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nix primer [wip]

nix at the command line is a package manager, but it also a programming language (dpl). the foundation of the nix language provides a minimal toolset for building software reproducibly.

while many have complained that the documentation is lack-luster at best, it is rather resourceful once you've been introduced to the ideas in the nix ecosystem.

in this article, we'll be examining the nix language primitives.

the nix language

May 31 04:09:05 start[421206]: 2023-05-31T08:09:05.483795Z INFO mockingbird: Mockingbird initializing...
May 31 04:09:05 start[421206]: 2023-05-31T08:09:05.632566Z INFO start:start_connection{shard_data=[0, 0, 1]}:initialize:boot{shard_info=[ShardId(0), ShardId(1)]}: serenity::client::bridge::gateway::shard_manager: Telling shard queuer to start shard 0
May 31 04:09:05 start[421206]: 2023-05-31T08:09:05.761983Z INFO run: serenity::client::bridge::gateway::shard_runner: [ShardRunner [0, 1]] Running
May 31 04:09:05 start[421206]: Coggerz is connected!
May 31 04:09:05 start[421206]: 2023-05-31T08:09:05.937355Z WARN run:recv_event: serenity::model::channel: Unknown ChannelType value: 15
May 31 04:09:54 start[421206]: 2023-05-31T08:09:54.152189Z INFO runner{config=Config { crypto_mode: Normal, decode_mode: Decrypt, gateway_timeout: Some(10s), preallocated_tracks: 1, driver_retry: Retry { strategy: Backoff(ExponentialBackoff { min: 250ms, max: 10s, jitter: 0.1 }), retry_limit: Some(5) }, driver_timeout: Some(1
# uploads files to
transfer() {
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo -e "No arguments specified. Usage: echo transfer /tmp/ cat /tmp/ | transfer";
return 1; fi
tmpfile=$( mktemp -t transferXXX )
if tty -s;
then basefile=$(basename "$1" | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]/-/g')
curl --progress-bar --upload-file "$1" "$basefile" >> $tmpfile
Skarlett / OVERLAYFS
Created July 31, 2022 21:06 — forked from mutability/OVERLAYFS
readonly root via overlayfs
- install the two shellscripts into the appropriate places under /etc/initramfs-tools
- run update-initramfs
- put "overlay=yes" on the kernel command line
- reboot
With the overlay in place, the real root is mounted readonly on /ro.
Only the root fs is changed, other filesystems are mounted normally.
Remove "overlay=yes" (or change it to something other than yes) and reboot to go back to readwrite.
(This probably means that you want the commandline config to live somewhere other than on the root fs, e.g. under /boot)
Skarlett /
Last active March 26, 2024 10:30
rust self bot using serenity
** Self bot usage for serenity.
** Avoid API calls which handle
** guild invitation or require guild intent
** These tend to be where the alarms are set.
** Avoid prefixed commands & instant replies.
Skarlett /
Created September 15, 2019 15:53
A quick rust program to show how out-of-bounds compiling works in rust.
struct Parent<T> {
children: Vec<T>,
impl<T> Parent<T> {
fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&T> {
match self.children.get(index) {
Some(c) => Some(c),
None => None
Skarlett /
Last active June 11, 2018 08:21
Extensive - configurable - Tumblr Scraper. (Python)
import requests
import json
import time
def range_package(*args, **kwargs):
last_var = None
for i in range(*args, **kwargs):
if last_var and i:
yield last_var, i

pTemplates Plug&Play Module


  • 1.0 - Basics / Prerequisite Knowledge
    • 1.0.1 Requirements
  • 1.1 Creating your first template
"providers": {
"": {
"renewal": 172800,
"types": {
"socks5": [
Skarlett /
Last active October 23, 2024 16:35
Quick simulation of the HiLo Bitcoin multiplier game found on, PS. It'd be really cool if you referred under me.
import random
import time
from os import name
IS_WIN = name.startswith('nt')
NO_COLOR = False
class HiLo_gamble:
def __init__(self, bet=float(), chance=47.5):
self.update(bet, chance)