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Created September 26, 2012 10:18
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(** Additions to, bottom **)
let type_decl_members td = match td.type_decl with
| Class d -> d.class_members
| Interface i -> i.interface_members
let decl_name decl = match decl.decl with
| Field f -> f.field_name.Ast.identifier
| Method m -> m.method_name.Ast.identifier
| Constructor c -> c.constructor_name.Ast.identifier
(** Digraph Printer for the Weeding-ast *)
(** **)
open Printf
open Ast
open Weedingast
module WAst = Weedingast
(* Quick-and-dirty graphviz types *)
type arrow_info = { from_node : string; to_node : string }
type node_info = { name : string; shape : string; }
type graph = { graph_type : string; nodes : node list; }
and node = Arrow of arrow_info | Node of node_info | Subgraph of graph
let rec string_of_graph (graph : graph) : string =
sprintf "%s {\n" graph.graph_type ^
let print_node (node : node) =
match node with
| Node n -> sprintf "\t%s [shape=\"%s\"];\n" n.shape
| Arrow a -> sprintf "\t%s -> %s" a.from_node a.to_node
| Subgraph g -> string_of_graph g
in (List.fold_left (^) "" ( print_node graph.nodes)) ^
(* WAst -> graph *)
let graph_decl (decl : WAst.decl) : node list =
Node({ name = "member_"^(WAst.decl_name decl); shape = "circle"}) :: []
let graph_type_decl (type_decl : WAst.type_decl) : graph =
let type_member_nodes =
List.fold_left (@) [] ( graph_decl (WAst.type_decl_members type_decl))
{ graph_type = "subgraph";
nodes = Node({name = (type_decl_name type_decl); shape = "box";}) :: type_member_nodes; }
let graph_source_file (sf : WAst.source_file) : graph =
{ graph_type = "digraph"; nodes = Subgraph((graph_type_decl sf.source_file_decl)) :: [] }
let gp_program sfs =
List.iter (fun sf -> print_string (string_of_graph (graph_source_file sf))) sfs
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