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Forked from clojens/re.clj
Created April 15, 2017 14:08
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A few clojure java regex samples
(def ptrn
:a {:pattern #"a(?!b)"
:purpose "Only allow a if it is not preceded by a 'b' (negative lookahead)"
:samples ["acdefg" ; ok
"abcdef" ; nil
:b {:pattern #"(?i)(<title.*?>)(.+?)(</title>)"
:purpose "Grouping and backreference to get the text from a HTML <title> tag."
:samples ["titles are just dumb" ; nil
"<title>1337</title>" ; ok
:c {:pattern #"(\w)(\s+)([\.,])"
:purpose "Remove whitespace between word and . or ,"
:samples ["word ." ; ok
"to ," ; ok
"test." ; nil
:d {:pattern #"[a-zA-Z]{3}"
:purpose "Get exactly 3 characters from A to Z in both upper- and lower-case. Not less."
:samples ["FU" ; nil
"John" ; Joh
"Joe" ; Joe
:e {:pattern #"[tT]rue|[yY]es"
:purpose "returns true if the string matches exactly 'true' or 'True' or 'yes' or 'Yes"
:samples ["" ; ?
"" ; ?
"" ; ?
:f {:pattern #"^[^\d].*"
:purpose "Returns true if the string does not have a number at the beginning"
:samples ["1 beer please" ; nil
"More beer for this 1!!" ; ok
"One beer two beer" ; ok
:g {:pattern #"[^0-9]*[12]?[0-9]{1,2}[^0-9]*"
:purpose "Returns true if the string contains a number less then 300"
:samples ["123456789101112134" ; ok
"Someone rented 300" ; ?
"99 bottles of beer" ; ?
:h {:pattern #"([\w&&[^b]])*"
:purpose "Returns true if the string contains a arbitrary number of characters except b"
:samples ["acdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ; ok
"ABBA was a mid 70's band" ; nil
"Berenbotje kon niet varen" ; nil
:X {:pattern #""
:purpose ""
:samples ["" ; ?
"" ; ?
"" ; ?
(defn step [k] (map #(re-matches (get-in ptrn [k :pattern]) %) (get-in ptrn [k :samples])))
;; Java built-in regex support in string objects
;; A little threading macro to show how string instances have native
;; methods to deal with regular expressions.
(-> "foo bar" String. (.matches "fo.*"))
(step :h)
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