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  • Save Sheg5/f5adb09da0c7a6961d564acd5f07c7ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Sheg5/f5adb09da0c7a6961d564acd5f07c7ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
puts 3 - 6 #=> -3
PUTS 3 + 3 #=> No Method Error
p 7 + 3 #=> 10
puts 7 + 3 #=> 10
print 7 + 3 #=> 10
puts 8 #=> 8
puts 6 #=> 6
puts 7 #=> 7
puts 5 #=> 5
puts 3 #=> 3
puts 0 #=> 0
puts 9 #=> 9
puts 3 #=> 3
puts 1 #=> 1
put 4 #=> No Method Error
puts 1 #=> 1
puts 5 #=> 5
puts 9 #=> 9
puts 21 - 6 / 2 * 3 #=> 12
puts 100 * 5 - 2 / 2 #=> 499
puts 100 * (5 - 2) / 2 #=> 150
puts 1/0 #=> ZeroDivisionError: divided by 0
puts "Shegs " . "Olu"
puts 12 * "4" # should produce => 48
puts 12 * 4 #=> 48
puts 3 + " times a day" # should produce => 3 times a day
puts "3" + " times a day" #=> 3 times a day
puts "YUrI TOMoko".downcase
puts "spaceship".reverse #=> pihsecaps
puts "racecar".reverse #=> racecar
puts 1776.reverse #=> 6771
puts 12 * "4" # should produce => 48
puts 12 * "4".to_i #=> 48
puts 3 + " times a day" # should produce => 3 times a day
puts 3.to_s + " times a day" #=> 3 times a day
a = 1
b = 2
c = a + b
d = c + a + b
puts d #=> 6
hello = "goodnight"
world = " moon"
puts hello + world #=> goodnight moon
hello = cat
world = "fish"
puts hello + world #=> undefined local variable
x = 1
y = 2
puts x + y #=> 3
a = 1
b = a
puts b #=> 1
a = 1
b = a
a = 2
puts b #=> 1
class Animal
attr_accessor :name, :num_of_legs, :family
def initialize(options)
@name = options[:name]
@num_of_legs = options[:num_of_legs]
@family = options[:family]
def has_more_legs?(animal)
num_of_legs > animal.num_of_legs
def creepy?
num_of_legs > 4
def creepy_message
creepy? ? "much creepy" : "much not creepy"
def description
"This animal's name is #{name}. And the animal is very #{creepy_message}." \
" It has #{num_of_legs} legs and is part of the #{family} family."
xoloitzcuintli ={name: "Xoloitzcuintli", num_of_legs: 4, family: "Canidae"})
ptarmigan ={name: "Ptarmigan", num_of_legs: 2, family: "Phasianidae"})
tsetse_fly ={name: "Tsetse Fly", num_of_legs: 6, family: "Glossinidae"})
platypus ={name: "Platypus", num_of_legs: 4, family: "Ornithorhynchidae"})
assassin_bug ={name: "Assassin Bug", num_of_legs: 6, family: "Assassin Bug"})
puts "Does the #{} have more legs than #{}? : " + tsetse_fly.has_more_legs?(ptarmigan).to_s
puts "Is the #{} creepy? : " + xoloitzcuintli.creepy?.to_s
puts platypus.description
puts assassin_bug.description
puts "Does the #{} have more legs than #{}? : " + xoloitzcuintli.has_more_legs?(tsetse_fly).to_s
puts tsetse_fly.description
puts xoloitzcuintli.description
puts "Is the #{} creepy? : " + platypus.creepy?.to_s
puts ptarmigan.description
x = 3 #=> 3
x = x + 4 #=> 3 + 4 = 7
x = x - 5 #=> 7 - 5 = 2
puts x #=> 2
x = x + x #=> 2 + 2 = 4
x = x + x #=> 4 + 4 = 8
x = x + x #=> 8 + 8 = 16
x = x * x #=> 16 * 16 = 256
x = "goodbye" #=> goodbye
first_number = 3
puts first_number + second_number #=> undefined local variable
my_favorite_number = 9
your_favorite_number = 1
both = my_favorite_number + your_favorite_number
puts both #=> 10
puts "Please, Enter first name: "
FIRST_NAME = gets.chomp
puts "Please, Enter middle name: "
MIDDLE_NAME = gets.chomp
puts "Please, Enter last name: "
LAST_NAME = gets.chomp
puts "Your full name is #{FIRST_NAME} #{MIDDLE_NAME} #{LAST_NAME}"
SECONDS_IN_YEAR = 31556952
puts "How old are you: "
USR_AGE = gets.to_i
puts "You are #{SECONDS_IN_YEAR * USR_AGE} seconds old"
print "Enter start year: "
START_YEAR = gets.to_i
print "Enter end year: "
END_YEAR = gets.to_i
print "#{END_YEAR - START_YEAR} years\n"
print "Please, Enter your name: "
USR_NAME = gets.chomp
print "Please, Enter your age: "
USR_AGE = gets.to_i
puts "Welcome #{USR_NAME}! In 10 years, you will be #{USR_AGE + 10}!"
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