I hereby claim:
- I am shrinks99 on github.
- I am shrinks99 (https://keybase.io/shrinks99) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASDdXe-YfJlxlhN2ks3wkQqeuxFRPl4-w1BNVSJiJC4HPQo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
javascript:(function()%7Bdocument.querySelectorAll(%22img%22).forEach(function(img)%20%7Bimg.parentElement.innerHTML%20%2B%3D%20img.getAttribute('alt')%20!%3D%3D%20null%3F%20%60%3Cdiv%20style%3D%22background%3A%20lime%3B%20font-family%3A%20monospace%3B%20color%3A%20black%3B%20padding%3A%205px%3B%22%3EAlt%20text%3A%20%24%7Bimg.getAttribute(%22alt%22)%7D%3C%2Fdiv%3E%60%20%3A%20%60%3Cdiv%20style%3D%22background%3A%20red%3B%20font-family%3A%20monospace%3B%20color%3A%20white%3B%20padding%3A%205px%3B%22%3ENo%20alt%20text!%3C%2Fdiv%3E%60%3B%7D)%3B%7D)()%3B |
import csv | |
import re | |
def find_student(students, first_name, last_name=None): | |
for student in students: | |
if student['first_name'] == first_name and (last_name is None or student['last_name'] == last_name): | |
return student | |
return None | |
def check_avoid_list(student, notes): |
set cut_paste_input [stack 0] | |
version 13.1 v3 | |
push $cut_paste_input | |
Group { | |
name reconcile3DPro | |
tile_color 0xc43c00ff | |
selected true | |
xpos 151 | |
ypos -112 | |
addUserKnob {20 User} |
set cut_paste_input [stack 0] | |
version 13.1 v3 | |
push $cut_paste_input | |
Group { | |
name hw_vhs | |
tile_color 0x343334ff | |
selected true | |
xpos 97 | |
ypos 115 | |
addUserKnob {20 tape l Tape} |
#! C:/Program Files/Nuke13.1v1/nuke-13.1.1.dll -nx | |
version 13.1 v1 | |
Group { | |
inputs 0 | |
name Patch_Warp_custom | |
tile_color 0x3b6957ff | |
xpos -686 | |
ypos -19 | |
addUserKnob {20 User} | |
addUserKnob {22 Set_reference_frame l "Set reference frame" -STARTLINE T "myNode = nuke.thisNode()\nTrackNode = myNode.dependencies()\[0]\nmaxTrakers = 50\n\nfor n in range(1, maxTrakers +1):\n myNode\['tr' + str(n)].clearAnimated()\n myNode\['tr' + str(n)].setValue(0, 0)\n myNode\['tr' + str(n)].setValue(0, 1)\n myNode\['reference_tr' + str(n)].setValue(0, 0)\n myNode\['reference_tr' + str(n)].setValue(0, 1)\n\n\nif TrackNode.Class() == 'Tracker4': \n myKnob = TrackNode\['tracks']\n\n XList = \[]\n for n in range(2, 2000, 31):\n if myKnob.value(n) == 1:\n break\n elif myKnob.value(n) == 0:\n break\n XList.append(myKnob.value(n))\n print((myKnob.value(n)))\n \n lengthList = len(XList) \n \n for n in range(1, lengthList+1):\n |
imgWidthPx = float(input("Image width in pixels: ")) | |
sensorWidth = float(input("Sensor width in mm: ")) | |
focalLen = float(input("Lens focal length in mm: ")) | |
focalLenPx = str(float(float(focalLen / sensorWidth) * imgWidthPx)) | |
print("The focal length in pixels is: " + focalLenPx) |
def TrackerToRoto(): | |
import nuke.rotopaint as rp | |
n = nuke.selectedNodes() | |
try: | |
nuke.selectedNode() | |
except: | |
print((nuke.message("Select a Tracker and a Roto or Rotopaint!"))) |
/* -*- mode: css -*- */ | |
/*%1 = selection-color %2 = medium background %3 = soft background %4 = strong background %5 = text colour*/ | |
/*%6 = interpolated value color %7 = keyframe value color %8 = disabled editable text (black) %9 = expression value color*/ | |
/*%10 = altered text colour, %11 = mouse over selection color*/ | |
/*You have to fill the arguments with stylesheet-representable colours.*/ | |
QWidget { | |
color: %5; | |
background-color: %2; | |
} |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: