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I may be slow to respond.

xiaoke Shonke

I may be slow to respond.
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steven-michaud /
Last active January 17, 2025 12:21
Running Third Party Kernel Extensions on Virtualization Framework macOS Guest VMs

Running Third Party Kernel Extensions on Virtualization Framework macOS Guest VMs

As of macOS 12 (Monterey), Apple's Virtualization framework has nice support for macOS guest virtual machines, but with severe limitations: For example you can't install a macOS guest on Intel Macs, install guests with newer versions of macOS than the host, copy and paste between the host and the guest, or install third party kernel extensions in the guest. As usual for Apple, the functionality they do support is nicely implemented, but they've left out so much that the result is only marginally useful -- at least compared to

n0mi1k /
Last active March 4, 2025 03:30
.IPA file extracter for Apple Configurator
import os
import shutil
Steps to retrieve the IPA file from the Configurator app:
1. Install Apple Configurator from the Mac App Store and sign in
2. Connect your iOS device to your Mac
3. Select "Add > Apps..." and search for the app you want to install, click "Add"
4. The newer Apple Configurator deletes the IPA after installing it, so you'll need to use this tool to grab it
milesrichardson /
Created January 21, 2023 07:35
inherit environment variables from PID 1

You can inherit the environment variables from PID 1 by iterating over the list of null-terminated strings in /proc/1/environ, parsing the first characters up to the first = as the variable name, setting the remaining value as that variable, and exporting it.

The Code Snippet

This works with multiline environment variables, and environment variables with arbitrary values, like strings, including = or JSON blobs.

Paste this in your current terminal session to inherit the environment variables from PID 1:

hamid-rostami /
Last active January 23, 2025 07:05
wireguard over TCP

To pass wireguard's traffic through a TCP tunnel by using udp2raw


For Arch linux, install udp2raw by pacman: pacman -S udp2raw

For Debian or Ubuntu, you can use a binary release from:

spawn9275 /
Created May 23, 2022 20:46
This let's you download an IPA via Apple's App Store API, on Linux.
import requests
import xmltodict
import wget
import glob
# Replace with your email and password
email = None
password = None
MAC = 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX' # Replace with MAC address from your iPhone
darwin /
Last active April 9, 2024 22:30
APFS Container cloning/replicating under Catalina (with a bootable system)

Today I wanted to move existing APFS-resident macOS Catalina installation to a new disk. I upgraded my late 2014 Mac Mini with a shiny new 1TB SSD. This took way too many hours of my life I will never get back. Hope this saves some time to you.

Good news:

  1. it is possible to create a DMG image from existing APFS container with macOS Catalina installation including metadata needed for complete restore (the DMG contains OS, OS Data, Preboot, Recovery and VM volumes)
  2. it is possible to restore this DMG image into empty APFS container and get a bootable copy of the original system

This information is relevant for Catalina (I'm currently running macOS 10.15.1).

muralikg / background.js
Last active July 29, 2024 14:29
puppeteer screen capture demo. Currently records 10 second video. Change the timeout in background.js with your own logic to stop the recording when necessary. Try with `node export.js`
/* global chrome, MediaRecorder, FileReader */
chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(port => {
let recorder = null
port.onMessage.addListener(msg => {
switch (msg.type) {
case 'REC_STOP':
console.log('Stopping recording')
if (!port.recorderPlaying || !recorder) {
stefanocoding /
Created February 24, 2018 03:43
Make modem Huawei E397B work on Mac OS X
  1. Install the Connection Manager that is launched when you connect the modem to the Mac
  2. Download the source of usb_modeswitch from here (at the moment of writing this the file appears with the name usb-modeswitch-2.5.2.tar.bz2)
  3. Run make in the directory of the source you downloaded
  4. Run sudo ./usb_modeswitch -v12d1 -p1505 -X in the same directory

If the last step returns an error (I don't remember the error now, but I was getting an error related to usb_modeswitch not being able to take control of the modem to perfom changes):

  1. Unplug the modem and plug it again
  2. As soon as you plug the modem again, run sudo ./usb_modeswitch -v12d1 -p1505 -X repatedly until you get a successful result
  3. Open Connection Manager and your modem is going to be detected
f3l3gy / daemon.json
Last active January 4, 2024 11:00
Proxmox minimal docker host lxc container
"hosts": ["unix:///var/run/docker.sock", "tcp://"],
"registry-mirrors": [],
"insecure-registries": [
# Load the contents of the receipt file
receipt_file = open('./receipt_data.bin', 'rb').read()
# Use asn1crypto's cms definitions to parse the PKCS#7 format
from asn1crypto.cms import ContentInfo
pkcs_container = ContentInfo.load(receipt_file)
# Extract the certificates, signature, and receipt_data
certificates = pkcs_container['content']['certificates']
signer_info = pkcs_container['content']['signer_infos'][0]