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Created April 19, 2015 04:24
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Save SirkleZero/06b9a6154746b4b824c5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple Powershell script to analyze a solution directory and provide simple code statistics.
param (
[ValidateScript({$_ | Test-Path -PathType Container})]
[string] $path
[string[]] $extensions =
$stats = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $stats -MemberType NoteProperty -Name lines -Value 0
Add-Member -InputObject $stats -MemberType NoteProperty -Name words -Value 0
Add-Member -InputObject $stats -MemberType NoteProperty -Name characters -Value 0
Add-Member -InputObject $stats -MemberType NoteProperty -Name files -Value 0
function CanProcess($item){
return $extensions.Contains($item.Extension.ToLower()) -And !$item.FullName.Contains("\packages\") -And !$item.FullName.Contains("\obj\") -And !$item.FullName.Contains("\bin\")
function Traverse(){
gci "$path" -recurse -File | % {
$tmp = (Get-Content $_.FullName | Measure-Object -word -line -character -ignorewhitespace)
$stats.lines += $tmp.lines
$stats.words += $tmp.words
$stats.characters += $tmp.characters
Write-Host $_.FullName " lines: " $tmp.lines
Write-Host "Running..."
$sw = new-object system.diagnostics.stopwatch
Write-Host "Lines | Words | Characters | Files"
Write-Host "=================================="
Write-Host $stats.lines " " $stats.words " " $stats.characters " " $stats.files
[int[]] $clippy = $stats.lines, $stats.words, $stats.characters, $stats.files
$clippy | clip
Write-Host "Completed in " $sw.Elapsed
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