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Created November 29, 2015 20:52
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Events using interfaces

There is even more abstract way to deal with events. You can create a separated interface for the special event and implement it in classes, where you need it.

For example we can create the following interface:

interface DanceEventInterface
    const EVENT_DANCE = 'dance';

And two classes, that implement it:

class Dog extends Component implements DanceEventInterface
    public function meetBuddy()
        echo "Woof!";

class Developer extends Component implements DanceEventInterface
    public function testsPassed()
        echo "Yay!";

To handle the EVENT_DANCE, triggered by any of these classes, call [[yii\base\Event::on()]] and pass the interface name as the first argument:

Event::on('DanceEventInterface', DanceEventInterface::EVENT_DANCE, function ($event) {
    Yii::trace($event->sender->className . ' just danced'); // Will log that Dog or Developer danced

You can trigger the event of those classes:

Event::trigger(DanceEventInterface::className(), DanceEventInterface::EVENT_DANCE);

But please notice, that you can not trigger all the classes, that implement the interface:

Event::trigger('DanceEventInterface', DanceEventInterface::EVENT_DANCE); // error

Do detach event handler, call [[yii\base\Event::off()]]. For example:

// detaches $handler
Event::off('DanceEventInterface', DanceEventInterface::EVENT_DANCE, $handler);

// detaches all handlers of DanceEventInterface::EVENT_DANCE
Event::off('DanceEventInterface', DanceEventInterface::EVENT_DANCE);
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