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Created May 3, 2021 12:02
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Steam Workshop Template
Allows to color, rename, edit other server infos, print game states (aka WIPE, WIN, LOBBY, etc) and players states (DEAD, SPECTATING, etc). And you can add your own haiku's / custom key-info pairs.
Check the [url=]config file[/url] for reference.
[h1][b]Whitelist Status[/b][/h1]
[*] Dedicated server: all clients will level up, get achievs.
[*] Listened server: except the host itself, all clients will level up, get achievs.
[*] Solo: uhm, server info for solo, uhm.
Inside [b]KillingFloor.ini[/b]:
Don't forget to comment out [b]MasterServerUplink[/b]!
To [url=]bIbIbI(rus)[/url] and a half cookie to [url= ]dkanus[/url] for assistance.
[h1][b]Download Link for Lazy Admins:[/b][/h1]
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