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Created May 25, 2023 08:56
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For DSBDA Hive Assignment

Requirements :

  • Local hive start
cd /usr/local/hive/bin
to close : exit ./hive
  • flights_info.txt 200K flight records
  • info.text contains table description
year INT,
  month INT,
  day INT,
  late_aircraft_delay STRING


  1. create dabase sid
  2. use sid
  3. show tables NO OUTPUT
  4. Insert the cols from info.txt here.
 create table first (year INT,
       month INT,
       day INT,
       day_of_week INT,
       dep_time INT,
       crs_dep_time INT,
       arr_time INT,
       crs_arr_time INT,
       unique_carrier STRING,
       flight_num INT,
       tail_num STRING,
       actual_elapsed_time INT,
       crs_elapsed_time INT,
       air_time INT,
       arr_delay INT,
       dep_delay INT,
       origin STRING,
       dest STRING,
       distance INT,
       taxi_in INT,
       taxi_out INT,
       cancelled INT,
       cancellation_code STRING,
       diverted INT,
       carrier_delay STRING,
       weather_delay STRING,
       nas_delay STRING,
       security_delay STRING,
       late_aircraft_delay STRING)
    row format delimited
    fields terminated by ",";

and then load data

hive> load data local inpath "/home/cloudera/Downloads/flight_info.txt" into table first;
  1. check with desc first;
  2. create second table
create table second as select flight_num , origin_dest, arr_time, dep_time,
arr_delay, dep_delay from first;
  1. Check select * from second limit 50;
  2. table creation one

Now answers for questions for second table

1. Find Average departure delay.

select avg(dep_delay) from second;

2. Find Average arrival deplay

select avg(arr_delay) from second;

3. Display all the rows where destination is "TPA"

select * from flights where dest="TPA";

4. Display all the rows where origin is "IND"

select * from flights where origin="IND"   

5. Count total no of flights coming from differnt origins(rows)

select origin, count(flight_num) from second group by origin;

6. Create a index on the second table

create index fl_index on table flights(flight_num)
as 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.index.compact.CompactIndexHandler' 

show index on second;

7. Count the total number of flights

select count(flight_num) from flights;

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