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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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  • Save Silverium/c443b8fb77a7f51b3c71 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Silverium/c443b8fb77a7f51b3c71 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This greasemonkey script displays as discarded' offers that user is not interested anymore. It also adds a button of "Discard" next to the button of "Inscribe".
// ==UserScript==
// @description Display as discarded' offers that user is not interested anymore.
// @description Add a button of "Discard" next to the button of "Inscribe".
// @include*
// @name Discarded Infojobs' Offers
// @name:es-MX Ofertas de InfoJobs Descartadas
// @downloadURL
// @updateURL
// @namespace
// @author Soldeplata Saketos Candela
// @version 1
// @releasedOn 24/06/2015
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
//Data control. Only if elements exist, do the code
if (document.getElementById('candidate_application')) {
function discardJobs() {
//First, select the inscription button by ID
var applyForJobButton = document.getElementById('candidate_application');
applyForJobButton.innerHTML = "Inscribirme!"; //Shortening the text
//Then add the custom button
var btn = document.createElement("A"); // Create an <a> element
btn.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-primary btn-medium pull-right"); // set button styling with twitter's bootstrap
btn.setAttribute("onclick", "javascript:launchBack(this);return false;"); //go back to previous index = "darkred"; //change background color
//animating mouse over :)
btn.onmouseenter = function() {
function mouseEnter() { = "black";
btn.onmouseleave = function() {
function mouseLeave() { = "darkred";
var t = document.createTextNode("DESCARTAR"); // Create a text node
btn.appendChild(t); // Append the text to <a> button
applyForJobButton.parentNode.appendChild(btn); // Append <button> to "Inscribirme a esta oferta" button
//customize results by color:
if (document.getElementsByClassName("disabled")) { //do they exist? => do the code
function customizeGreen() {
//Already inscribed will be lightgreen
var checked = document.getElementsByClassName("disabled");
for (i = 0; i < checked.length; i++) {
checked[i].style.backgroundColor = "lightgreen";
if (document.getElementsByClassName("result-list-title")) { //do they exist? => do the code
function customizeRed() {
var titleHeader = document.getElementsByClassName("result-list-title");
for (j = 0; j < titleHeader.length; j++) {
if (titleHeader[j].tagName == "H2") {
var offerCont = document.createElement("A"); // Create an <a> element
var hijos = titleHeader[j].parentNode.childNodes; //set all elements inside the container as an array to move them
titleHeader[j].parentNode.appendChild(offerCont); //insert the <a> element into the container
var urlRef = titleHeader[j].childNodes[1].getAttribute("href"); //get the href value to later pass it to offerCont
offerCont.setAttribute("href", urlRef); //pass the href of the <a> element
offerCont.setAttribute("class", "redCustomized"); //insert custom class
while (hijos.length > 1) {
offerCont.appendChild(hijos[0]); //move all elements inside the <a> element
var estilo = document.createElement("STYLE"); //Create a <style> element
document.getElementById("ca").appendChild(estilo); //insert the stylesheet element
estilo.innerHTML = ".redCustomized a:visited{color: lightsalmon}"; //style with color visited links and custom class
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