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Created December 4, 2017 11:47
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Mini handlebar with a Gulp. Works similar like php include(), can pass variable as well
Task will run through /src/html/ folder and will loop through each html file
When it finds {{head}}, it will be replaced with a content from /src/inc/head.html
Example of src/inc/breadcrumb.html
<li><a href="link/page">Home</a></li>
Example of any page where breadcrumb is needed:
<div class="content">
{{breadcrumb="Some Link"}}
We passing string "Some Link"
gulp will replace {{breadcrumb="..."}} and will do inside replacement for breadcrumb.html {{content}},
that way we can use same breadcrumb variable and get different content based on a page (or for meta description etc)
gulp.task('html', () => {
const getIncludes = (path) => fs.readFileSync(path, "utf8");
.pipe(replace('{{head}}', getIncludes("src/inc/head.html")))
.pipe(replace(/{{breadcrumb=".*?"}}/, function (match){
/* a way to pass content through declared "handlebar"
* {{content}} is replaced with a string between "" quotes.
* */
const breadcrumb = getIncludes("src/inc/widget/breadcrumb.html");
return breadcrumb.replace(/{{content}}/, match.match( /"(.*?)"/ )[1]);
.pipe(htmlmin({collapseWhitespace: true}))
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