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Last active March 1, 2023 13:41
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Telekom Data Usage - iOS 14 Widget for Scriptable app
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: pink; icon-glyph: exchange-alt;
const DEBUG = false
const log = DEBUG ? console.log.bind(console) : function () { };
// configure the library
const libraryInfo = {
name: 'TelekomDataUsageLibrary',
version: '1.0.3',
gitlabProject: '',
forceDownload: DEBUG
// download and import library
let library = importModule(await downloadLibrary(libraryInfo))
// create the widget
const params = {
widgetParameter: args.widgetParameter,
debug: DEBUG
const widget = await library.createWidget(params)
// preview the widget
if (!config.runsInWidget) {
await widget.presentSmall()
* - creates directory for library if not existing
* - downloads library file if not existing or forced
* - returns relative path to library module
* @param {{name: string, version: string, gitlabProject: string, forceDownload: bool}} library
async function downloadLibrary(library) {
let fm = FileManager.local()
let scriptPath = module.filename
let libraryDir = scriptPath.replace(fm.fileName(scriptPath, true), fm.fileName(scriptPath, false))
if (fm.fileExists(libraryDir) && !fm.isDirectory(libraryDir)) {
if (!fm.fileExists(libraryDir)) {
let libraryFilename = + '_' + library.version + '.js'
let path = fm.joinPath(libraryDir, libraryFilename)
let forceDownload = (library.forceDownload) ? library.forceDownload : false
if (fm.fileExists(path) && !forceDownload) {
log("Not downloading library file")
} else {
let r = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);
let libraryUrl = library.gitlabProject + '/-/raw/' + library.version + '/' + + '.js?random=' + r
log("Downloading library file '" + libraryUrl + "' to '" + path + "'")
const req = new Request(libraryUrl)
let libraryFile = await req.load()
fm.write(path, libraryFile)
return fm.fileName(scriptPath, false) + '/' + libraryFilename
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Sillium commented Jul 5, 2022

Ich habe nicht wirklich Zeit, aber hier ist eine neue Version, die ein paar Fehler beheben sollte:

Bitte unbedingt einmal den Folder iCloud Drive --> Scriptable --> löschen, oder wie auch immer ihr das Script bei euch genannt habt.

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