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Eli McRae ShyftXero

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ShyftXero /
Last active July 26, 2024 15:50
uv python venv management
# include or add this to your .zshrc file
# curl -fsSL >> ~/.zshrc
. "$HOME/.cargo/env"
#ensure uv is installed
if ! command -v uv &> /dev/null
echo "uv could not be found. installing... "
curl -LsSf | sh
# 20240215
# shyft
# script to prove my wife wrong about how much time I'm spending at my computer in the eventing.
# use with caution... may not be worth it to you...
# relies on "Records what you do so that you can know how you've spent your time."
# grown from
import sys
from datetime import date, datetime, time, timedelta, timezone
from rich import print
import socket
ShyftXero / Active Directory
Created January 30, 2022 14:06 — forked from ssstonebraker/Active Directory
Active Directory Attacks #oscp
ShyftXero /
Created December 15, 2021 21:17 — forked from achillean/
Create GIFs from a Shodan json.gz file using the API
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Dependencies:
# - arrow
# - shodan
# - ImageMagick
# Installation:
# sudo easy_install arrow shodan
# sudo apt-get install imagemagick
ShyftXero /
Created July 15, 2021 22:42
ACS - our malware from adv cybersecurity PD on 15JUL21
# pip3 install -U requests
import requests
import time
import subprocess
C2_SERVER = '' # our kali machines IP address
def get_ext_ip():
response = requests.get('')
# some_bucket = "Eli"
# list_of_people = [ some_bucket, "Thomas Jefferson", "wallace and grommit" ]
# print(list_of_people) ### puts on screen
# list_of_servers = [
# "webserver 1",
# "databaseserver 3",
# "ftp_server",
import os
from time import sleep
# try:
# my_animals_file = open('other_animals.txt', 'r')
# for line in my_animals_file.readlines():
# print(line.strip() )
# my_animals_file.close()yword found in text

Super slick commands for virutalbox machine management

Start / Stop a pcap at the VM level for a guest machine. (not having to route traffic through another box to capture; works in NAT)

  • Start pcap
    • vboxmanage controlvm "vm_name_here" nictrace1 on
  • Stop pcap
    • vboxmanage controlvm "vm_name_here" nictrace1 off

A file VBox-<5_hex_digits>.pcap will be created. don't know the significance of the digits. They don't seem to be the mac

#! python3
# - Finds phone numbers and email addresses on the clipboard.
# Site to test against:
import pyperclip, re
# Create phone number regex with or without area code, but uses a '-' seperator.
phoneRegex = re.compile(r''' EXPRESSION HERE ''', re.VERBOSE)
ShyftXero /
Last active April 13, 2021 16:33
leaky starter code
import requests
import bs4
# you are searching for a message that starts with 'FLAG{' and ends in '}'
url = ''
sess = requests.session()
ab = [chr(x) for x in range(0, 255) if chr(x).isprintable()]