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I can see the whole room...and there's nobody in it

Щербин Сергей Sherbin

I can see the whole room...and there's nobody in it
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<p>To send command into some widget we use PostMessage (<br>
Way to find required <iframe> is option "id" passed for initialization</p>
<p>Javascript and further HTML is Exapmle</p>
<p>NOTE: We use this tricky way because we need to handle all widgets the same. Both initialized with tv.js ( and initialized self-replaced script (</p>
<!-- Example start -->
<!-- Advanced chart widget initialization -->
<div id="advanced-chart-widget-container"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Sherbin / formatValue.js
Created October 23, 2017 07:07
tv - financial tabs formatter
function formatValue(value, field) {
var number = parseFloat(value);
// floats greater than maxNumberic will be formatted like an integer
var maxNumeric = Math.pow(10, 6);
if (isNaN(number)) {
return value;
if (fieldTypes[field] === 'percent') {