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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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nested components
How do I make the outer component send an attribute value into its sub-components,
or have the sub-components read from the parent attributes?
In the following example, the `multiple="true"` attribute changes the toggle group
to act like a set of checkboxes instead of a set of radio buttons, but the semantics
are more like an html 'select' menu.
<select multiple>
Specifically in the case below, the `multiple` attribute changes the input elements
inside of the toggle-group to be 'checkbox' instead of 'radio'
{{#toggle-button id="foo"}}Foo{{/toggle-button}}
{{#toggle-button id="bar"}}Bar{{/toggle-button}}
{{#toggle-button id="baz"}}Baz{{/toggle-button}}
{{! should render as: }}
<ul class="toggle-group">
<input type="radio" name="toggle-group-1" id="foo"> <label class="toggle-button" for="foo">Foo</label>
<input type="radio" name="toggle-group-1" id="bar"> <label class="toggle-button" for="bar">Bar</label>
<input type="radio" name="toggle-group-1" id="baz"> <label class="toggle-button" for="baz">Baz</label>
{{! BUTTTTTTT (note multiple="true") }}
{{#toggle-group multiple="true"}}
{{#toggle-button id="foo"}}Foo{{/toggle-button}}
{{#toggle-button id="bar"}}Bar{{/toggle-button}}
{{#toggle-button id="baz"}}Baz{{/toggle-button}}
{{! should render as: }}
<ul class="toggle-group">
<input type="checkbox" id="foo"> <label class="toggle-button" for="foo">Foo</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="bar"> <label class="toggle-button" for="bar">Bar</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="baz"> <label class="toggle-button" for="baz">Baz</label>
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meirish commented Aug 1, 2014

since components are like views + controllers, you can actually access the outer component from the inner one with parentView.multiple

so ToggleButtonComponent could have a computed prop like so:

isMultiple: Ember.computed.bool('parentView.multiple')

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Thanks! That worked like a charm.

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