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Oh my job, oh dear my job

Silver Bullet SilverBut

Oh my job, oh dear my job
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diyism / software alternative for
Last active August 8, 2024 23:45
software alternative for linux,migrating from windows to linux
  1. DOS usb boot -> ubuntu live iso usb boot(too big), minimal_linux_live_20-Jan-2017_64-bit.iso(only 6.8MB)
  2. diskgenius for dos -> testdisk("No Log\Proceed\Intel\Analyse\Quick Search", better than fdisk), gnome-disks
  3. norton ghost for dos -> "fsarchiver savefs" "fsarchiver restfs", remastersys
  4. windows xp -> debian+de(lxde, xfce), kali, ubuntu
  5. ntldr boot.ini -> grub menu.lst, boot-repair
  6. RemapKey/KeyTweak -> xmodmap -pke > ~/.Xmodmap then modify it, it will be loaded automatically
  7. myboard.exe -> + modified xorg-server + modified libgtk2.0-0 + fcitx-googlepinyin
  8. MagicMover(D:\Program Files) -> remastersys restored sda1 + UnionFS-FUSE(pivot_root) sda2
  9. WinHex -> wxHexEditor, bless, (sublime hexviewer only can edit one line)
  10. emEditor(PHP/C braces outline, csv editor) -> sublime(ctrl+r to list functions, addon packages: AlignTab,SublimeCodeIntel,Codecs,ConvertToUTF8), SciTE(to view log files)