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Created April 1, 2022 08:03
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Гоночки на троих
from drawzero import *
cars_y = [540, 500, 460]
cars_x = [100, 100, 100]
ups = [K.w, K.i, K.UP]
downs = [K.s, K.k, K.DOWN]
lefts = [K.a, K.j, K.LEFT]
rights = [K.d, K.l, K.RIGHT]
colors = ['green', 'blue', 'yellow']
scores = [1000, 1000, 1000]
road = [500] * 30 + list(range(500, 700, 3)) + list(range(700, 900, 6)) + list(range(900, 100, -4)) + list(
range(100, 500, 8))
WIDTH2 = 80
road_pos = 0
for i in 3, 2, 1:
text('green', 'READY? ' + str(i), (300, 400), 128)
while True:
keys = get_keys_pressed()
for i in range(len(cars_y)):
if keys[ups[i]]:
cars_y[i] -= 5
if keys[downs[i]]:
cars_y[i] += 5
if keys[lefts[i]]:
cars_x[i] -= 5
if keys[rights[i]]:
cars_x[i] += 5
for i in range(len(cars_y)):
filled_rect(colors[i], (cars_x[i], cars_y[i] - 20), 80, 40, alpha=70)
for i in range(100):
line('red', i * 10, road[i + road_pos] - WIDTH2, i * 10 + 10, road[i + 1 + road_pos] - WIDTH2)
line('red', i * 10, road[i + road_pos] + WIDTH2, i * 10 + 10, road[i + 1 + road_pos] + WIDTH2)
for i in range(len(cars_y)):
if cars_y[i] - 20 < road[cars_x[i] // 10 + road_pos] - WIDTH2:
text(colors[i], 'Boom!', (300 + 200 * i, 10), 72)
cars_y[i] = road[cars_x[i] // 10 + road_pos] - WIDTH2 + 20
scores[i] -= 1
elif cars_y[i] + 20 > road[cars_x[i] // 10 + road_pos] + WIDTH2:
text(colors[i], 'Boom!', (300 + 200 * i, 10), 72)
cars_y[i] = road[cars_x[i] // 10 + road_pos] + WIDTH2 - 20
scores[i] -= 1
text(colors[i], str(scores[i]), (300 + 200 * i, 100), 72)
road_pos += 1
if road_pos > 1000:
i = scores.index(max(scores))
text('white', f'{colors[i]} is winner!', (150, 900), 128)
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