This is a short list of Blender addons that I consider somewhat useful. I'm keeping all of these here so I can save them, and so I can share them around!
Remember! Whenever you install an addon, be sure to check where to look for it in the addon menu. Things may change over time.
A set of tools that helps by making UV unwrapping easier.
- (outdated)
Allows you to optimize geometry loops by defining the max angle.
(Formerly FastCarve % FastSculpt)
A set of powerful tools that help with hardsurface and sculpting.
What I really like is JMesh's booleans. They are very powerful and look very consistent.
Note: These tools don't use the github releases feature. Instead you have to download the source using the Clone or download
A tool that allows you to aline a set of vertices to a GPencil drawing.