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Created November 1, 2016 08:27
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#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
const long long MEM_FORMAT_THRESHOLD = 8LL << 30;
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
void get_cpu_stat(long long *tot, long long *idle) {
host_cpu_load_info_data_t stat;
mach_msg_type_number_t count = HOST_CPU_LOAD_INFO_COUNT;
int ret = host_statistics(mach_host_self(), HOST_CPU_LOAD_INFO, (host_info_t)&stat, &count);
assert(ret == KERN_SUCCESS);
*idle = stat.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_IDLE];
*tot = *idle + stat.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_USER] + stat.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_NICE] + stat.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_SYSTEM];
void get_mem_usage(long long *mem_used, long long *mem_total) {
int ret;
vm_size_t page_size;
ret = host_page_size(mach_host_self(), &page_size);
assert(ret == KERN_SUCCESS);
vm_statistics64_data_t stat;
mach_msg_type_number_t count = HOST_VM_INFO64_COUNT;
ret = host_statistics64(mach_host_self(), HOST_VM_INFO64, (host_info64_t)&stat, &count);
assert(ret == KERN_SUCCESS);
*mem_used = (stat.internal_page_count - stat.purgeable_count + stat.wire_count + stat.compressor_page_count) * page_size;
size_t tot_size = sizeof(*mem_total);
ret = sysctlbyname("hw.memsize", mem_total, &tot_size, NULL, 0);
assert(ret == 0);
void get_cpu_stat(long long *tot, long long *idle) {
FILE *fp = fopen("/proc/stat", "r");
assert(fp != NULL);
long long user, nice, system;
int ret = fscanf(fp, "cpu %lld %lld %lld %lld", &user, &nice, &system, idle);
assert(ret == 4);
*tot = user + nice + system + *idle;
void get_mem_usage(long long *mem_used, long long *mem_total) {
FILE *fp = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r");
assert(fp != NULL);
long long mem_free, mem_available;
int ret = fscanf(fp, "MemTotal: %lld kB\nMemFree: %lld kB\n", mem_total, &mem_free);
assert(ret == 2);
*mem_total <<= 10;
mem_free <<= 10;
if (fscanf(fp, "MemAvailable: %lld kB\n", &mem_available) == 1) {
mem_available <<= 10;
*mem_used = *mem_total - mem_available;
} else {
*mem_used = *mem_total - mem_free;
double get_cpu_usage(useconds_t sample_duration) {
long long tot1, idle1, tot2, idle2;
get_cpu_stat(&tot1, &idle1);
get_cpu_stat(&tot2, &idle2);
return 1 - 1.0 * (idle2 - idle1) / (tot2 - tot1);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
useconds_t sample_duration;
if (argc >= 2) {
sample_duration = strtod(argv[1], NULL) * 1e6;
} else {
sample_duration = 100000;
double cpu_usage = get_cpu_usage(sample_duration);
long long mem_used, mem_total;
get_mem_usage(&mem_used, &mem_total);
if (mem_total <= MEM_FORMAT_THRESHOLD) {
printf("%4.0f%% %lld/%lldM\n", cpu_usage * 100, mem_used >> 20, mem_total >> 20);
} else {
printf("%4.0f%% %.1f/%.1fG\n", cpu_usage * 100, 1.0 * mem_used / (1 << 30), 1.0 * mem_total / (1 << 30));
return 0;
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