> thats the public office for migrants and refugees
Apr 01 03:24:30 <marlzey> islam is far from the only thing
Apr 01 03:24:39 <marlzey> Yes i wanted to send them an email with a quesiton
Apr 01 03:24:43 <marlzey> looking for contact info
Apr 01 03:24:47 <Omegle> <Stranger> but why?
Apr 01 03:25:28 <marlzey> i wanted to ask them if it is possible for me to cut all ties to my country if i get de citizenship
Apr 01 03:25:37 <marlzey> i hate my country with a burning passion and want nothing to do with it
Apr 01 03:25:53 <marlzey> passports show place of birth, and so do birth certificates
Apr 01 03:25:56 <marlzey> i wanted to get rid of that
Apr 01 03:26:01 <Omegle> <Stranger> hm, i think it is hard to geld a hold of them currently because of the situation
Apr 01 03:26:03 <marlzey> and conversation with you prompted me to ask them
Apr 01 03:26:12 <marlzey> its not like i need an answer ASAP
Apr 01 03:26:33 <Omegle> <Stranger> they are like 20 people trying to fill out a million sheets of paper
Apr 01 03:27:05 <marlzey> that cant be right
Apr 01 03:27:12 <marlzey> my local parish has more people
Apr 01 03:27:26 <Omegle> <Stranger> your what?
Apr 01 03:27:36 <marlzey> you know how there are counties?
Apr 01 03:27:49 <marlzey> parts of a country separated into smaller bits?
Apr 01 03:27:53 <Omegle> <Stranger> where are you from, not estland, who was from estland, i do not know
Apr 01 03:28:00 <marlzey> I am from estland
Apr 01 03:28:06 <marlzey> youve been talking to me (marlzey) for past hour
Apr 01 03:28:13 <Omegle> <Stranger> why do you hate estland?
Apr 01 03:28:15 <marlzey> sharparam disappeared somewhere
Apr 01 03:28:24 <Omegle> <Stranger> sharparam is indian?
Apr 01 03:28:27 <marlzey> swedish
Apr 01 03:28:30 <Omegle> <Stranger> oh
Apr 01 03:28:41 <marlzey> hes also a redhead so he has no soul
Apr 01 03:29:14 <marlzey> But why i hate estonia? our constitution says i have the right to healthcare. estonian social ministry and about every part of the government told me to fuck off, some outright told me to go die.
Apr 01 03:29:24 <marlzey> I want nothing to do with this place
Apr 01 03:29:39 <Omegle> <Stranger> that is not very nice of them, in germany they acually tell you nicer
Apr 01 03:29:45 <marlzey> lol.
Apr 01 03:29:49 <Omegle> <Stranger> but the system here is also stupid
Apr 01 03:30:03 <marlzey> thats why i wanted to ask bamf, I cant think of a better place to ask if i can wipe information about where i was born
Apr 01 03:30:08 <marlzey> they ought to know
Apr 01 03:30:35 <Omegle> <Stranger> currently the healthcare providers are pushing to getting homeopatics paid, but bewhare you have something with your theeth, that would be 5000�
Apr 01 03:31:04 <marlzey> haha
Apr 01 03:31:09 <marlzey> that is retarded
Apr 01 03:31:39 <marlzey> but at least they dont outright deny treatment for random diagnosises cuz it doesnt suit them though
Apr 01 03:31:59 <Omegle> <Stranger> well depending on if it is a recognized sickness
Apr 01 03:32:24 <Omegle> <Stranger> i am pretty sure though that you cannot change your place of birth since it is part of your identification
Apr 01 03:32:38 <Omegle> <Stranger> i mean you cannot change your birth date as well in germany
Apr 01 03:32:50 <marlzey> birth date is useful information though
Apr 01 03:32:55 <marlzey> like you *need* that
Apr 01 03:32:59 <marlzey> birth place is useless
Apr 01 03:33:05 <Omegle> <Stranger> place is always required everywhere here
Apr 01 03:33:07 <marlzey> only whether or not you know the language and culture is relevant
Apr 01 03:33:16 <marlzey> Yes and i expect that to be the answer
Apr 01 03:33:18 <Omegle> <Stranger> it is "born at in ..." on every public form
Apr 01 03:33:26 <marlzey> But i still wish to ask if there is something i can do about it
Apr 01 03:33:36 <marlzey> Why wouldnt i? makes sense to ask, it cant hurt
Apr 01 03:33:50 <Omegle> <Stranger> in china though, you just need to slip the right sheet of paper and you are a year older or younger :D
Apr 01 03:33:58 <Omegle> <Stranger> everyone does it
Apr 01 03:34:19 <marlzey> thats what im thinking would be possible for me here but with place of birth
Apr 01 03:34:33 <marlzey> you require to give up citizenship of the previous place
Apr 01 03:34:38 <Omegle> <Stranger> over there they do it to get a lucky birthdate
Apr 01 03:34:38 <marlzey> BEFORE you give de citizenship
Apr 01 03:34:53 <marlzey> Soooo maybe someone is willing to bend the rules
Apr 01 03:34:59 <marlzey> and put *anything* else other than estonia
Apr 01 03:35:00 <Omegle> <Stranger> like if you beleive in that shit, why would your luck be calculated by the thing in your papers not your real birthdate
Apr 01 03:35:04 <Omegle> <Stranger> it makes no sense
Apr 01 03:35:07 <marlzey> it doesnt no lol
Apr 01 03:35:16 <marlzey> what makes a birthdate lucky? what number have you got to have?
Apr 01 03:35:29 <Omegle> <Stranger> yes, a lot of numbers are either lucky or unlucky
Apr 01 03:35:36 <marlzey> what about
Apr 01 03:35:37 <marlzey> 11th november?
Apr 01 03:35:39 <marlzey> 11 11?
Apr 01 03:35:40 <Omegle> <Stranger> it is a funny thing btw, do you know the meaning of 88?
Apr 01 03:35:43 <Omegle> <Stranger> in german
Apr 01 03:35:45 <marlzey> no
Apr 01 03:36:26 <Omegle> <Stranger> it is a secret greeting of underground nazis in germany, but in china 8 is spoken bai which means light and richness... so you end text messages with 88, spoken bai-bai and also wishes good luck
Apr 01 03:36:57 <marlzey> hah
Apr 01 03:37:01 <marlzey> So what about 11.11 tho?
Apr 01 03:37:04 <marlzey> how lucky is that number
Apr 01 03:37:14 <Omegle> <Stranger> yi yi... i do not think it is
Apr 01 03:37:23 <marlzey> well that explains my luck!
Apr 01 03:37:36 <Omegle> <Stranger> unlucky is 4 because it is spoken death
Apr 01 03:38:09 <Omegle> <Stranger> and 7 is unlucky because it is spoken like left... so it is lonelyness
Apr 01 03:39:26 <Omegle> <Stranger> so it is with these numbers always about speach not about something else
Apr 01 03:40:10 <marlzey> so what does 11 mean
Apr 01 03:40:18 <Omegle> <Stranger> yi shi yi?
Apr 01 03:40:36 <marlzey> so does it mean something that is unlucky
Apr 01 03:40:38 <marlzey> or why is it unlcky
Apr 01 03:40:52 <Omegle> <Stranger> no, it is not one has no meaning
Apr 01 03:41:15 <marlzey> so why is it unlucky?
Apr 01 03:41:22 <Omegle> <Stranger> i never said it is
Apr 01 03:42:12 <marlzey> its just not lucky and not unlucky? neutral?
Apr 01 03:42:14 <Omegle> <Stranger> 4 and 7 are unlucky and 6, 8 and 9 are lucky
Apr 01 03:42:26 <Omegle> <Stranger> yes
Apr 01 03:42:58 <marlzey> still so funny though that people fake their birthdays
Apr 01 03:43:02 <marlzey> how would that help lol
Apr 01 03:43:15 <Omegle> <Stranger> i knew a guy who was born on 8.8.88 in germany
Apr 01 03:43:23 <Omegle> <Stranger> he would be married in a second
Apr 01 03:43:34 <marlzey> lol
Apr 01 03:43:40 <marlzey> would he though
Apr 01 03:43:44 <marlzey> hes starting to fossilize a bit
Apr 01 03:43:54 <Omegle> <Stranger> i mean 1988 of cause
Apr 01 03:44:04 <marlzey> I know :p
Apr 01 03:44:35 <Omegle> <Stranger> other interesting things are 250 which is retard, and 520 which is i love you
Apr 01 03:45:02 <marlzey> as in 250 spells out as retarded if you say it?
Apr 01 03:45:13 <Omegle> <Stranger> i am not sure, it is not my dialect where it comes from
Apr 01 03:45:23 <Omegle> <Stranger> but 520 spells i love you
Apr 01 03:45:27 <marlzey> well do you?
Apr 01 03:45:33 <marlzey> have i turned you lesbian that quick?
Apr 01 03:45:43 <Omegle> <Stranger> i love only myself
Apr 01 03:45:51 <marlzey> thats something at least!
Apr 01 03:46:23 <Omegle> <Stranger> also because of that valentines day is not 14.2 but 20.5
Apr 01 03:46:44 <marlzey> awit valentines day isnt over already?
Apr 01 03:46:52 <marlzey> its still coming next month?
Apr 01 03:46:53 <Omegle> <Stranger> i am not sure if beeing homosexual is a concept in china though
Apr 01 03:47:01 <Omegle> <Stranger> it is next month
Apr 01 03:47:04 <marlzey> huh
Apr 01 03:47:14 <Omegle> <Stranger> in germany though only 14.2 and 14.3 count
Apr 01 03:47:40 <marlzey> being a lesbian is a concept everywhere
Apr 01 03:47:45 <marlzey> boobs are great
Apr 01 03:47:51 <Omegle> <Stranger> try it in saudi arabia
Apr 01 03:48:07 <marlzey> well
Apr 01 03:48:23 <Omegle> <Stranger> i think in china it was persecuted as well, not sure about currently
Apr 01 03:48:30 <marlzey> in saudi arabia i wouldnt know if the person im talking to is a woman or casper the friendly ghost with new fashion
Apr 01 03:48:40 <marlzey> because id have to wear some full body bedsheets
Apr 01 03:48:47 <Omegle> <Stranger> in doubt your family will just marry you to some boy they find :D
Apr 01 03:48:48 <marlzey> and so would the other person
Apr 01 03:48:56 <marlzey> well ill cut his dick off
Apr 01 03:48:59 <marlzey> that ought to do it
Apr 01 03:49:14 <Omegle> <Stranger> but in germany it was the same forever
Apr 01 03:49:27 <Omegle> <Stranger> just recently i think last year the last men got pardoned for having anal sex
Apr 01 03:50:03 <marlzey> "pardoned"
Apr 01 03:50:10 <marlzey> that implies there was something wrong
Apr 01 03:50:17 <marlzey> germany should be the one who is pardoned
Apr 01 03:50:19 <marlzey> not the other way around
Apr 01 03:50:35 <Omegle> <Stranger> hm, well they where hm, i forgot the word
Apr 01 03:50:47 <marlzey> imprisoned?
Apr 01 03:50:53 <marlzey> sentenced?
Apr 01 03:50:56 <Omegle> <Stranger> they where found guilty by a judge for commiting that crime but all the verdicts are now invalid
Apr 01 03:51:03 <marlzey> well eyah i get that
Apr 01 03:51:09 <Omegle> <Stranger> no, not prison, you do not go to prison for that
Apr 01 03:51:13 <marlzey> but you wouldnt be pardoning the person for being gay
Apr 01 03:51:15 <marlzey> its just offensive
Apr 01 03:51:21 <marlzey> the gay person should be the one pardoning germany
Apr 01 03:51:40 <Omegle> <Stranger> it is not how it works in real life
Apr 01 03:52:02 <marlzey> Obviously
Apr 01 03:52:05 <Omegle> <Stranger> it was even worse though in context
Apr 01 03:52:05 <marlzey> but its how it should work
Apr 01 03:52:38 <Omegle> <Stranger> i mean they can pardon germany or not if they want
Apr 01 03:53:30 <Omegle> <Stranger> the insult to injury is that the same � contained homosexual sex and animal sex, and they scrubbed the one about animals before the whole thing
Apr 01 03:53:43 <marlzey> lol
Apr 01 03:53:52 <marlzey> whomever wrote that is an idiot
Apr 01 03:54:04 <Omegle> <Stranger> it was original from nazi germany
Apr 01 03:54:13 <Omegle> <Stranger> as well as murder which is also a stupid paragraph
Apr 01 03:57:00 <marlzey> How come you are up so late btw?
Apr 01 03:57:28 <Omegle> <Stranger> oh, because i leared all day and then fell asleep at evening and then was awake and then the only thing standing in the kitchen was an energy drink and yes...
Apr 01 03:57:56 <marlzey> sounds familiar
Apr 01 03:58:06 <Omegle> <Stranger> also i play pokemon all the time
Apr 01 03:58:19 <marlzey> i like that purple one
Apr 01 03:58:21 <marlzey> with two legs
Apr 01 03:58:22 <marlzey> and a tail
Apr 01 03:58:24 <marlzey> the cute one
Apr 01 03:58:25 <marlzey> idk his name
Apr 01 03:58:30 <marlzey> mew mew maybe?
Apr 01 03:58:44 <Omegle> <Stranger> yes, i do not have it though, and this fact annoys me
Apr 01 03:59:32 <marlzey> lol
Apr 01 03:59:36 <marlzey> why do you not
Apr 01 03:59:51 <Omegle> <Stranger> because it is a very special limited pokmon, not available in the real game
Apr 01 04:00:14 <Omegle> <Stranger> you can get it only via special online events
Apr 01 04:01:12 <marlzey> what kind of pokemon are you playing
Apr 01 04:01:14 <marlzey> that its online
Apr 01 04:01:35 <Omegle> <Stranger> the newest, pokemon sun/moon
Apr 01 04:02:24 <marlzey> mew is cute tho
Apr 01 04:02:25 <marlzey> get her
Apr 01 04:02:31 <marlzey> do the online events
Apr 01 04:02:38 <Omegle> <Stranger> yes, not easy, they are over :D
Apr 01 04:03:35 <marlzey> no new ones coming up?
Apr 01 04:03:48 <Omegle> <Stranger> no, i follow a site they have all
Apr 01 04:04:22 <Omegle> <Stranger> but it does not matter i am currently mainly in player vs player and mew is forbidden
Apr 01 04:05:04 <marlzey> why would she be forbidden
Apr 01 04:05:11 <Omegle> <Stranger> because all legendaries are
Apr 01 04:06:59 <marlzey> why?
Apr 01 04:07:00 <marlzey> thats lame
Apr 01 04:07:24 <Omegle> <Stranger> i did not make the rules i guess most legendaries are overstated and they do not want only them played
Apr 01 04:08:39 <marlzey> but mew is cute
Apr 01 04:08:41 <marlzey> how can you ban her :(
Apr 01 04:08:53 <Omegle> <Stranger> i guess that is not a valid argument for competitions :D
Apr 01 04:09:16 <Omegle> <Stranger> anyhow i got really late i have to sleep now
Apr 01 04:09:20 <Omegle> <Stranger> have a good night
Apr 01 04:10:33 <marlzey> aww
Apr 01 04:10:39 <marlzey> it was nice chatting with you!
Apr 01 04:10:46 <marlzey> have a good night
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