- fontconfig
- font.conf
- lf
- mpd
- mpv
- ncmcpp
- pinentry
- shell
- wal
- x11
- joshuto
- falkon/profiles
- defaults
- alacritty
- hypr (go to bar)
- kitty
- neofetch
- river (compositors)
- sway (compositors)
- waybar (bar) (IMPORTANT)
- zathura
- zathuraconf
- autostart
- bspwm (compositor)
- scripts
- dunst
- dwl (compositor)
- eww (bar)
- bar
- modules
- scripts
- src
- falkon (Seens to be the correct one)
- HybridBar (bar)
- hypr (compositors + bar)
- qtile (compositors + bar)
- river ((compositors) again?)
- rofi
- sway ((compositors) again?)
- sxhkd
- waybar ((bar) again?)
- yambar (bar)
Notes to remember my dotfiles