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Last active August 26, 2020 11:10
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Publish vendor Jar to maven from sbt
// publish to your maven repo using `sbt "myProject/publish"`
// note maven appears to only really support a single jar per library, so create multiple sub-modules
// name of the jar in modules/my-project/lib/<name>.jar
val jarName = "my-vendor-jar"
lazy val myJar = (project in file("modules/my-jar"))
name := "my-jar",
// settings to treat the unmanaged lib jar as the main jar of the published artifact
(Compile / packageBin) := unmanagedBase.value / s"$jarName.jar",
artifacts := Classpaths.artifactDefs(List(makePom, Compile / packageBin)).value,
packagedArtifacts := Classpaths.packaged(List(makePom, Compile / packageBin)).value,
// shouldn't depend on scala, or be tied to scala version
autoScalaLibrary := false,
crossPaths := false
// another sub-project can depend on the jar project, and have the jar available on the classpath
lazy val service = (project in file("modules/service"))
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