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Sketch9920 /
Created June 25, 2023 07:54 — forked from d7samurai/
Minimal D3D11 bonus material: extra minimal triangle

Minimal D3D11 bonus material: extra minimal triangle

A quick side exercise to see how little code one can get away with to put that RGB triangle on screen using D3D11 (without bending over backwards with trickery). This is a complete app in < 40 LOC (including the HLSL).

pretty minimal d3d11 triangle

For more.. useful.. D3D11 reference code, see the original Minimal D3D11, Minimal D3D11 pt2 and Minimal D3D11 pt3

Sketch9920 /
Created June 25, 2023 07:24 — forked from d7samurai/
Minimal WASAPI

Minimal WASAPI

Minimal WASAPI reference implementation. Runnable console application contained in a single function and laid out in a linear, step-by-step fashion. No modern C++ / OOP / obscuring cruft. Produces a steady sine wave sound.

(This is a re-post of the same gist I posted a few years earlier, simply due to me wanting the Minimal D3D11 series to be listed contiguously and it's not possible to hide or rearrange gists).