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Last active November 7, 2019 15:43
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Try to generalize `newtype LogAction m msg = LogAction {run:: msg -> m ()}` from `co-log` to Arrows
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
module ArrowLogAction where
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Functor.Contravariant
import Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divisible
import Data.Void
newtype LogActionA arr msg = LogActionA {unLogAction :: arr msg ()}
-- There are nontrivial instances of Arrow and Plus that are not an instance of ArrowPlus
-- After all, the third type parameter is just unit, that is a rather easy type to work with
-- requires associativity law
class Plus arrow where
(<++>) :: arrow a () -> arrow a () -> arrow a ()
instance (ArrowPlus arr) => Plus arr where
(<++>) = (<+>)
instance Plus (->) where
(<++>) :: (a -> ()) -> (a -> ()) -> a -> ()
f <++> g = f <> g
-- Notice that for a `Kleisli m` to be an instance of `ArrowPlus` we need a constraint `MonadPlus m`
-- Here `Applicative m` suffices
instance (Applicative m) => Plus (Kleisli m) where
-- (<++>) :: (a -> m ()) -> (a -> m ()) -> a -> m ()
(Kleisli f) <++> (Kleisli g) = Kleisli $ \a -> f a *> g a
instance Plus arr => Semigroup (LogActionA arr msg) where
LogActionA l <> LogActionA r = LogActionA $ l <++> r
-- Plus is only required to recover the underlying Semigroup
instance (Arrow arrow, Plus arrow) => Monoid (LogActionA arrow msg) where
mempty = LogActionA $ arr mempty
-- or
-- mempty = LogActionA $ arr $ const ()
-- or if we require ArrowPlus
-- mempty = LogAction zeroArrow
-- we get this for free
instance Arrow arrow => Contravariant (LogActionA arrow) where
contramap :: (a -> b) -> LogActionA arrow b -> LogActionA arrow a
contramap fn (LogActionA action) = LogActionA $ fn ^>> action
-- also for free
cmapA :: Arrow arrow => arrow a b -> LogActionA arrow b -> LogActionA arrow a
cmapA afn (LogActionA action) = LogActionA $ afn >>> action
-- Arrow and Plus give us a Monoid and a Contravariant instance among other things
instance (Arrow arrow, Plus arrow) => Divisible (LogActionA arrow) where
-- even though I want
-- instance (Contravariant (LogActionA arrow), forall a. Monoid (LogActionA arrow a)) => Divisible (LogActionA arrow) where
divide :: (a -> (b, c)) -> LogActionA arrow b -> LogActionA arrow c -> LogActionA arrow a
divide fn actionB actionC = ((fst . fn) >$< actionB) <> ((snd . fn) >$< actionC)
-- or if we expand the definitions
-- divide fn (LogActionA b) (LogActionA c) = LogActionA $ (arr (fst . fn) >>> b) <++> (arr (snd . fn) >>> c)
conquer :: LogActionA arrow a
conquer = mempty
instance (Divisible (LogActionA arrow), ArrowChoice arrow) => Decidable (LogActionA arrow) where
lose :: (a -> Void) -> LogActionA arrow a
lose f = LogActionA $ arr (absurd . f)
-- lose f = LogAction $ arr $ const () -- this compiles, too
choose :: (a -> Either b c) -> LogActionA arrow b -> LogActionA arrow c -> LogActionA arrow a
choose f (LogActionA b) (LogActionA c) = LogActionA $ f ^>> (b ||| c)
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