Intro Docker & Docker Compose Objectives Explain what Docker is Explain why Docker is useful Build an image with the docker CLI Build an image with a Dockerfile Use docker-compose to build and run multiple containers
Schema and Query Design Objectives Explain what relational databases are Descibe what a schema is Describe what a query is Use MySQL to create schemas Use MySQL to run queries Build and run join queries in MySQL
HTML, CSS & jQuery Review Objectives Describe what HTML is and why it's useful Describe what CSS is and why it's useful Describe what jQuery is and why it's useful HTML
Problem Solving Process Objectives Describe the process of solving a problem Solve a problem using a specific problem solving technique Process Turn to your neighbor and describe a problem solving process that you've used in the past
Testing Objectives Explain what Unit Tests, Integration Tests and End-to-End tests are Write unit tests for a given problem Describe the difference between TDD and BDD Identify the purpose & tools for Continuous Integration, Code Coverage and Cross-Browser testing Terms Unit Test
Redux with APIs Objectives Update state based on API calls with Redux Exercise Start by cloning and setting up the API for this lesson:
Introduction to Redux Objectives Describe the purpose of Redux Utilize Redux apart from React to manage state Integrate Redux into an existing React application Guiding Questions
REST & Express Objectives Describe the concept of resources in relation to REST and APIs Identify RESTful conventions for API routes Explain what express is and why it's useful Build RESTful routes using express REST
ES6 + (Destructuring, Rest & Spread) Objectives Declare object literals with new shorthand Destructure arrays and objects to assign values Write dynamic code with the rest and spread operators Terminology Shorthand object literals
Functions Objectives Define what an abstractions is Explain why abstractions are useful Define what a function is and why they are useful Describe why functions are abstractions Explain the syntax of functions