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Created January 13, 2014 00:53
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Save ShingoFukuyama/8392961 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[Emacs] Get overlay property cons list at the argument $position pointed, or the cursor on.
;; On the overlay, do `M-: (my-get-overlay-property-list-at)`
;; Return cons list like below
;; ((edit-buffer . t) (face . helm-swoop-target-word-face))
(defun my-get-overlay-property-cons-list-at (&optional $position)
"Get overlay property cons list at the argument $position pointed,
or the cursor on. "
(or $position (setq $position (point)))
(let ($list $ov)
(setq $ov (overlay-properties
(car (overlays-in $position (1+ $position)))))
(mapc (lambda ($elt)
(let (($key (car $elt))
($value (cdr $elt)))
(setq $list (cons (cons $key $value) $list))))
(let ($ret)
(while $ov
(setq $ret (cons (cons (car $ov) (cadr $ov)) $ret))
(setq $ov (cddr $ov)))
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