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Last active December 23, 2015 19:09
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  • Save Slater-Victoroff/6681032 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Slater-Victoroff/6681032 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple Flask Server for parsing LabView XML and doing some scant logic.
import flask
import sys
from flask import Flask, request
import random
from lxml import etree
import xmltodict
import numpy as np
import operator
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['DEBUG'] = True
V_MAP = np.array([[6,7,8],[5,0,1],[4,3,2]])
# Worlds will ultimately be a mapping of IP to current World Memory Map
@app.route('/setup', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def reset():
Small endpoint to reset the graph. Gratuitously used to set the minimum level bound, hence the zero.
ip = request.remote_addr
WORLDS[ip] = np.empty((10,10))
# 0.1 is just some small value to prefer discovery
return "0"
@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def think():
General endpoint for robot food finding algorithm
# Parsing the XML
request_dict = xmltodict.parse(str(request.form.keys()[0]))['Cluster']
sensor_array = np.reshape([int(float(item['Val'])) for item in request_dict['Array']['DBL']], (3,3), order='C')
state = {variable['Name']: variable['Val'] for variable in request_dict['DBL']}
update_world(state, sensor_array, request.remote_addr)
return str(get_ideal_next_move(state, request.remote_addr))
def update_world(state, sensor_array, ip):
Given the information in the sensor_array, updates the global WORLD representation
x = int(float(state['X']))
y = int(float(state['Y']))
if y < 1:
sensor_array = sensor_array[1:,:]
elif y > 8:
sensor_array = sensor_array[:2,:]
if x < 1:
sensor_array = sensor_array[:,1:]
elif x > 8:
sensor_array = sensor_array[:,:2]
WORLDS[ip][max(0,y-1):min(y+2,10),max(0,x-1):min(x+2,10)] = sensor_array
def get_ideal_next_move(state, ip):
Given the current location, moves towards the square with the highest weighting
Extra logic to convert this into a V_Heading
x = int(float(state['X']))
y = int(float(state['Y']))
position_values = {}
for i in range(max(0,y-1),min(y+2,10)):
for j in range(max(0,x-1),min(x+2,10)):
position_values[(j,i)] = calculate_square_weighting((j,i), ip)
heading_keys = position_values.keys()
heading_values = position_values.values()
next_move = heading_keys[heading_values.index(max(heading_values))]
x_heading = 1+(next_move[0]-x)
y_heading = 1+(next_move[1]-y)
return V_MAP[y_heading, x_heading]
def calculate_square_weighting(position, ip):
Given a position, accesses the WORLD variable and determines how optimal that location is.
Optimality is basically total distance weighted by value of all other points.
position should be an x,y tuple
total = 0
# Since we can move diagonally, the distance is just the maximum of the distance in either direction.
distance = lambda a, b: max(abs(a[0]-b[0]), abs(a[1]-b[1]))
local_world = WORLDS[ip]
for y in xrange(len(local_world)):
for x in xrange(len(local_world[0])):
total += float(local_world[y,x])/(1+distance(position, (x,y)))
return total
if __name__ == '__main__':'')
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Relevant LabView can be found here: (Think Block) (World Reset)

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