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Created October 22, 2024 07:58
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Delete packages for a user using a glob
set -e
# Variables
OWNER=$1 # Replace with your GitHub username or organization name
PACKAGE_GLOB=$2 # Glob pattern for package names passed as an argument (e.g., "package*" to match all)
# Function to delete a package version
delete_package_version() {
echo "deleting package with name: $name"
gh api -X DELETE "/user/packages/container/$name" --silent
# Fetch the list of all available packages for the user/organization
echo "Fetching packages matching the glob pattern '$PACKAGE_GLOB'..."
# Fetch all package names and filter with globbing
ALL_PACKAGES=$(gh api "/users/$OWNER/packages?package_type=container" --jq '.[].name' --paginate)
if [[ -z "$MATCHED_PACKAGES" ]]; then
echo "No packages found matching the pattern '$PACKAGE_GLOB'."
exit 1
# echo "Deleting the following packages: ${MATCHED_PACKAGES}"
# Loop through matched packages and delete them
SAVEIFS=$IFS # Save current IFS (Internal Field Separator)
IFS=$'\n' # Change IFS to newline char
packages=($MATCHED_PACKAGES) # split the `names` string into an array by the same name
IFS=$SAVEIFS # Restore original IFS
for (( i=0; i<${#packages[@]}; i++ ))
delete_package_version "${packages[$i]}"
echo "All matching packages deleted!"
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