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Last active April 14, 2020 09:40
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A calculator for permutation
from functools import total_ordering
from typing import *
_PermutationRingTermSubType = Union['Permutation', 'PermutationRingTerm']
_PermutationRingSubType = Union['Permutation', 'PermutationRingTerm', 'PermutationRing']
_CoType = Union[int, float] # type of coefficient in group ring
_MultiplierType = Union[_PermutationRingSubType, _CoType]
def _check_co_type(_o: Any) -> bool:
check whether a variable is a proper coefficient type
return hasattr(_o, '__float__')
class Permutation(object):
def __init__(self, _map: Dict[int, int]):
_map = {k: v for k, v in _map.items() if k != v} # drop redundant map Dict[int, int] = _map
def __mul__(self, other: _MultiplierType) -> _PermutationRingSubType:
return _multiply(self, other)
def __rmul__(self, other: _CoType) -> 'PermutationRingTerm':
return _multiply(self, other)
def __add__(self, other: _PermutationRingSubType) -> 'PermutationRing':
return _add(self, other)
def __neg__(self) -> 'PermutationRingTerm':
return PermutationRingTerm(self, -1)
def __sub__(self, other: _PermutationRingSubType) -> 'PermutationRing':
return self + (- other)
def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> int:
return, i)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
def repr_cycle(cycle):
return f'({", ".join(map(str, cycle))})'
if self.cycles():
return f'{" ".join(map(repr_cycle, self.cycles()))}'
return '(1)'
def val(self) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
# return a value for comparing
return sorted(zip(,
def __eq__(self, other: 'Permutation') -> bool:
return self.val() == other.val()
def __lt__(self, other: 'Permutation') -> bool:
return self.val() < other.val()
def inv(self) -> 'Permutation':
get the inverse of a permutation
:return: the inverse permutation
return Permutation(_map={v: k for k, v in})
def cycles(self) -> List[List[int]]:
return the cycles in a permutation
:return: a list of integer list, representing elements in the cycle
elements = set(
cycles = []
while elements:
head = min(elements)
cur = self[head]
if head == cur:
cycle: List[int] = [head]
while cur != head:
cur = self[cur]
return cycles
def c(*nums: int) -> Permutation:
build a cyclic permutation from a list of integers
:param nums: some distinct positive integers in the cycle
:return: corresponding cyclic permutation
length = len(nums)
_map = {nums[i]: nums[(i + 1) % length] for i in range(length)}
return Permutation(_map)
class PermutationRingTerm:
def __init__(self, permutation: 'Permutation', co: Optional[float]):
A class representing a term in a element in group ring
:param permutation:
:param co: coefficient
""" _CoType = co or 1
self.permutation: 'Permutation' = permutation
def __add__(self, other: _PermutationRingSubType) -> 'PermutationRing':
return _add(self, other)
def __neg__(self) -> 'PermutationRingTerm':
return PermutationRingTerm(self.permutation,
def __sub__(self, other: _PermutationRingSubType) -> 'PermutationRing':
return self + (- other)
def __mul__(self, other: _MultiplierType) -> Union['PermutationRingTerm', 'PermutationRing']:
return _multiply(self, other)
def __rmul__(self, other: _CoType) -> 'PermutationRingTerm':
return _multiply(self, other)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return str(
def build(cls, _from: _PermutationRingTermSubType) -> 'PermutationRingTerm':
# build an object from low-level object
if isinstance(_from, Permutation):
return PermutationRingTerm(_from, 1)
elif isinstance(_from, PermutationRingTerm):
return _from
raise TypeError
class PermutationRing:
def __init__(self, terms: List['PermutationRingTerm']):
self.terms = sorted(terms, key=lambda term: term.permutation)
def trim(self) -> 'PermutationRing':
result_terms: List['PermutationRingTerm'] = []
cur_permutation: Optional['Permutation'] = None
cur_co: float = 0
for term in self.terms:
if cur_permutation is None:
cur_permutation = term.permutation
cur_co =
elif cur_permutation is not None and term.permutation == cur_permutation:
cur_co +=
result_terms.append(PermutationRingTerm(cur_permutation, cur_co))
cur_permutation = term.permutation
cur_co =
result_terms.append(PermutationRingTerm(cur_permutation, cur_co))
return PermutationRing(result_terms)
def __mul__(self, other: _MultiplierType) -> 'PermutationRing':
return _multiply(self, other)
def __rmul__(self, other: _CoType) -> 'PermutationRing':
return _multiply(self, other)
def __add__(self, other: _PermutationRingSubType) -> 'PermutationRing':
return _add(self, other)
def __neg__(self) -> 'PermutationRing':
return PermutationRing([
-t for t in self.terms
def __sub__(self, other: _PermutationRingSubType) -> 'PermutationRing':
return self + (- other)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
res: List[str] = []
for term in self.terms:
if == 0:
res += f' + {term.permutation}'
elif > 0:
res += f' + {} {term.permutation}'
elif < 0:
res += f' - {-} {term.permutation}'
res_str = ''.join(res)
if res_str.startswith(' + '):
return res_str[3:]
return res_str
def build(cls, terms: _PermutationRingSubType) -> 'PermutationRing':
# build an object from low-level object
if isinstance(terms, Permutation):
terms = [1 * terms]
elif isinstance(terms, PermutationRingTerm):
terms = [terms]
elif isinstance(terms, PermutationRing):
terms = terms.terms
elif isinstance(terms, List):
terms = sorted(terms, key=lambda term: term.permutation)
return PermutationRing(terms)
def _multiply(_a: _MultiplierType, _b: _MultiplierType) -> _PermutationRingSubType:
if isinstance(_a, Permutation):
if isinstance(_b, Permutation):
b_r = _b.inv()
values =
_map =
for k, v in
if k in values:
_map[b_r[k]] = v
_map[k] = v
return Permutation(_map=_map)
elif isinstance(_b, PermutationRingTerm):
return PermutationRingTerm(_a * _b.permutation,
elif isinstance(_b, PermutationRing):
return PermutationRing([
_a * t for t in _b.terms
elif _check_co_type(_b):
return PermutationRingTerm(_a, _b)
raise TypeError
elif isinstance(_a, PermutationRingTerm):
if isinstance(_b, Permutation):
return PermutationRingTerm(_a.permutation * _b,
elif isinstance(_b, PermutationRingTerm):
return PermutationRingTerm(_a.permutation * _b.permutation, *
elif isinstance(_b, PermutationRing):
return PermutationRing([
_a * t for t in _b.terms
elif _check_co_type(_b):
return PermutationRingTerm(_a.permutation, * _b)
raise TypeError
elif isinstance(_a, PermutationRing):
if isinstance(_b, Permutation) or isinstance(_b, PermutationRingTerm) or _check_co_type(_b):
return PermutationRing([
t * _b for t in _a.terms
if isinstance(_b, PermutationRing):
return PermutationRing([
t1 * t2 for t1 in _a.terms for t2 in _b.terms
raise TypeError
def _add(_a: _PermutationRingSubType, _b: _PermutationRingSubType) -> PermutationRing:
_a =
_b =
return PermutationRing(_a.terms + _b.terms).trim()
if __name__ == "__main__":
x = c(1, 2) + 2 * c(3, 5) - c() - 3 * c(1)
y = c() + 3 * c(1, 2)
z = c(1, 10) + c(1, 2)
print(x * y) # - 1 (1) - 11 (1, 2) + 6 (1, 2) (3, 5) + 2 (3, 5)
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