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Forked from cangelis/command.class.php
Created January 17, 2017 09:07
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A simple Command Pattern implementation (Calculator example) on PHP
abstract class Command {
abstract public function unExecute ();
abstract public function Execute ();
class concreteCommand extends Command {
private $operator,$operand,$calculator;
public function __construct ($calculator,$operator,$operand) {
$this->operator = $operator;
$this->operand = $operand;
$this->calculator = $calculator;
public function Execute() {
public function unExecute () {
private function Undo ($operator) {
switch ($operator) {
case '+': return '-';
case '-': return '+';
case '*': return '/';
case '/': return '*';
class Calculator {
private $current;
public function __construct() {
$this->current = 0;
public function Action($operator,$operand) {
switch ($operator) {
case '+':
$this->current += $operand;
case '-':
$this->current -= $operand;
case '*':
$this->current *= $operand;
case '/':
$this->current /= $operand;
public function getCurrent() {
return $this->current;
class Invoker {
private $commands,$calculator,$current;
public function __construct() {
$this->current =-1;
public function Undo() {
if ($this->current >= 0) {
public function Compute($command) {
$this->commands[$this->current] = $command;
This is a simple Command Pattern example which performs Undo operation on a calculator. You may use callbacks in order to verify open-close principle.
UML Diagram:
Our receiver here is calculator.
$User = new Invoker();
$calculator = new Calculator();
$command = new concreteCommand($calculator,'+',5);
echo "After +5: ".$calculator->getCurrent()."<br/>";
$command = new concreteCommand($calculator,'*',7);
echo "After *7: ".$calculator->getCurrent()."<br/>";
$command = new concreteCommand($calculator,'/',2);
echo "After /2: ".$calculator->getCurrent()."<br/>";
$command = new concreteCommand($calculator,'-',10);
echo "After -10: ".$calculator->getCurrent()."<br/>";
echo "Undo Operation: ".$calculator->getCurrent()."<br/>";
echo "Undo Operation: ".$calculator->getCurrent()."<br/>";
echo "Undo Operation: ".$calculator->getCurrent()."<br/>";
echo "Undo Operation: ".$calculator->getCurrent()."<br/>";
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