- DOS usb boot -> ubuntu live iso usb boot(too big), minimal_linux_live_20-Jan-2017_64-bit.iso(only 6.8MB)
- diskgenius for dos -> testdisk("No Log\Proceed\Intel\Analyse\Quick Search", better than fdisk), gnome-disks
- norton ghost for dos -> "fsarchiver savefs" "fsarchiver restfs", remastersys
- windows xp -> debian+de(lxde, xfce), kali, ubuntu
- ntldr boot.ini -> grub menu.lst, boot-repair
- RemapKey/KeyTweak -> xmodmap -pke > ~/.Xmodmap then modify it, it will be loaded automatically
- myboard.exe -> myboard.py + modified xorg-server + modified libgtk2.0-0 + fcitx-googlepinyin
- MagicMover(D:\Program Files) -> remastersys restored sda1 + UnionFS-FUSE(pivot_root) sda2
- WinHex -> wxHexEditor, bless, (sublime hexviewer only can edit one line)
- emEditor(PHP/C braces outline, csv editor) -> sublime(ctrl+r to list functions, addon packages: AlignTab,SublimeCodeIntel,Codecs,ConvertToUTF8), SciTE(to view log files)
- ClipX(multiple clipboard) -> ParcelLite
- xplorer2 -> Marlin/Nautilus 3.6.3 file manager
- beyond compare -> beyond compare linux, meld
- Tunnelier -> "ssh -fqCND"(socks proxy), 3proxy(forward-socks5 into http proxy, don't use privoxy and polipo, unstable)
- Vilongu_HTTP_SOCKS_tunneler/sockscap -> proxychains-ng("socks5 8082" in /etc/proxychains.conf, only tcp)+"ssh -fqCND 8082", "sshuttle -r root@vps_ip 0/0", http proxy+"iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to", naiveproxy(break through GFW)
- modify dnsapi.dll to force TCP DNS query -> unbound 1.4.13+(with forward-addr+tcp-upstream) //break through CCP's GFW
- chrome -> firefox(chrome sucks)
- official emails forwarded to personal gmail web automatically+gmail web smtp -> the same
- firefox downloadthemall addon -> chrome DownloadAll addon, "aria2c -c -s 10 -x 10"
- SSH explorer -> terminal
- TortoiseSVN -> RabbitVCS+nautilus 3.6.3
- AutoVer -> inotifywait+"git local": while inotifywait -r -q -e close_write,move,delete,create $WORK_DIR; do git --work-tree=$WORK_DIR --git-dir=$GIT_DIR add .;git --work-tree=$WORK_DIR --git-dir=$GIT_DIR commit -a -m auto;done
- coLinux,vmware -> VirtualBox(need enable "Virtualization Technology" in BIOS tabs "Security/System Securtity" or "Advanced")
- SugarSync -> dropbox for linux(symbol links, selective sync, initial merge)
- Folder Cruiser Pro -> Marlin File Browser(miller columns)
- SmartDraw -> Lucidchart web, code2flow.com(flowchart), PlantUML activity2(flowchart), mermaid-js(flowchart, https://gist.github.com/diyism/6d6df4db15122ede127f)
- Fiddler2 -> WebScarab, Wireshark, MonoFiddler
- Universal-USB-Installer/LinuxLive USB Creator -> Startup Disk Creator(usb-creator-gtk, Bad!), dd syslinux mbr.bin+fdisk bootable flag+"sudo syslinux -is" (Hard!), UsbImager(Great!), Ventoy(multiboot)
- FoxitPDFEditor -> PDFedit
- AntiyPorts -> "netstat -tuwanp"
- AxCrypt -> "sudo mount -t ecryptfs ~/dir_dropbox ~/dir" or "encfs --reverse ~/dir ~/dir_dropbox" or best: "gocryptfs ~/dir_dropbox ~/dir"
- WinMount -> PCManFM Archive Mounter, gvfs-mount "archive://....tar"
- ChipGenius -> lsusb, lspci, lshw
- FileMon -> "inotifywait -mr dir_path"
- IconicTray -> alltray
- Infinite Screen -> ?
- Dreamweaver/Namo WebEditor -> http://easel.io , bluefish editor
- PowerPoint -> http://strut.io
- OpenedFilesView -> "lsof -c [PROG_NAME]"
- PowerISO -> PowerISO for linux
- WebDrive -> sftp://user@server_ip:server_port(ubuntu build-in gvfs-sftp, gvfs-webdav), or "sshfs -o reconnect,cache_timeout=86400"+"ServerAliveInterval 60","ServerAliveCountMax 1440" in /etc/ssh/ssh_config in client machine
- PhotoFilter -> mtPaint(png, 1.Paste Text, 2. Menu/View/Show Dock/Opacity, 3.right click/choose pen/commit), Inkscape(svg), maoschanz drawing(apt install drawing, it can expand canvas just like "Gimp crop allow-growing")
- Windows Task Manager bandwidth -> iftop
- Windows Search -> "find -name" or daily indexed: "locate -bi"
- ActiveUndelete/FinalData -> testdisk("No Log\Proceed\Intel\Advanced\List\c")
- HomeShare -> fwbuilder(iptables/nat)
- windows file share -> smb://peer-pc-name/share/ (ubuntu build-in gvfs-smb)+samba+nautilus-share
- process explorer -> pstree
- sysview,PasswordCaptor -> "xprop|grep PID", "xwininfo -tree"
- rdesktop,teamviewer -> FreeNX(server)+OpenNX(client)+pwnat(penetrate LAN)
- sqlyog ent(mysql table/data compare) -> export csv order by + beyond compare
- microsoft word -> AbiWord(doc input), Markdown+Pandoc(doc output, pandoc --latex-engine=xelatex a.md -o a.pdf -V mainfont="WenQuanYi Micro Hei")
- Windows built-in "Network/Connect to workplace/VPN" -> "sudo pppd persist pty 'pptp <vpn ip/doman> --nolaunchpppd' file /etc/ppp/options.pptp user password " + "ip route del #to avoid gateway conflict", "ip route add dev ppp0 src $4 #to override needed LAN ip" in /etc/ppp/ip-up
- ultra_video_converter/mediacoder -> handbrake
- Pinnacle Studio 8 -> openshot 1.4.3, DivFix++, pitivi, lossless-cut, pikimov.com
- baobab(Disk Usage Analyzer), ncdu
Last active
August 8, 2024 23:45
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