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Created August 10, 2018 11:48
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Ricky elm
-- Fork of
port module Main exposing (main)
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Attributes as Attribute
import Html.Events as Event
import Http
import Parser exposing ((|.), (|=), Count(..), Parser, ignore, int, keep, keyword, map, oneOf, oneOrMore, succeed, symbol, zeroOrMore)
import Regex exposing (HowMany(..))
import RemoteData exposing (RemoteData(..), WebData)
import String.Extra exposing (replace)
import Time exposing (Time)
type alias Line =
{ minutes : Int, seconds : Int, miliseconds : Int, text : String }
type alias Model =
{ lyrics : List Line
, rawLyrics : WebData String
, currentTime : Float
port goToTime : Float -> Cmd msg
port setCurrentTime : (Float -> msg) -> Sub msg
port getCurrentTime : () -> Cmd msg
fetchLyrics : Cmd Msg
fetchLyrics =
Http.getString "/assets/rick.txt"
|> RemoteData.sendRequest
|> FetchLyrics
type Msg
= FetchLyrics (WebData String)
| SetCurrentTime Float
| GetCurrentTime Time
| GoToTime Float
parseLine : Parser Line
parseLine =
succeed Line
|. symbol "["
|= nullOrInt
|. symbol ":"
|= nullOrInt
|. symbol ":"
|= nullOrInt
|. symbol "]"
|= keep oneOrMore anything
nullOrInt : Parser Int
nullOrInt =
oneOf [ int, (succeed 0) ]
anything : Char -> Bool
anything _ =
parseLyrics : String -> List Line
parseLyrics rawLyrics =
unpackResult : Result Parser.Error Line -> Line
unpackResult res =
case res of
Ok line ->
Err error ->
Line 0 0 0 (toString error)
lines =
|> String.split "\n"
|> ( parseLine)
|> unpackResult
-- needed since parser doesn't accept double zero
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( { lyrics = [], rawLyrics = NotAsked, currentTime = 0.0 }, fetchLyrics )
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
case model.rawLyrics of
NotAsked ->
Html.text "Initialising."
Loading ->
Html.text "Loading."
Failure err ->
Html.text ("Error: " ++ toString err)
Success _ ->
Html.div []
[ viewMp3
, Html.div [] ( (viewLine model.currentTime) model.lyrics)
viewMp3 : Html Msg
viewMp3 =
Html.div []
[ [ Attribute.controls True, Attribute.autoplay False ]
[ Html.source
[ Attribute.src "/assets/rick.mp3"
, Attribute.type_ "audio/mpeg"
getTime : Line -> Float
getTime line =
toFloat ((line.minutes * 60) + line.seconds)
viewLine : Float -> Line -> Html Msg
viewLine currentTime line =
lineTime =
getTime line
cssClass =
if currentTime > lineTime then
"pointer light-gray"
"pointer black"
viewTimestamp line
++ " "
++ line.text
|> Html.text
|> List.singleton
|> Html.p [ Attribute.class cssClass, Event.onClick (GoToTime lineTime) ]
viewTimestamp : Line -> String
viewTimestamp line =
++ toString line.minutes
++ ":"
++ toString line.seconds
++ "."
++ toString line.miliseconds
++ "]"
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
FetchLyrics response ->
case response of
Success rawLyrics ->
lyrics =
|> parseLyrics
|> updateLyrics lyrics
|> updateRawLyrics response
|> withoutCmd
_ ->
|> updateRawLyrics response
|> withoutCmd
SetCurrentTime time ->
|> updateCurrentTime time
|> withoutCmd
GetCurrentTime _ ->
( model, getCurrentTime () )
GoToTime time ->
( model, goToTime time )
withoutCmd : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
withoutCmd model =
( model, Cmd.none )
updateLyrics : List Line -> Model -> Model
updateLyrics lines model =
{ model | lyrics = lines }
updateRawLyrics : WebData String -> Model -> Model
updateRawLyrics data model =
{ model | rawLyrics = data }
updateCurrentTime : Float -> Model -> Model
updateCurrentTime time model =
{ model | currentTime = time }
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
[ Time.every Time.second GetCurrentTime
, setCurrentTime SetCurrentTime
main : Program Never Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
, subscriptions = subscriptions
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