<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html> |
<head> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> |
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="custom.css"/> |
</head> |
<body> |
<label for="graphCheckBox">Graph</label> |
<input id="graphCheckBox" type="checkbox" checked="true"></input> |
<svg width="960" height="600"></svg> |
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script> |
<script src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js'></script> |
<script> |
//The dataset contains the actual data that is graphically displayed |
let dataset = { |
'nodes': [ |
{'name': 'CIRCULAR MOTION', 'description': 'CIRCULAR MOTION', 'label': 'LO', 'url': '', 'level': 1}, |
{'name': 'MOTION', 'description': 'MOTION', 'label': 'LO', 'url': '', 'level': 1}, |
{'name': 'DD1', 'description': 'DD1', 'label': 'Resource', 'level': 2, 'url': 'uurl1'}, |
{'name': 'DD4', 'description': 'DD4', 'label': 'Resource', 'level': 2, 'url': 'uurl4'}, |
{'name': 'DD3', 'description': 'DD3', 'label': 'Resource', 'level': 2, 'url': 'uurl3'}, |
{'name': 'UNITS', 'description': 'UNITS', 'label': 'LO', 'url': '', 'level': 1}, |
{'name': 'D3', 'description': 'D3', 'label': 'Resource', 'level': 2, 'url': 'url3'}, |
{'name': 'D2', 'description': 'D2', 'label': 'Resource', 'level': 2, 'url': 'url2'}, |
{'name': 'D1', 'description': 'D1', 'label': 'Resource', 'level': 2, 'url': 'url1'}, |
{'name': 'LINEAR MOTION', 'description': 'LINEAR MOTION', 'label': 'LO', 'url': '', 'level': 1}, |
{'name': 'DD2', 'description': 'DD2', 'label': 'Resource', 'level': 2, 'url': 'uurl2'}], |
'links': [{'source': 1, 'target': 0}, |
{'source': 2, 'target': 0}, |
{'source': 3, 'target': 0}, |
{'source': 4, 'target': 0}, |
{'source': 5, 'target': 1}, |
{'source': 6, 'target': 1}, |
{'source': 7, 'target': 1}, |
{'source': 8, 'target': 1}, |
{'source': 1, 'target': 9}, |
{'source': 10, 'target': 9}, |
{'source': 2, 'target': 9}] |
} |
// var nodes = [ |
// { id: "mammal", group: 0, label: "Mammals", level: 1 }, |
// { id: "dog" , group: 0, label: "Dogs" , level: 2 }, |
// { id: "cat" , group: 0, label: "Cats" , level: 2 }, |
// { id: "fox" , group: 0, label: "Foxes" , level: 2 }, |
// { id: "elk" , group: 0, label: "Elk" , level: 2 }, |
// { id: "insect", group: 1, label: "Insects", level: 1 }, |
// { id: "ant" , group: 1, label: "Ants" , level: 2 }, |
// { id: "bee" , group: 1, label: "Bees" , level: 2 }, |
// { id: "fish" , group: 2, label: "Fish" , level: 1 }, |
// { id: "carp" , group: 2, label: "Carp" , level: 2 }, |
// { id: "pike" , group: 2, label: "Pikes" , level: 2 } |
// ] |
// var links = [ |
// { target: 0, source: 1 , strength: 0.7 }, |
// { target: 0, source: 2 , strength: 0.7 }, |
// { target: 0, source: 3 , strength: 0.7 }, |
// { target: 0, source: 4 , strength: 0.7 }, |
// { target: 5, source: 6 , strength: 0.7 }, |
// { target: 5, source: 7 , strength: 0.7 }, |
// { target: 8 , source: 9, strength: 0.7 }, |
// { target: 8 , source: 10, strength: 0.7 }, |
// { target: 2 , source: 4 , strength: 0.1 }, |
// { target: 9 , source: 6 , strength: 0.1 }, |
// { target: 4 , source: 7 , strength: 0.1 }, |
// { target: 1 , source: 2 , strength: 0.1 }, |
// { target: 3 , source: 6 , strength: 0.1 }, |
// { target: 10 , source: 2 , strength: 0.1 } |
// ] |
function getNodeColor(node) { |
return node.level === 1 ? 'red' : 'gray' |
} |
var width = window.innerWidth |
var height = window.innerHeight |
var time1 = 0, time2 = 0, time3 = 0, time4 = 0, toggle = true, mouseState = "leave", degree = 2; |
var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([0, 8]).on("zoom",zoomed); |
//this svg contains everything that is rendered |
let minX=0,minY=0,maxX=width,maxY=height; |
var svg1 = d3.select('svg') |
.attr('width', width) |
.attr('height', height) |
.attr('viewBox','0 0 '+width+' '+height) |
.attr("preserveAspectRatio","xMidYMid meet") |
.style("position","relative") |
.append('g') |
.call(zoom) |
zoom.on("zoom",null); //zoom is disabled by default (initially) |
var svg = svg1.append('g') |
.classed("container",true); |
//the zoom event listener |
function zoomed() { |
svg.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")"); |
var xTrans = (-1) * d3.event.translate[0]; |
var yTrans = (-1) * d3.event.translate[1]; |
d3.selectAll("foreignObject").attr("transform","scale(" + 1/d3.event.scale + ")translate("+xTrans+","+yTrans+")"); |
//console.log(d3.event.translate); |
} |
// simulation setup with all forces |
// var linkForce = d3 |
// .forceLink() |
// .id(function (link) { return link.id }) |
// .strength(function (link) { return link.strength }) |
// var simulation = d3 |
// .forceSimulation() |
// .force('link', linkForce) |
// .force('charge', d3.forceManyBody().strength(-120)) |
// .force('center', d3.forceCenter(width / 2, height / 2)) |
//let org_color_node, org_color_link; |
//Force setup used to mimic forces in physics, |
//mainly attractive 'spring' forces and repulsive 'electostatic forces' |
var force = d3.layout.force() |
.nodes(dataset.nodes) |
.links(dataset.links) |
.linkDistance(60) |
//.friction(0.5) |
.charge(-500) |
.size([width, height]) |
.start(); |
//this rect allows user to use zoom feature if the corresponding checkbox is enabled |
svg.append("rect") |
.classed("forZoom",true) |
.attr("width",width) |
.attr("height",height); |
var linkElements = svg.append("g") |
.attr("class", "links") |
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.selectAll("line") |
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.attr("stroke","rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.2)") |
.attr("data-orgcolor","rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.2)") |
.attr('x1', function (link) { return link.source.x }) |
.attr('y1', function (link) { return link.source.y }) |
.attr('x2', function (link) { return link.target.x }) |
.attr('y2', function (link) { return link.target.y }) |
.attr("pointer-events","none") |
var nodeElements = svg.append("g") |
.attr("class", "nodes") |
//.style('z-index',3) |
.selectAll("circle") |
.data(dataset.nodes) |
.enter().append("circle") |
.attr("r",18) |
.attr("fill", getNodeColor) |
.attr("data-orgcolor",getNodeColor) |
.on("mousedown",function(){ |
time3 = new Date().getTime(); |
console.log("time3 = "+time3); |
}) |
.on("mouseup",function(){ |
time4 = new Date().getTime(); |
console.log("time4 = "+time4); |
}) |
.on("mouseover",function(){ |
// t1 = new Date().getTime(); |
if(mouseState == "leave"){ |
d3.selectAll("circle") |
.transition() |
.duration(100) |
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d3.selectAll("text") |
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.attr("opacity","0.2"); |
d3.selectAll("line") |
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.duration(100) |
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d3.select(this) |
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//console.log("mouseover"); |
var x = d3.select(this).attr("cx"); |
var y = d3.select(this).attr("cy"); |
d3.select("text[x='"+x+"'][y='"+y+"']") |
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var highlight = function(x,y,degree) |
{ |
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var x1 = d3.select(this).attr("x1"); |
var y1 = d3.select(this).attr("y1"); |
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d3.select(this) |
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d3.select("circle[cx='"+x1+"'][cy='"+y1+"']") |
.transition() |
.duration(100) |
.attr("r",22) |
.attr("fill",function(){ |
if(d3.select(this).attr("data-orgcolor") == "red") |
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d3.select("text[x='"+x1+"'][y='"+y1+"']") |
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.attr("opacity","1"); |
highlight(x1,y1,degree-1); |
}); |
} |
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highlight(x,y,degree); |
window.setTimeout(function(){ |
mouseState = "over"; |
console.log("mouseState = "+mouseState);},100); |
} |
}) |
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// t2 = new Date().getTime(); |
// console.log(t2-t1); |
if(mouseState == "over"){ |
d3.selectAll("circle") |
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.duration(100) |
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d3.selectAll("text") |
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d3.selectAll("line") |
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d3.select(this) |
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//console.log(d3.select(this).attr("data-orgcolor")); |
return d3.select(this).attr("data-orgcolor"); |
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//console.log("mouseleave"+d3.select(this).attr("data-orgcolor")); |
var x = d3.select(this).attr("cx"); |
var y = d3.select(this).attr("cy"); |
d3.select("text[x='"+x+"'][y='"+y+"']") |
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var dehighlight = function(x,y,degree) |
{ |
if(degree>=1) |
{ |
d3.selectAll("line[x2='"+x+"'][y2='"+y+"']") |
.each(function(){ |
var x1 = d3.select(this).attr("x1"); |
var y1 = d3.select(this).attr("y1"); |
d3.select(this) |
.transition() |
.duration(100) |
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.attr("stroke",function(){ |
//console.log(d3.select(this).attr("data-orgcolor")); |
return d3.select(this).attr("data-orgcolor"); |
}); |
d3.select("circle[cx='"+x1+"'][cy='"+y1+"']") |
.transition() |
.duration(100) |
.attr("r",18) |
.attr("fill",function(){ |
//console.log(d3.select(this).attr("data-orgcolor")); |
return d3.select(this).attr("data-orgcolor"); |
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d3.select("text[x='"+x1+"'][y='"+y1+"']") |
.transition() |
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dehighlight(x1,y1,degree-1); |
}); |
} |
}; |
dehighlight(x,y,degree); |
window.setTimeout(function(){ |
mouseState = "leave"; |
console.log("mouseState = "+mouseState);},100); |
} |
}) |
.on("click",function(d){ |
if(toggle == true){ |
time1 = new Date().getTime(); |
console.log("time1 = "+time1); |
} |
else{ |
time2 = new Date().getTime(); |
console.log("time2 = "+time2); |
} |
window.setTimeout(function(){ |
if((time1 - time2 > 500 || time1 - time2 < (-500)) && time4 - time3 < 500){ |
d3.selectAll("g.container > :not(.overlay)") |
.classed("on", false) |
.classed("off", true); |
d3.select("label.switch") |
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d3.select("foreignObject.overlay").style("display","block"); |
d3.select("foreignObject.overlay iframe").attr("src","overlay.html"); |
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toggle = !toggle; |
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var xDisp = width/2 - parseFloat(d3.select(this).attr("cx")); |
var yDisp = height/2 - parseFloat(d3.select(this).attr("cy")); |
d3.selectAll('g.links,.nodes,.texts') |
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d3.selectAll("circle") |
.each(function(){ |
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.duration(100) |
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.attr("fill",function(){ |
//console.log(d3.select(this).attr("data-orgcolor")); |
return d3.select(this).attr("data-orgcolor"); |
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d3.selectAll("line") |
.each(function(){ |
d3.select(this) |
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.duration(100) |
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.attr("stroke",function(){ |
//console.log(d3.select(this).attr("data-orgcolor")); |
return d3.select(this).attr("data-orgcolor"); |
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d3.selectAll("text") |
.transition() |
.duration(100) |
.style("font-size",14) |
.style("font-weight","normal"); |
}) |
//drawback of 'adjacent nodes turning green' feature |
//is that adjacent nodes of the hovered node must have the same color, otherwise this won't work. |
//Another drawback of all events is that if another event is triggered before the current one |
//finishes then the later event occurs and the current one pauses midway. |
.html(function(d){ |
return "<title>"+` |
${d.name} |
${d.description} |
`+"</title>"; |
}) |
.call(force.drag); |
//var overlay_html; //html for 'overlay' element |
var textElements = svg.append("g") |
.attr("class", "texts") |
//.style('z-index',3) |
.selectAll("text") |
.data(dataset.nodes) |
.enter().append("text") |
.text(function (node) { return node.name.substring(0, 3) }) |
.style("fill", "white") |
.attr("font-size", 14) |
.attr("dx", 0) |
.attr("dy", ".35em") |
.attr("text-anchor","middle") |
.attr("pointer-events","none"); |
//this line is new |
// var svg2 = svg.append("svg") |
// .attr("tansform",""); |
var degreeBox = svg.append("foreignObject") |
.classed("degreeBox", true) |
.append("xhtml:body"); |
var showDegree = degreeBox.append("b") |
.classed("text",true) |
.text("Enter degree"); |
degreeBox.append("br"); |
degreeBox.append("input") |
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.attr("step",1) |
.style("width","4em"); |
degreeBox.append("br"); |
degreeBox.append("input") |
.attr("type","button") |
.attr("value","apply") |
.on('click',function(){ |
var num = $('foreignObject.degreeBox input').val(); |
if(Number.isInteger(parseFloat(num)) && parseFloat(num)>0) |
{ |
degree = parseInt(num); |
showDegree.text("degree now is "+degree); |
} |
else { |
showDegree.text("Invalid degree (must be a +ve Integer)"); |
} |
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degreeBox.append("br") |
degreeBox.append("br") |
degreeBox.append("label") |
.attr("for","zoomCheckBox") |
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.append("b") |
.text("Zoom in/out"); |
// var sliderSwitch = degreeBox.append("label") |
// .classed("switch",true); |
degreeBox.append("input") |
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nodeElements.call(force.drag); //enable dragging |
d3.select("svg rect.forZoom") |
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d3.selectAll('circle').on('mousedown.drag', null); //disable dragging |
//svg.attr('viewBox',minX+' '+minY+' '+maxX+' '+maxY) |
console.log('minX = '+minX+' minY = '+minY+' maxX = '+maxX+' maxY = '+maxY); |
zoom.on("zoom",zoomed); //enable zooming |
d3.select("svg rect.forZoom") |
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d3.select(this).attr("cursor", "zoom-in"); |
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d3.select(this).attr("cursor", "move"); |
}) |
.on("mouseup",function(){ |
d3.select(this).attr("cursor", "zoom-in"); |
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}); |
// sliderSwitch.append("span") |
// .attr({"class":"switch-label", |
// "data-on":"Drag is On", |
// "data-off":"Zoom/Pan is On"}); |
// |
// sliderSwitch.append("span") |
// .classed("switch-handle",true); |
var overlay = svg.append("foreignObject") |
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d3.select(this).style({ "background-color": "lightgray" }); |
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d3.select(this).style({ "background-color": "white" }); |
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overlayBody.append("br"); |
overlayBody.append("iframe") |
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d3.select("input#graphCheckBox") |
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force.on("tick", function() { |
nodeElements |
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.attr('cy', function (node) { return node.y }) |
textElements |
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linkElements |
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.attr('y1', function (link) { return link.source.y }) |
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.attr('y2', function (link) { return link.target.y }) |
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force.on("end", function(){ |
d3.selectAll("svg circle") |
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</body> |
</html> |