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// Generated by Grunt | |
// ==UserScript== | |
// @name StyleChan | |
// @version 1.0.15 | |
// @namespace StyleChan | |
// @description Customizable themes for 4chan X. | |
// @minGMVer 1.14 | |
// @minFFVer 26 | |
// @license GPL-3.0; | |
// @match *://* | |
// @grant GM_getValue | |
// @grant GM_setValue | |
// @grant GM_deleteValue | |
// @grant GM_openInTab | |
// @grant GM_listValues | |
// @run-at document-start | |
// @updateURL | |
// @downloadURL | |
// @icon  | |
// ==/UserScript== | |
(function() { | |
var defaultConfig = { | |
":: Main Rice": ["header", ""], | |
"Left Margin": [ | |
5, "Change the size of the left margin.", [{ | |
name: "Large", | |
value: 65 | |
}, { | |
name: "Medium", | |
value: 25 | |
}, { | |
name: "Small", | |
value: 5 | |
}, { | |
name: "None", | |
value: 0 | |
}, { | |
name: "Custom", | |
value: 999 | |
}], true | |
], | |
"Custom Left Margin": [ | |
0, "Left margin custom width (pixels).", "Left Margin", 999, true | |
], | |
"Right Margin": [ | |
5, "Change the size of the right margin.", [{ | |
name: "Large", | |
value: 65 | |
}, { | |
name: "Medium", | |
value: 25 | |
}, { | |
name: "Small", | |
value: 5 | |
}, { | |
name: "None", | |
value: 0 | |
}, { | |
name: "Custom", | |
value: 999 | |
}], true | |
], | |
"Custom Right Margin": [ | |
0, "Right margin custom width (pixels).", "Right Margin", 999, true | |
], | |
"Rounded Corners": [false, "Styles replies, menus and Quick Reply to have subtly rounded corners."], | |
"Underline All Links": [false, "Underlines all links in the page."], | |
"Show Banner": [false, "Toggle visibility of banner.", null, true], | |
"Reduce Banner Opacity": [false, "Reduce opacity of the banner for easier viewing.", "Show Banner", true, true], | |
"Show Board Banners": [false, "Toggle visibility of board banners."], | |
"Show Board Name": [true, "Toggle visibility of the board name."], | |
"Show Reply to Thread Button": [false, "Toggle visibility of the Start a Thread / Reply to Thread button."], | |
"Show Blotter": [true, "Toggle visibility of the 4chan news blotter."], | |
"Show 4chan Ads": [false, "Opts into 4chan\'s banner ads.", null, true], | |
"Show Top Ad": [true, "Show the top 4chan banner ad.", "Show 4chan Ads", true, true], | |
"Show Middle Ad": [true, "Show the middle 4chan banner ad.", "Show 4chan Ads", true, true], | |
"Show Bottom Ad": [true, "Show the bottom 4chan banner ad.", "Show 4chan Ads", true, true], | |
"Reduce Ad Opacity": [false, "Reduce the opacity of ads until hover for easier viewing.", "Show 4chan Ads", true, true], | |
"Show Navigation Links": [true, "Toggle visibility of the navigation links at the top and bottom of the threads.", null, true], | |
"Show Top Links": [true, "Toggle visibility of the top navigation links.", "Show Navigation Links", true, true], | |
"Show Bottom Links": [true, "Toggle visibility of the bottom navigation links.", "Show Navigation Links", true, true], | |
":: Sidebar": ["header", ""], | |
"Sidebar Position": [ | |
1, "Change the position of the sidebar or disable it altogether.", [{ | |
name: "Right", | |
value: 1 | |
}, { | |
name: "Left", | |
value: 2 | |
}, { | |
name: "Disabled", | |
value: 3 | |
}], true | |
], | |
"Minimal Sidebar": [true, "Shrinks the sidebar and disables the banner."], | |
":: Quick Reply": ["header", ""], | |
"Autohide Style": [ | |
2, "Changes how the quick reply is hidden. Enable Autohide QR in 4chan X.", [{ | |
name: "Normal", | |
value: 1 | |
}, { | |
name: "Vertical Tabbed", | |
value: 2 | |
}, { | |
name: "Fade", | |
value: 3 | |
}] | |
], | |
"Transparent QR": [false, "Reduces opacity of the QR box."], | |
"Remove Background": [false, "Removes the QR background."], | |
"Remove Controls": [false, "Removes the QR controls and checkbox."], | |
"Expanding Form Inputs": [true, "Makes certain form elements expand on focus."], | |
"Force QR to Sidebar Size": [false, "QR will no longer extend past the sidebar size."], | |
":: Replies": ["header", ""], | |
"Fit Width": [true, "Replies stretch to the width of the page."], | |
"Show Reply Header": [true, "Shows reply header background and line border."], | |
"Show File Info": [true, "Hides filename, dimensions and size info."], | |
"Underline QuoteLinks": [false, "Underlines quotelinks only."], | |
"Indent OP": [true, "Indents the OP instead of touching the screen."], | |
"Allow Wrapping Around OP": [false, "Allow for replies to wrap around OP instead of being forced onto their own line."], | |
"OP Background": [true, "Give OP a background similar to a reply."], | |
"Recolor Even Replies": [false, "Makes every other post a darker color. If Quote Threading is enabled darkens every root reply."], | |
"Reduce Thumbnail Opacity": [false, "Reduces opacity of thumbnails."], | |
"Backlink Icons": [true, "Use icons for backlinks instead of text."], | |
"Backlinks on Bottom": [false, "Move backlinks to the bottom right of replies."], | |
"Borders": [ | |
2, "Changes which sides of replies have borders.", [{ | |
name: "Normal (4chan default)", | |
value: 1 | |
}, { | |
name: "On all sides", | |
value: 2 | |
}, { | |
name: "None", | |
value: 3 | |
}] | |
], | |
"Margin Between Replies": ['', "Change size of spacing in between replies.", [{ | |
name: "Very Large", | |
value: 15 | |
}, { | |
name: "Large", | |
value: 8 | |
}, { | |
name: "Normal (4chan default)", | |
value: '' | |
}, { | |
name: "Minimal", | |
value: -2 | |
}, { | |
name: "None", | |
value: -4 | |
}, { | |
name: "Overlapping Borders", | |
value: -5 | |
}]], | |
"Post Message Margin": [ | |
2, "Change size of margin around post message.", [{ | |
name: "Small", | |
value: 1 | |
}, { | |
name: "Normal", | |
value: 2 | |
}, { | |
name: "Large", | |
value: 3 | |
}] | |
], | |
":: Catalog": ["header", ""], | |
"Justified Text": [true, "Justifies the teaser text of every thread to be more uniform."], | |
"Show Background": [false, "Threads receive a matching background."], | |
"Unified Thumbnail Size": [false, "Makes all thumbnails the same size regardless of aspect ratio."], | |
":: 4chan X Header": ["header", ""], | |
"Show Header Background Gradient": [false, "Gives the header bar a gradient background."], | |
"Show Header Shadow": [true, "Gives the header a drop shadow."], | |
"Highlight Current Board": [true, "Gives the current board link a bottom highlight border."], | |
":: Highlighting": ["header", ""], | |
"Highlight (OP) quotes": [false, "Highlights all (OP) mentions."], | |
"Highlight (You) quotes": [false, "Highlights all posts quoting (You)"], | |
"Post Decoration Style": [ | |
0, "Changes the highlight decoration of posts.", [{ | |
name: "None", | |
value: 0 | |
}, { | |
name: "Border", | |
value: 1 | |
}, { | |
name: "Outline", | |
value: 2 | |
}, { | |
name: "Separator", | |
value: 3 | |
}] | |
], | |
"Post Decoration Width": [ | |
1, "Changes decoration width of highlighted posts.", [{ | |
name: "Large", | |
value: 6 | |
}, { | |
name: "Medium", | |
value: 3 | |
}, { | |
name: "Small", | |
value: 1 | |
}, { | |
name: "Custom", | |
value: 999 | |
}], true | |
], | |
"Custom Decoration Width": [ | |
0, "Enter a custom width for the decoration (pixels).", "Post Decoration Width", 999, true | |
], | |
"Post Highlight Style": [ | |
"solid", "Changes style of post highlight.", [{ | |
name: "Dashed", | |
value: "dashed" | |
}, { | |
name: "Dotted", | |
value: "dotted" | |
}, { | |
name: "Double", | |
value: "double" | |
}, { | |
name: "Solid", | |
value: "solid" | |
}] | |
], | |
":: Fonts": ["header", ""], | |
"Font Family": [ | |
"sans-serif", "Set the default font family.", [{ | |
name: "Default", | |
value: "sans-serif" | |
}, { | |
name: "Monospace", | |
value: "monospace" | |
}, { | |
name: "Ubuntu", | |
value: "Ubuntu" | |
}, { | |
name: "Consolas", | |
value: "Consolas" | |
}, { | |
name: "Droid Sans", | |
value: "Droid Sans" | |
}, { | |
name: "Segoe UI", | |
value: "Segoe UI" | |
}, { | |
name: "Calibri", | |
value: "Calibri" | |
}, { | |
name: "Arial", | |
value: "Arial" | |
}, { | |
name: "Lucida Grande", | |
value: "Lucida Grande" | |
}, { | |
name: "Helvetica", | |
value: "Helvetica" | |
}] | |
], | |
"Font Size": [13, "Set the general size of text (Pixels). Min: 10px, Max: 18px"], | |
"Backlink Font Size": [9, "Set the font size of backlinks."], | |
"Bitmap Font": [false, "Check this if you are using a bitmap font."], | |
"Themes": [], | |
"Hidden Themes": [], | |
"Selected Theme": 13, | |
"NSFW Theme": 12 | |
}, | |
MAX_FONT_SIZE = 18, | |
MIN_FONT_SIZE = 10, | |
NAME = "StyleChan", | |
NAMESPACE = "StyleChan.", | |
VERSION = "1.0.14", | |
CHANGELOG = "", | |
inputImages = "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAgAAAAgCAYAAAAv8DnQAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBBZG9iZSBJbWFnZVJlYWR5ccllPAAAAP9JREFUOMvV0CFLQ2EYxfHfrtdiURgbmCxOmFPBJgZZ0CQD0Q+goFkwabWIyWIWFgwmy7Qp7DPI3GD7ACZlYLNcy31ljG0aDHrSy3N43nOef6ZULBiifczEQ8wV7OAtGmBO4wgfOI2whsXUnMAJ8rhCJ8IxDpHDHpZwixqM5XPZBBtYxioauEgjRLjBI2bRxTneQ6EYCS4xiTu89DbONJrtP88hwnV64hm28YRqyPsFDkmSGKUYFubnsqignM7rqDWa7dcAqoLdnsXwrgZQ5QG/l8MVIxX1ZPar/lUyUOsv+aMzv+0Qw3OrM4VNrKfzB9yXioVu6LDVx+EA4/+Gwycw/Uz36O07WwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==", | |
themeInputs = [{ | |
dName: "Reply Background", | |
name: "mainColor", | |
property: "background-color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Reply Border", | |
name: "brderColor", | |
property: "border-color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Input Background", | |
name: "inputColor", | |
property: "background-color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Input Border", | |
name: "inputbColor", | |
property: "border-color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Header Background", | |
name: "headerBGColor", | |
property: "background-color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Header Text", | |
name: "headerColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Board Title", | |
name: "boardColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Body Background", | |
name: "bgColor", | |
property: "background-color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Text", | |
name: "textColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Backlink", | |
name: "blinkColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Header Link", | |
name: "headerLColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Header Link Hover", | |
name: "headerLHColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Link", | |
name: "linkColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Link Hover", | |
name: "linkHColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Quotelinks", | |
name: "qlColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Name", | |
name: "nameColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Tripcode", | |
name: "tripColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Subject", | |
name: "titleColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Greentext", | |
name: "quoteColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Unread Line", | |
name: "unreadColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Highlighting", | |
name: "postHLColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Posts Quoting You", | |
name: "quotesYouHLColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Own Posts", | |
name: "ownPostHLColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Highlighted Threads", | |
name: "threadHLColor", | |
property: "color" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Highlighted Reply BG", | |
name: "replybgHLColor", | |
property: "background" | |
}, { | |
dName: "Reply Selection", | |
name: "replyslctColor", | |
property: "outline" | |
}], | |
$lib, $SS; | |
if (!Array.isArray) | |
Array.isArray = function(arg) { | |
return === "[object Array]"; | |
}; | |
Number.prototype.toHexStr = function() { | |
var s = "", | |
v; | |
for (var i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { | |
v = (this >>> (i * 4)) & 0xf; | |
s += v.toString(16); | |
} | |
return s; | |
}; | |
/* More or less based off jQuery */ | |
$lib = window.$ = function(selector, root) { | |
return this instanceof $lib ? | |
this.init(selector, root) : new $lib(selector, root); | |
}; | |
/* From 4chan X, unchainable */ | |
/* */ | |
$.asap = function(test, cb) { | |
if (test()) { | |
return cb(); | |
} else { | |
return setTimeout($.asap, 25, test, cb); | |
} | |
}; | |
$lib.prototype = { | |
constructor: $lib, | |
elems: [], | |
length: function() { | |
return this.elems.length; | |
}, | |
init: function(selector, root) { | |
if (selector == null || selector == undefined) return this; | |
if (selector.constructor === $lib) return selector; | |
else if (typeof selector === "string") { | |
var root = root || document; | |
var tagCheck = /^<(\w+)([^>]*)>(.*)$/.exec(selector); // No closing tag for root node. | |
if (root.constructor === $lib) | |
root = root.get(); | |
if (tagCheck) { | |
var tag = document.createElement(tagCheck[1]); | |
if (tagCheck[2]) { | |
var attribs, atRegEx = /(\w+)=((?:"(?:[^"]+)"|'(?:[^']+)'|(?:\w+)))/g; | |
while ((attribs = atRegEx.exec(tagCheck[2])) != null) { | |
var val = attribs[2]; | |
if ((val[0] == '"' || val[0] === "'") && val[0] == val[val.length - 1]) | |
val = val.substr(1, val.length - 2) | |
tag.setAttribute(attribs[1], val); | |
} | |
} | |
tag.innerHTML = tagCheck[3]; | |
this.elems = [tag]; | |
} else if (/^#[\w-]+$/.test(selector) && root == document) { | |
var el; | |
if ((el = document.getElementById(selector.substr(1))) != null) | |
this.elems = [el]; | |
} else { | |
var results = root.querySelectorAll(selector); | |
this.elems =; | |
} | |
} else if (selector.nodeType) | |
this.elems = [selector]; | |
else if (Array.isArray(selector)) | |
this.elems =; | |
return this; | |
}, | |
clone: function() { | |
var ret = []; | |
this.each(function() { | |
ret.push(this.cloneNode(true)); | |
}); | |
return new $lib(ret); | |
}, | |
elements: function() { | |
if (!this.hasSingleEl()) | |
return this; | |
this.elems =[0].elements); | |
return this; | |
}, | |
get: function(index) { | |
if (index == undefined && this.elems.length === 1) | |
return this.elems[0]; | |
else if (index == undefined && !this.hasSingleEl()) | |
return this.elems; | |
return this.elems[index]; | |
}, | |
prepend: function(el) { | |
if (el.constructor === $lib) | |
el = el.get(); | |
return this.each(function() { | |
this.insertBefore(el, this.firstChild); | |
}); | |
}, | |
append: function(el) { | |
if (el.constructor === $lib) | |
el = el.get(); | |
return this.each(function() { | |
this.appendChild(el); | |
}); | |
}, | |
before: function(el) { | |
if (el.constructor === $lib) | |
el = el.get(); | |
return this.each(function() { | |
this.parentNode.insertBefore(el, this); | |
}); | |
}, | |
after: function(el) { | |
if (el.constructor === $lib) | |
el = el.get(); | |
return this.each(function() { | |
if (this.nextSibling != null) | |
this.parentNode.insertBefore(el, this.nextSibling); | |
else if (this.parentNode != null) | |
this.parentNode.appendChild(el); | |
}); | |
}, | |
replace: function(el) { | |
return this.each(function() { | |
$(this).before(el).remove(); | |
}); | |
}, | |
html: function(html) { | |
if (html == undefined) | |
return this.elems[0].innerHTML; | |
return this.each(function() { | |
this.innerHTML = html; | |
}); | |
}, | |
text: function(text) { | |
if (this.length() === 0) | |
return; | |
if (text == undefined) | |
return this.elems[0].textContent; | |
return this.each(function() { | |
this.textContent = text; | |
}); | |
}, | |
appendText: function(text) { | |
return this.each(function() { | |
this.textContent += text; | |
}); | |
}, | |
attr: function(name, val) { | |
if (val == undefined) | |
if (!this.hasSingleEl()) | |
return this; | |
else | |
return this.elems[0].getAttribute(name); | |
else | |
if (val === "") | |
return this.each(function() { | |
this.removeAttribute(name); | |
}); | |
return this.each(function() { | |
this.setAttribute(name, val); | |
}); | |
}, | |
disabled: function(bDisabled) { | |
if (bDisabled == undefined) | |
return this.elems[0].disabled; | |
return this.each(function() { | |
this.disabled = bDisabled; | |
}); | |
}, | |
toggle: function(bHidden) { | |
return this.each(function() { | |
var $this = $(this); | |
if (bHidden == undefined) | |
bHidden = !($this.attr("disabled") === "true"); | |
$this.attr("hidden", bHidden || ""); | |
}); | |
}, | |
hide: function() { | |
return this.toggle(true); | |
}, | |
show: function() { | |
return this.toggle(false); | |
}, | |
val: function(val) { | |
if (val == undefined) { | |
var el = this.elems[0]; | |
if (el == undefined) | |
return false; | |
switch (el.type) { | |
case "checkbox": | |
case "radio": | |
return el.checked == true; | |
default: | |
if (/^\d+$/.test(el.value)) | |
return parseInt(el.value); | |
return el.value; | |
} | |
} | |
return this.each(function() { | |
switch (this.type) { | |
case "checkbox": | |
case "radio": | |
this.checked = val; | |
break; | |
default: | |
this.value = val; | |
break; | |
} | |
}); | |
}, | |
checked: function(state) { | |
return this.each(function() { | |
this.checked = state; | |
}); | |
}, | |
addClass: function(classNames) { | |
return this.each(function() { | |
classNames = classNames.split(" "); | |
for (var j = 0, jMAX = classNames.length; j < jMAX; j++) | |
if (!$(this).hasClass(classNames[j])) | |
this.className += (this.className ? " " : "") + classNames[j]; | |
}); | |
}, | |
hasClass: function(className) { | |
if (!this.hasSingleEl() || this.elems[0].className == undefined) | |
return false; | |
var regx = new RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b"); | |
return regx.test(this.elems[0].className); | |
}, | |
removeClass: function(classNames) { | |
return this.each(function() { | |
classNames = classNames.split(" "); | |
for (var j = 0, jMAX = classNames.length; j < jMAX; j++) | |
if ($(this).hasClass(classNames[j])) { | |
var cclassNames = this.className.split(" "); | |
this.className = ""; | |
for (var k = 0, kMAX = cclassNames.length; k < kMAX; k++) | |
if (classNames[j] !== cclassNames[k]) | |
this.className += (this.className ? " " : "") + cclassNames[k]; | |
} | |
}); | |
}, | |
toggleClass: function(classNames) { | |
return this.each(function() { | |
classNames = classNames.split(" "); | |
for (var j = 0, jMAX = classNames.length; j < jMAX; j++) | |
if (!$(this).hasClass(classNames[j])) | |
$(this).addClass(classNames[j]); | |
else | |
$(this).removeClass(classNames[j]); | |
}); | |
}, | |
optionClass: function(optionName, optionValue, className) { | |
return this.each(function() { | |
if ($SS.conf[optionName] === optionValue && !$(this).hasClass(className)) | |
$(this).addClass(className); | |
else if ($SS.conf[optionName] !== optionValue && $(this).hasClass(className)) | |
$(this).removeClass(className); | |
else | |
return | |
}); | |
}, | |
remove: function() { | |
return this.each(function() { | |
this.parentNode.removeChild(this); | |
}); | |
}, | |
parent: function() { | |
if (!this.hasSingleEl()) return this; | |
return new $lib(this.elems[0].parentNode); | |
}, | |
children: function(selector) { | |
if (!this.hasSingleEl()) | |
return this; | |
else if (selector == null) | |
selector = "*"; | |
return new $lib(selector, this.elems[0]); | |
}, | |
nextSibling: function(selector) { | |
if (!this.hasSingleEl() ? true : this.elems[0].nextSibling == null) | |
return new $lib(null); | |
if (selector != undefined) { | |
var t, m = new $lib(selector, this.elems[0].parentNode), | |
s = this.elems[0].parentNode.childNodes; | |
for (var i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { | |
if (s[i] === this.elems[0] && t == undefined) // end and no matching siblings | |
return new $lib(null); | |
else if (s[i] === this.elems[0] && t != undefined) // end and matched sibling | |
return new $lib(t); | |
else if (m.elems.indexOf(s[i]) !== -1) // this element matches the selector | |
t = s[i]; | |
} | |
} | |
return new $lib(this.elems[0].nextSibling); | |
}, | |
previousSibling: function(selector) { | |
if (!this.hasSingleEl() ? true : this.elems[0].previousSibling == null) | |
return new $lib(null); | |
if (selector != undefined) { | |
var t, m = new $lib(selector, this.elems[0].parentNode), | |
s = this.elems[0].parentNode.childNodes; | |
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.thread{min-height:410px}:root.catalog-background .extended-small .thread{min-height:320px}:root.catalog-thumbsize .thumb,:root.catalog-thumbsize img.catalog-thumb{width:150px!important;height:150px!important}" + $SS.theme.customCSS + ""; | |
if (reload) | |
$("#ch4SS").text(css); | |
else | |
$(document.head).append($("<style type='text/css' id=ch4SS>").text(css)); | |
}, | |
QRDialogCreationHandler: function(e) { | |
var qr =; | |
$("input[type=checkbox]", qr).riceCheck(); | |
$SS.QRhandled = true; | |
}, | |
NodeInsertionHandler: function(e) { | |
var settings =; | |
$("input[type=checkbox]", settings).riceCheck(); | |
}, | |
/* CONFIG */ | |
Config: { | |
hasGM: typeof GM_deleteValue !== "undefined", | |
init: function() { | |
var parseVal = function(key, val) { | |
if (/^(Selected|Hidden)+\s(Mascots|Themes?)+$/.test(key)) { | |
if (key === "Selected Theme") | |
return parseInt(val); | |
else if (key === "NSFW Theme") | |
return parseInt(val); | |
else if (key === "Selected Mascots" && val === 0) | |
return 0; | |
for (var i = 0, MAX = val.length, ret = []; i < MAX; ++i) | |
ret[i] = parseInt(val[i]); | |
return ret; | |
} | |
return (Array.isArray(val) && typeof val[0] !== "object") ? val[0] : val; | |
}; | |
$SS.conf = []; | |
$SS.exportOptions = {}; | |
for (var key in defaultConfig) { | |
$SS.conf[key] = parseVal(key, this.get(key)); | |
if (!(/^(Hidden|Themes|Selected Mascots|::)/.test(key))) { | |
$SS.exportOptions[key] = $SS.conf[key]; | |
}; | |
}; | |
$SS.conf["Margin Left"] = $SS.conf["Left Margin"] !== 999 ? $SS.conf["Left Margin"] : $SS.conf["Custom Left Margin"]; | |
$SS.conf["Margin Right"] = $SS.conf["Right Margin"] !== 999 ? $SS.conf["Right Margin"] : $SS.conf["Custom Right Margin"]; | |
$SS.conf["Margin Post Message"] = $SS.conf["Post Message Margin"] === 1 ? "4px 16px" : ($SS.conf["Post Message Margin"] === 3 ? "20px 40px" : ""); | |
$SS.conf["Width Decoration"] = $SS.conf["Post Decoration Width"] !== 999 ? $SS.conf["Post Decoration Width"] : $SS.conf["Custom Decoration Width"]; | |
}, | |
get: function(name) { | |
var val = this.hasGM ? | |
GM_getValue(NAMESPACE + name) : | |
localStorage.getItem(NAMESPACE + name); | |
if (val != undefined) | |
return JSON.parse(val); | |
return defaultConfig[name]; | |
}, | |
set: function(name, val) { | |
name = NAMESPACE + name; | |
if (typeof val !== "number") | |
val = JSON.stringify(val); | |
return this.hasGM ? | |
GM_setValue(name, val) : | |
localStorage.removeItem(name, val), | |
localStorage.setItem(name, val); | |
} | |
}, | |
/* OPTIONS */ | |
options: { | |
saveAndClose: false, | |
init: function() { | |
$(document).bind("keydown", $SS.options.keydown); | |
/* seaweedchan */ | |
var a = $("<span class='shortcut brackets-wrap'><a id='StyleChanLink' title='StyleChan Settings' class='fa fa-gears' href='javascript:;'>StyleChan</a></span>").bind("click", $; | |
/* loadletter */ | |
b = $("<span id='StyleChanLink'> [<a title='StyleChan Settings' href='javascript:;'>StyleChan</a>] </span>").bind("click", $; | |
$.asap(function() { | |
return $(".fourchan-x #shortcuts, .fourchan_x, .is_catalog").exists(); | |
}, function() { | |
$(".fourchan-x").exists() ? $(".shortcut.brackets-wrap:last-of-type").before(a) : $("#boardNavDesktop").append(b); | |
}); | |
}, | |
show: function() { | |
if ($("#overlay").exists()) | |
$SS.options.close(); | |
else { | |
var overlay = $("<div id=overlay>").bind("click", $SS.options.close), | |
tOptions = $("<div id='oneechan-options' class=dialog>").bind("click", function(e) { | |
return e.stopPropagation(); | |
}), | |
optionsHTML = "<ul id=options-tabs>" + | |
"<li class='tab-item'><label class='tab-label selected' for=main-select>Main</label></li>" + | |
"<li class='tab-item'><label class='tab-label' for=themes-select>Themes</label></li>" + | |
"</ul><div id=options-container><input type=radio class=tab-select name=tab-select id=main-select hidden checked><div id='main-section' class='options-section'>" + | |
"<p class='buttons-container'>" + | |
"<a class='options-button' title='Export your settings as JSON.' name=Export>Export</a><a class='options-button' id='import-settings'><input type=file class='import-input' riced=true accept='application/json'>Import</a><a class='options-button' title='Reset StyleChan settings.' name=resetSettings>Reset</a>" + | |
"<span id=oneechan-version><span>StyleChan</span> v" + VERSION + "<span class=link-delim> | </span>" + | |
"<a href='' id=changelog-link target='_blank' title='Learn about StyleChan.'>Wiki</a><span class=link-delim> | </span>" + | |
"<a href='' id=changelog-link target='_blank' title='Read the changelog.'>Changelog</a><span class=link-delim> | </span>" + | |
"<a href='' id=issues-link target='_blank' title='Report an issue.'>Issues</a></p>", | |
key, val, des; | |
for (key in defaultConfig) { | |
if (/^(Selected|Hidden)+\s(Themes?)+$/.test(key)) | |
continue; | |
val = $SS.conf[key]; | |
des = defaultConfig[key][1]; | |
if ((defaultConfig[key][4] === true) && (key === "Custom Left Margin")) { | |
var pVal = $SS.conf[defaultConfig[key][2]]; | |
id = defaultConfig[key][2].replace(/\s/g, "_") + defaultConfig[key][3]; | |
optionsHTML += "<span class='option suboption " + id + "' title=\"" + des + "\"" + | |
(pVal != defaultConfig[key][3] ? "hidden" : "") + "><span class='option-title'>" + key + | |
"</span><input name='Custom Left Margin' type=text value=" + $SS.conf["Custom Left Margin"] + "px></span>"; | |
} else if ((defaultConfig[key][4] === true) && (key === "Custom Right Margin")) { | |
var pVal = $SS.conf[defaultConfig[key][2]]; | |
id = defaultConfig[key][2].replace(/\s/g, "_") + defaultConfig[key][3]; | |
optionsHTML += "<span class='option suboption " + id + "' title=\"" + des + "\"" + | |
(pVal != defaultConfig[key][3] ? "hidden" : "") + "><span class='option-title'>" + key + | |
"</span><input name='Custom Right Margin' type=text value=" + $SS.conf["Custom Right Margin"] + "px></span>"; | |
} else if ((defaultConfig[key][4] === true) && (key === "Custom Decoration Width")) { | |
var pVal = $SS.conf[defaultConfig[key][2]]; | |
id = defaultConfig[key][2].replace(/\s/g, "_") + defaultConfig[key][3]; | |
optionsHTML += "<span class='option suboption " + id + "' title=\"" + des + "\"" + | |
(pVal != defaultConfig[key][3] ? "hidden" : "") + "><span class='option-title'>" + key + | |
"</span><input name='Custom Decoration Width' type=text value=" + $SS.conf["Custom Decoration Width"] + "px></span>"; | |
} else if (val === "header") { | |
optionsHTML += "<label class='option header'><span class='option-title'>" + key + "</span></label>"; | |
} else if (defaultConfig[key][4] === true) // sub-option | |
{ | |
var pVal = $SS.conf[defaultConfig[key][2]]; | |
id = defaultConfig[key][2].replace(/\s/g, "_") + defaultConfig[key][3]; | |
optionsHTML += "<label class='option suboption " + id + "' title=\"" + des + "\"" + | |
(pVal != defaultConfig[key][3] ? "hidden" : "") + "><span class='option-title'>" + key + | |
"</span><input" + (val ? " checked" : "") + " name='" + key + "' type=checkbox></label>"; | |
} else if (Array.isArray(defaultConfig[key][2])) // select | |
{ | |
var opts = key === "Font Family" ? $SS.fontList || defaultConfig[key][2] : defaultConfig[key][2], | |
cFonts = []; | |
optionsHTML += "<label class=option title=\"" + des + "\"><span class='option-title'>" + key + "</span>" + | |
"<select name='" + key + "'" + (defaultConfig[key][3] === true ? " has-suboption" : "") + ">"; | |
for (var i = 0, MAX = opts.length; i < MAX; ++i) { | |
var name, value; | |
if (typeof opts[i] === "object") { | |
name = opts[i].name; | |
value = opts[i].value; | |
} else | |
name = value = opts[i]; | |
if (key === "Font Family") cFonts.push(value); | |
optionsHTML += "<option" + (key === "Font Family" ? " style=\"font-family:" + $SS.formatFont(value) + "!important\"" : "") + | |
" value='" + value + "'" + (value == val ? " selected" : "") + ">" + name + "</option>"; | |
} | |
if (key === "Font Family" && cFonts.indexOf($SS.conf["Font Family"]) == -1) | |
optionsHTML += "<option style=\"font-family:" + $SS.formatFont($SS.conf["Font Family"]) + "!important\" value='" + $SS.conf["Font Family"] + "' selected>" + $SS.conf["Font Family"] + "</option>"; | |
optionsHTML += "</select></label>"; | |
} else if (key === "Font Size") { | |
optionsHTML += "<label class='option visible' title=\"" + des + "\"><span class='option-title'>" + key + "</span>" + | |
"<input type=text name='Font Size' value=" + $SS.conf["Font Size"] + "px></label>"; | |
} else if (key === "Backlink Font Size") { | |
optionsHTML += "<label class='option visible' title=\"" + des + "\"><span class='option-title'>" + key + "</span>" + | |
"<input type=text name='Backlink Font Size' value=" + $SS.conf["Backlink Font Size"] + "px></label>"; | |
} else if (key === "Themes") { | |
optionsHTML += "</div><input type=radio class=tab-select name=tab-select class=tab-select id=themes-select hidden><div id='themes-section' class='options-section'>"; | |
} else // checkbox | |
optionsHTML += "<label class=option title=\"" + des + "\"><span class='option-title'>" + key + "</span><input" + (val ? " checked" : "") + | |
" name='" + key + "' " + (defaultConfig[key][3] === true ? " has-suboption" : "") + " type=checkbox></label>"; | |
} | |
optionsHTML += "</div></div><div class='options-close'><a class='options-button' name=save>Save</a><a class='options-button' name=cancel>Cancel</a></div>"; | |
tOptions.html(optionsHTML); | |
overlay.append(tOptions); | |
$(".import-input", tOptions).bind("change", function() { | |
var file = this.files[0], | |
reader = new FileReader(), | |
key, imported, val; | |
if (this.files[0].name.match(/\.json$/) == null) { | |
alert('Only JSON files are accepted!'); | |
return; | |
} else if (!confirm('Your current settings will be overwritten, are you sure?')) { | |
return; | |
} | |
reader.onload = (function(tFile) { | |
return function(e) { | |
try { | |
imported = JSON.parse(; | |
} catch (err) { | |
alert("Invalid settings file!"); | |
return; | |
} | |
for (key in imported) { | |
val = imported[key]; | |
$SS.Config.set(key, val); | |
} | |
if (confirm('Import successful. Refresh now?')) { | |
return window.location.reload(); | |
} | |
} | |
})(file); | |
reader.readAsText(file); | |
}); | |
$("a[name=Export]", tOptions).bind("click", function() { | |
if ($("a[download]", tOptions).exists()) | |
return; | |
var exportalert = $("<a class='options-button' download='StyleChan v" + VERSION + " Settings.json' href='data:application/json," + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify($SS.exportOptions, null, 2)) + "'>Save me!").bind("click", $SS.options.close); | |
return $(this).replace(exportalert); | |
}); | |
// Reset settings | |
$("a[name=resetSettings]", tOptions).bind("click", function() { | |
var confirmReset = confirm('Your current StyleChan settings will be wiped, are you sure?'); | |
if (confirmReset) { | |
if (typeof GM_deleteValue !== "undefined") { | |
var keys = GM_listValues(); | |
for (var i = 0, key = null; key = keys[i]; i++) { | |
GM_deleteValue(key); | |
} | |
} else if ($SS.browser.webkit) { | |
Object.keys(localStorage).forEach(function(key) { | |
if (/^(?:StyleChan)/.test(key)) { | |
localStorage.removeItem(key); | |
} | |
}) | |
} | |
alert('Your StyleChan settings have been reset. Reloading.'); | |
return window.location.reload(); | |
} else return; | |
}); | |
// options window | |
$(".tab-label", tOptions).bind("click", function(e) { | |
if ($(this).hasClass("selected")) return; | |
$(".tab-label.selected").removeClass("selected"); | |
$(this).addClass("selected"); | |
}); | |
$("[has-suboption]", tOptions).bind("change", function() { | |
var id =\s/g, "_") + $(this).val(), | |
sub = $("." + id); | |
if (sub.exists()) | |
sub.each(function() { | |
$(this).show(); | |
}); | |
else | |
$("[class*='" +\s/g, "_") + "']").each(function() { | |
$(this).hide(); | |
}); | |
}); | |
$("a[name=save]", tOptions).bind("click", function() { | |
$SS.options.saveAndClose = true; | |
$; | |
$SS.options.saveAndClose = false; | |
}); | |
$("a[name=cancel]", tOptions).bind("click", $SS.options.close); | |
// main tab | |
$("input[name='Font Size']", tOptions).bind("keydown", function(e) { | |
var val = parseInt($(this).val()), | |
bitmap = $(this).parent().nextSibling().children("input[name='Bitmap Font']").val(); | |
if (e.keyCode === 38 && (val < MAX_FONT_SIZE || bitmap)) | |
$(this).val(++val + "px"); | |
else if (e.keyCode === 40 && (val > MIN_FONT_SIZE || bitmap)) | |
$(this).val(--val + "px"); | |
}); | |
// themes tab | |
$SS.options.createThemesTab(tOptions); | |
return $(document.body).append(overlay); | |
} | |
}, | |
createThemesTab: function(tOptions) { | |
var themes = $("#themes-section", tOptions).html(""), | |
p = $("<p class='buttons-container'>"); | |
p.append($("<a class='options-button' name=addTheme title='Create a new theme.'>Create", tOptions).bind("click", $SS.options.showTheme)); | |
p.append($("<a class='options-button' href='' title='Learn more about custom themes and download new ones.' target='_blank'>Custom Themes")); | |
p.append($("<div id='import-link' title='Import a new theme (.json) file.'>").append($("<input type=file class='import-input' riced=true>") | |
.bind("change", function() { | |
var file = this.files[0], | |
reader = new FileReader(), | |
val, first, valid = true, | |
theme, div, index, imported; | |
reader.onload = (function(tFile) { | |
return function(e) { | |
try { | |
theme = JSON.parse(; | |
} catch (err) { | |
alert("Invalid theme file!"); | |
return; | |
} | |
/* Check if this is an StyleChan v5 file, do nothing if so */ | |
if (theme["headerColor"] !== undefined) {} | |
/* Old StyleChan */ | |
else if (theme["navOp"] !== undefined) { | |
theme.unreadColor = theme["jlinkColor"]; | |
theme.headerColor = theme["textColor"]; | |
theme.headerBGColor = theme["mainColor"]; | |
theme.headerLColor = theme["linkColor"]; | |
theme.headerLHColor = theme["linkHColor"]; | |
theme.boardColor = theme["textColor"]; | |
} | |
/* 4chan Style Script */ | |
else if (theme["timeColor"] !== undefined) { | |
theme.replyOp = "1.0"; | |
theme.navOp = "0.9"; | |
theme.unreadColor = theme["jlinkColor"]; | |
theme.headerColor = theme["textColor"]; | |
theme.headerBGColor = theme["mainColor"]; | |
theme.headerLColor = theme["linkColor"]; | |
theme.headerLHColor = theme["linkHColor"]; | |
theme.boardColor = theme["textColor"]; | |
theme.bgImg = $SS.validImageURL(theme["bgImg"]) ? theme["bgImg"] : false; | |
} | |
/* Appchan X */ | |
else if (theme["Theme"] !== undefined) { | | = theme["Theme"]; | |
theme.authorName = theme["Author"]; | |
theme.authorTrip = theme["Author Tripcode"]; | |
theme.replyOp = "1.0"; | |
theme.navOp = "0.9"; | |
theme.bgImg = theme["Background Image"]; | |
theme.mainColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Reply Background"]); | |
theme.textColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Text"]); | |
theme.linkColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Links"]); | |
theme.linkHColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Hovered Links"]); | |
theme.headerColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Text"]); | |
theme.headerBGColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Navigation Background"]); | |
theme.headerLColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Navigation Links"]); | |
theme.headerLHColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Hovered Navigation Links"]); | |
theme.boardColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Board Title"]); | |
theme.brderColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Reply Border"]); | |
theme.inputColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Input Background"]); | |
theme.inputbColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Input Border"]); | |
theme.bgColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Background Color"]); | |
theme.blinkColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Backlinks"]); | |
theme.unreadColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Links"]); | |
theme.nameColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Names"]); | |
theme.tripColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Tripcodes"]); | |
theme.titleColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Subjects"]); | |
theme.quoteColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Greentext"]); | |
theme.qlColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Quotelinks"]); | |
theme.replybgHLColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Highlighted Reply Background"]); | |
theme.replyslctColor = $SS.colorToHex(theme["Highlighted Reply Background"]); | |
theme.customCSS = theme["Custom CSS"]; | |
} | |
/* Can't be exported from the main scripts, so toss an error */ | |
else { | |
alert("Invalid theme file!"); | |
return; | |
} | |
index = $SS.conf["Themes"].push(theme); | |
theme = new $SS.Theme(--index); | |
div = theme.preview(); | |
$("#overlay #themes-section").append(div); | |"click").scrollIntoView(true); | |
} | |
})(file); | |
reader.readAsText(file); | |
})).append($("<span class='options-button'>Import"))); | |
p.append($("<a class='options-button' name=restoreThemes title='Restore hidden default themes'>Restore", tOptions) | |
.bind("click", function() { | |
$SS.conf["Hidden Themes"] = []; | |
$("#themes-section>div[hidden]").show(); | |
}) | |
); | |
if ($SS.conf["Hidden Themes"].length === 0) | |
$("a[name=restoreThemes]", p).hide(); | |
themes.append(p); | |
for (var i = 0, MAX = $SS.conf["Themes"].length, tTheme; i < MAX; ++i) { | |
tTheme = new $SS.Theme(i); | |
themes.append(tTheme.preview()); | |
} | |
}, | |
close: function() { | |
return $("#overlay").remove(); | |
}, | |
keydown: function(e) { | |
if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === 112) { | |
e.preventDefault(); | |
e.stopPropagation(); | |
$; | |
} | |
}, | |
save: function() { | |
var div = $("#oneechan-options"), | |
themes = [], | |
selectedMascots = [], | |
nsfwTheme, | |
selectedTheme; | |
// Save main | |
$("#oneechan-options input[name]:not(.tab-select), #oneechan-options select").each(function() { | |
var name = $(this).attr("name"), | |
val = $(this).val(); | |
if (name === "Font Size") { | |
val = parseInt(val); | |
if (!$("input[name='Bitmap Font']", div).val()) | |
val = Math.max(Math.min(val, MAX_FONT_SIZE), MIN_FONT_SIZE); | |
} else if (name === "Custom Right Margin") { | |
val = parseInt(val); | |
} else if (name === "Custom Left Margin") { | |
val = parseInt(val); | |
} else if (name === "Custom Decoration Width") { | |
val = parseInt(val); | |
} else if (name === "Backlink Font Size") { | |
val = parseInt(val); | |
} | |
$SS.Config.set($(this).attr("name"), val); | |
}); | |
// Save Themes | |
$("#oneechan-options #themes-section>div").each(function(index) { | |
var oldIndex = parseInt(; | |
if (!$SS.conf["Themes"][oldIndex].default) | |
themes.push($SS.conf["Themes"][oldIndex]); | |
}); | |
selectedTheme = (selectedTheme = $("#oneechan-options #themes-section>div.selected")).exists() ? | |
parseInt(selectedTheme.attr("id").substr(5)) : 0; | |
nsfwTheme = (nsfwTheme = $("#oneechan-options #themes-section>div.nsfw")).exists() ? | |
parseInt(nsfwTheme.attr("id").substr(5)) : 0; | |
$SS.Config.set("Themes", themes); | |
$SS.Config.set("Selected Theme", selectedTheme); | |
$SS.Config.set("NSFW Theme", nsfwTheme); | |
$SS.Config.set("Hidden Themes", $SS.conf["Hidden Themes"]); | |
if ($SS.options.saveAndClose) | |
$SS.options.close(); | |
return $SS.init(true); | |
}, | |
showTheme: function(tIndex) { | |
var div, overlay; | |
if (typeof tIndex === "number") { | |
var bEdit = true, | |
tEdit = $SS.conf["Themes"][tIndex], | |
RPA, themeR, themePY, themePX, themeA; | |
if (tEdit.bgImg && tEdit.bgRPA) { | |
RPA = tEdit.bgRPA.split(" "); | |
themeR = RPA[0]; | |
themePY = RPA[1]; | |
themePX = RPA[2]; | |
themeA = RPA[3]; | |
} | |
} | |
div = $("<div id='add-theme' class='dialog'>"); | |
var innerHTML = "<label>" + | |
"<span class='option-title'>Theme Name:</span><input type=text name=name value='" + (bEdit ? : "") + "'>" + | |
"</label><label>" + | |
"<span class='option-title'>Author Name:</span><input type=text name=authorName value='" + (bEdit ? (tEdit.authorName !== undefined ? tEdit.authorName : "") : "") + "'>" + | |
"</label><label>" + | |
"<span class='option-title'>Author Tripcode:</span><input type=text name=authorTrip value='" + (bEdit ? (tEdit.authorTrip !== undefined ? tEdit.authorTrip : "") : "") + "'>" + | |
"</label><label>" + | |
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else if (document.body && (document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight)) | |
return [document.body.clientWidth, document.body.clientHeight]; | |
else if (document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight)) | |
return [document.documentElement.clientWidth, document.documentElement.clientHeight]; | |
else | |
return [0, 0]; | |
}, | |
// TODO: remove this array. | |
images: { | |
pad: [181, 101], | |
sld: [16, 101], | |
cross: [15, 15], | |
arrow: [7, 11] | |
}, | |
color: function(target) { | |
this.required = true; // refuse empty values? | |
this.adjust = true; // adjust value to uniform notation? | |
this.hash = false; // prefix color with # symbol? | |
this.caps = false; // uppercase? | |
this.slider = true; // show the value/saturation slider? | |
this.valueElement = target; // value holder | |
this.styleElement = target; // where to reflect current color | |
this.onImmediateChange = null; // onchange callback (can be either string or function) | |
this.hsv = [0, 0, 1]; // read-only 0-6, 0-1, 0-1 | |
this.rgb = [1, 1, 1]; // read-only 0-1, 0-1, 0-1 | |
this.pickerSmartPosition = true; // automatically adjust picker position when necessary | |
this.pickerFace = 10; // px | |
this.pickerFaceColor = "ThreeDFace"; // CSS color | |
this.pickerBorder = 1; // px | |
this.pickerBorderColor = "ThreeDHighlight ThreeDShadow ThreeDShadow ThreeDHighlight"; // CSS color | |
this.pickerInset = 1; // px | |
this.pickerInsetColor = "ThreeDShadow ThreeDHighlight ThreeDHighlight ThreeDShadow"; // CSS color | |
this.pickerZIndex = 10000; | |
this.hidePicker = function() { | |
if (isPickerOwner()) | |
removePicker(); | |
}; | |
this.showPicker = function() { | |
if (!isPickerOwner()) { | |
var tp = $SS.jscolor.getElementPos(target); // target pos | |
var ts = $SS.jscolor.getElementSize(target); // target size | |
var ps = getPickerDims(this); // picker size | |
var a = 0, | |
b = 1, | |
c = 1; | |
var l = (ts[1] + ps[1]) / 2; | |
var pp = [ | |
tp[0], | |
tp[1] + ts[1] | |
]; | |
drawPicker(pp[0], pp[1]); | |
} | |
}; | |
this.importColor = function() { | |
if (!valueElement) { | |
this.exportColor(); | |
} else { | |
if (!this.adjust) { | |
if (!this.fromString(valueElement.value, leaveValue)) { | | = styleElement.jscStyle.backgroundColor; | | = styleElement.jscStyle.color; | |
this.exportColor(leaveValue | leaveStyle); | |
} | |
} else if (!this.required && /^\s*$/.test(valueElement.value)) { | |
valueElement.value = ""; | | = styleElement.jscStyle.backgroundColor; | | = styleElement.jscStyle.color; | |
this.exportColor(leaveValue | leaveStyle); | |
} else if (!this.fromString(valueElement.value)) | |
this.exportColor(); | |
} | |
}; | |
this.exportColor = function(flags) { | |
if (!(flags & leaveValue) && valueElement) { | |
var value = this.toString(); | |
if (value[0] === "#") | |
value = value.substr(1); | |
valueElement.value = value; | |
} | |
if (!(flags & leaveStyle) && styleElement) { | | = "#" + this.toString(); | | = | |
0.213 * this.rgb[0] + | |
0.715 * this.rgb[1] + | |
0.072 * this.rgb[2] < 0.5 ? "#FFF" : "#000"; | |
} | |
if (!(flags & leavePad) && isPickerOwner()) | |
redrawPad(); | |
if (!(flags & leaveSld) && isPickerOwner()) | |
redrawSld(); | |
}; | |
this.fromHSV = function(h, s, v, flags) { | |
h < 0 && (h = 0) || h > 6 && (h = 6); | |
s < 0 && (s = 0) || s > 1 && (s = 1); | |
v < 0 && (v = 0) || v > 1 && (v = 1); | |
this.rgb = HSV_RGB( | |
h === null ? this.hsv[0] : (this.hsv[0] = h), | |
s === null ? this.hsv[1] : (this.hsv[1] = s), | |
v === null ? this.hsv[2] : (this.hsv[2] = v) | |
); | |
this.exportColor(flags); | |
}; | |
this.fromRGB = function(r, g, b, flags) { | |
r < 0 && (r = 0) || r > 1 && (r = 1); | |
g < 0 && (g = 0) || g > 1 && (g = 1); | |
b < 0 && (b = 0) || b > 1 && (b = 1); | |
var hsv = RGB_HSV( | |
r === null ? this.rgb[0] : (this.rgb[0] = r), | |
g === null ? this.rgb[1] : (this.rgb[1] = g), | |
b === null ? this.rgb[2] : (this.rgb[2] = b) | |
); | |
if (hsv[0] !== null) | |
this.hsv[0] = hsv[0]; | |
if (hsv[2] !== 0) | |
this.hsv[1] = hsv[1]; | |
this.hsv[2] = hsv[2]; | |
this.exportColor(flags); | |
}; | |
this.fromString = function(hex, flags) { | |
var m = hex.match(/^\W*([0-9A-F]{3}([0-9A-F]{3})?)\W*$/i); | |
if (!m) return false; | |
else { | |
if (m[1].length === 6) | |
this.fromRGB( | |
parseInt(m[1].substr(0, 2), 16) / 255, | |
parseInt(m[1].substr(2, 2), 16) / 255, | |
parseInt(m[1].substr(4, 2), 16) / 255, | |
flags); | |
else | |
this.fromRGB( | |
parseInt(m[1].charAt(0) + m[1].charAt(0), 16) / 255, | |
parseInt(m[1].charAt(1) + m[1].charAt(1), 16) / 255, | |
parseInt(m[1].charAt(2) + m[1].charAt(2), 16) / 255, | |
flags); | |
return true; | |
} | |
}; | |
this.toString = function() { | |
return ( | |
(0x100 | Math.round(255 * this.rgb[0])).toString(16).substr(1) + | |
(0x100 | Math.round(255 * this.rgb[1])).toString(16).substr(1) + | |
(0x100 | Math.round(255 * this.rgb[2])).toString(16).substr(1) | |
); | |
}; | |
function RGB_HSV(r, g, b) { | |
var n = Math.min(Math.min(r, g), b); | |
var v = Math.max(Math.max(r, g), b); | |
var m = v - n; | |
if (m === 0) { | |
return [null, 0, v]; | |
} | |
var h = r === n ? 3 + (b - g) / m : (g === n ? 5 + (r - b) / m : 1 + (g - r) / m); | |
return [h === 6 ? 0 : h, m / v, v]; | |
} | |
function HSV_RGB(h, s, v) { | |
if (h === null) { | |
return [v, v, v]; | |
} | |
var i = Math.floor(h); | |
var f = i % 2 ? h - i : 1 - (h - i); | |
var m = v * (1 - s); | |
var n = v * (1 - s * f); | |
switch (i) { | |
case 6: | |
case 0: | |
return [v, n, m]; | |
case 1: | |
return [n, v, m]; | |
case 2: | |
return [m, v, n]; | |
case 3: | |
return [m, n, v]; | |
case 4: | |
return [n, m, v]; | |
case 5: | |
return [v, m, n]; | |
} | |
} | |
function removePicker() { | |
delete $SS.jscolor.picker.owner; | |
window.removeEventListener("resize", removePicker, false); | |
target.blur(); | |
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].removeChild($SS.jscolor.picker.boxB); | |
} | |
function drawPicker(x, y) { | |
if (!$SS.jscolor.picker) { | |
$SS.jscolor.picker = { | |
box: document.createElement("div"), | |
boxB: document.createElement("div"), | |
pad: document.createElement("div"), | |
padB: document.createElement("div"), | |
padM: document.createElement("div"), | |
sld: document.createElement("div"), | |
sldB: document.createElement("div"), | |
sldM: document.createElement("div") | |
}; | |
for (var i = 0, segSize = 4; i < $SS.jscolor.images.sld[1]; i += segSize) { | |
var seg = document.createElement("div"); | | = segSize + "px"; | | = "1px"; | | = "0"; | |
$SS.jscolor.picker.sld.appendChild(seg); | |
} | |
$SS.jscolor.picker.sldB.appendChild($SS.jscolor.picker.sld); | |
$$SS.jscolor.picker.sldB); | |
$$SS.jscolor.picker.sldM); | |
$SS.jscolor.picker.padB.appendChild($SS.jscolor.picker.pad); | |
$$SS.jscolor.picker.padB); | |
$$SS.jscolor.picker.padM); | |
$SS.jscolor.picker.boxB.appendChild($; | |
} | |
var p = $SS.jscolor.picker; | |
// controls interaction | |
window.addEventListener("resize", removePicker, false); | | = = function() { | |
target.focus(); | |
}; | | = function() { | |
abortBlur = true; | |
}; | | = function(e) { | |
if (holdPad || holdSld) { | |
holdPad && setPad(e); | |
holdSld && setSld(e); | |
if (document.selection) | |
document.selection.empty(); | |
else if (window.getSelection) | |
window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); | |
dispatchImmediateChange(); | |
} | |
}; | |
p.padM.onmouseup = | |
p.padM.onmouseout = function() { | |
if (holdPad) { | |
holdPad = false; | |
$(valueElement).fire("change"); | |
} | |
}; | |
p.padM.onmousedown = function(e) { | |
holdPad = true; | |
setPad(e); | |
dispatchImmediateChange(); | |
}; | |
p.sldM.onmouseup = | |
p.sldM.onmouseout = function() { | |
if (holdSld) { | |
holdSld = false; | |
$(valueElement).fire("change"); | |
} | |
}; | |
p.sldM.onmousedown = function(e) { | |
holdSld = true; | |
setSld(e); | |
dispatchImmediateChange(); | |
}; | |
// picker | |
var dims = getPickerDims(THIS); | | = dims[0] + "px"; | | = dims[1] + "px"; | |
/** MOVE TO CSS **/ | |
// picker border | | = "fixed"; | | = "both"; | | = x + "px"; | | = y + "px"; | | = THIS.pickerZIndex; | | = THIS.pickerBorder + "px solid"; | | = THIS.pickerBorderColor; | | = THIS.pickerFaceColor; | |
// pad image | | = $SS.jscolor.images.pad[0] + "px"; | | = $SS.jscolor.images.pad[1] + "px"; | |
// pad border | | = "absolute"; | | = THIS.pickerFace + "px"; | | = THIS.pickerFace + "px"; | | = THIS.pickerInset + "px solid"; | | = THIS.pickerInsetColor; | |
// pad mouse area | | = "absolute"; | | = "0"; | | = "0"; | | = THIS.pickerFace + 2 * THIS.pickerInset + $SS.jscolor.images.pad[0] + $SS.jscolor.images.arrow[0] + "px"; | | =; | | = "crosshair"; | |
// slider image | | = "hidden"; | | = $SS.jscolor.images.sld[0] + "px"; | | = $SS.jscolor.images.sld[1] + "px"; | |
// slider border | | = THIS.slider ? "block" : "none"; | | = "absolute"; | | = THIS.pickerFace + "px"; | | = THIS.pickerFace + "px"; | | = THIS.pickerInset + "px solid"; | | = THIS.pickerInsetColor; | |
// slider mouse area | | = THIS.slider ? "block" : "none"; | | = "absolute"; | | = "0"; | | = "0"; | | = $SS.jscolor.images.sld[0] + $SS.jscolor.images.arrow[0] + THIS.pickerFace + 2 * THIS.pickerInset + "px"; | | =; | |
try { | | = "pointer"; | |
} catch (eOldIE) { | | = "hand"; | |
} | |
// load images in optimal order | | = "url('')"; | | = "no-repeat"; | | = "url('')"; | | = "no-repeat"; | | = "url('')"; | | = "no-repeat"; | | = "0 0"; | |
/** UNTIL HERE **/ | |
// place pointers | |
redrawPad(); | |
redrawSld(); | |
$SS.jscolor.picker.owner = THIS; | |
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(p.boxB); | |
} | |
function getPickerDims(o) { | |
var dims = [ | |
2 * o.pickerInset + 2 * o.pickerFace + $SS.jscolor.images.pad[0] + | |
(o.slider ? 2 * o.pickerInset + 2 * $SS.jscolor.images.arrow[0] + $SS.jscolor.images.sld[0] : 0), | |
2 * o.pickerInset + 2 * o.pickerFace + $SS.jscolor.images.pad[1] | |
]; | |
return dims; | |
} | |
function redrawPad() { | |
// redraw the pad pointer | |
var yComponent = 1; | |
var x = Math.round((THIS.hsv[0] / 6) * ($SS.jscolor.images.pad[0] - 1)); | |
var y = Math.round((1 - THIS.hsv[yComponent]) * ($SS.jscolor.images.pad[1] - 1)); | |
$ = | |
(THIS.pickerFace + THIS.pickerInset + x - Math.floor($SS.jscolor.images.cross[0] / 2)) + "px " + | |
(THIS.pickerFace + THIS.pickerInset + y - Math.floor($SS.jscolor.images.cross[1] / 2)) + "px"; | |
// redraw the slider image | |
var seg = $SS.jscolor.picker.sld.childNodes; | |
var rgb = HSV_RGB(THIS.hsv[0], THIS.hsv[1], 1); | |
for (var i = 0; i < seg.length; i += 1) | |
seg[i].style.backgroundColor = "rgb(" + | |
(rgb[0] * (1 - i / seg.length) * 100) + "%," + | |
(rgb[1] * (1 - i / seg.length) * 100) + "%," + | |
(rgb[2] * (1 - i / seg.length) * 100) + "%)"; | |
} | |
function redrawSld() { | |
// redraw the slider pointer | |
var yComponent = 2; | |
var y = Math.round((1 - THIS.hsv[yComponent]) * ($SS.jscolor.images.sld[1] - 1)); | |
$ = | |
"0 " + (THIS.pickerFace + THIS.pickerInset + y - Math.floor($SS.jscolor.images.arrow[1] / 2)) + "px"; | |
} | |
function isPickerOwner() { | |
return $SS.jscolor.picker && $SS.jscolor.picker.owner === THIS; | |
} | |
function blurTarget() { | |
if (valueElement === target) | |
THIS.importColor(); | |
THIS.hidePicker(); | |
} | |
function blurValue() { | |
if (valueElement !== target) | |
THIS.importColor(); | |
} | |
function setPad(e) { | |
var mpos = $SS.jscolor.getRelMousePos(e); | |
var x = mpos.x - THIS.pickerFace - THIS.pickerInset; | |
var y = mpos.y - THIS.pickerFace - THIS.pickerInset; | |
THIS.fromHSV(x * (6 / ($SS.jscolor.images.pad[0] - 1)), 1 - y / ($SS.jscolor.images.pad[1] - 1), null, leaveSld); | |
} | |
function setSld(e) { | |
var mpos = $SS.jscolor.getRelMousePos(e); | |
var y = mpos.y - THIS.pickerFace - THIS.pickerInset; | |
THIS.fromHSV(null, null, 1 - y / ($SS.jscolor.images.sld[1] - 1), leavePad); | |
} | |
function dispatchImmediateChange() { | |
if (THIS.onImmediateChange) | |
if (typeof THIS.onImmediateChange === "string") | |
eval(THIS.onImmediateChange); | |
else | |
THIS.onImmediateChange(THIS); | |
} | |
var THIS = this; | |
var abortBlur = false; | |
var valueElement = this.valueElement, | |
styleElement = this.styleElement; | |
var holdPad = false, | |
holdSld = false; | |
var leaveValue = 1 << 0, | |
leaveStyle = 1 << 1, | |
leavePad = 1 << 2, | |
leaveSld = 1 << 3; | |
// target | |
$(target).bind("focus", THIS.showPicker) | |
.bind("blur", function() { | |
if (!abortBlur) | |
window.setTimeout(function() { | |
abortBlur || blurTarget(); | |
abortBlur = false; | |
}); | |
else | |
abortBlur = false; | |
}); | |
// valueElement | |
if (valueElement) { | |
var updateField = function() { | |
THIS.fromString(valueElement.value, leaveValue); | |
dispatchImmediateChange(); | |
}; | |
$(valueElement).bind("keyup", updateField) | |
.bind("input", updateField) | |
.bind("blur", blurValue) | |
.attr("autocomplete", "off"); | |
} | |
// styleElement | |
if (styleElement) { | |
styleElement.jscStyle = { | |
backgroundColor:, | |
color: | |
}; | |
} | |
this.importColor(); | |
} | |
}, | |
/* STRUCTS */ | |
Color: function(hex, incHover) { | |
this.hex = "#" + hex; | |
this.private_rgb = $SS.RGBFromHex(hex); | |
this.rgb = this.private_rgb.join(","); | |
this.isLight = $SS.isLight(this.private_rgb); | |
this.shiftRGB = function(shift, smart) { | |
var rgb = this.private_rgb.slice(0); | |
shift = smart ? | |
(this.isLight ? (shift < 0 ? shift : -shift) : Math.abs(shift)) : shift; | |
rgb[0] = Math.min(Math.max(rgb[0] + shift, 0), 255); | |
rgb[1] = Math.min(Math.max(rgb[1] + shift, 0), 255); | |
rgb[2] = Math.min(Math.max(rgb[2] + shift, 0), 255); | |
return rgb.join(","); | |
}; | |
if (incHover) | |
this.hover = this.shiftRGB(16, true); | |
}, | |
colorToHex: function(color) { | |
var digits, hex; | |
if (color.substr(0, 1) === '#') { | |
return color.slice(1, color.length); | |
} | |
if (digits = color.match(/(.*?)rgba?\((\d+), ?(\d+), ?(\d+)(.*?)\)/)) { | |
hex = ((parseInt(digits[2], 10) << 16) | (parseInt(digits[3], 10) << 8) | (parseInt(digits[4], 10))).toString(16); | |
while (hex.length < 6) { | |
hex = "0" + hex; | |
} | |
return hex; | |
} else { | |
return false; | |
} | |
}, | |
Image: function(img, RPA) { | |
this.img = img; | |
this.RPA = RPA; | |
this.get = function() { | |
if (!this.img) return "none "; | |
var ret = "url('"; | |
if ($SS.validBase64(this.img)) | |
ret = "data:image/" + $SS.typeofBase64(this.img) + ";base64," + this.img; | |
else | |
ret = this.img; | |
return (this.RPA !== undefined ? "url('" : "") + ret + (this.RPA !== undefined ? "')" + this.RPA : ""); | |
}; | |
}, | |
Theme: function(index) { | |
var theme; | |
if ((theme = $SS.conf["Themes"][index]) == undefined) { | |
this.hidden = true; | |
return; | |
} | |
this.index = index; | |
this.hidden = $SS.conf["Hidden Themes"].indexOf(index) !== -1; | | =; | |
this.authorName = theme.authorName || "Anonymous"; | |
this.authorTrip = theme.authorTrip || "!..NoTrip.."; | |
this.default = theme.default; | |
this.replyBrder = theme.replyBrder; | |
this.bgImg = new $SS.Image(theme.bgImg, theme.bgRPA); | |
this.replyOp = theme.replyOp; | |
this.navOp = theme.navOp; | |
this.bgColor = new $SS.Color(theme.bgColor); | |
this.mainColor = new $SS.Color(theme.mainColor); | |
this.brderColor = new $SS.Color(theme.brderColor); | |
this.inputColor = new $SS.Color(theme.inputColor, true); | |
this.inputbColor = new $SS.Color(theme.inputbColor); | |
this.blinkColor = new $SS.Color(theme.blinkColor); | |
this.unreadColor = new $SS.Color(theme.unreadColor); | |
this.linkColor = new $SS.Color(theme.linkColor); | |
this.linkHColor = new $SS.Color(theme.linkHColor); | |
this.qlColor = new $SS.Color(theme.qlColor); | |
this.nameColor = new $SS.Color(theme.nameColor); | |
this.quoteColor = new $SS.Color(theme.quoteColor); | |
this.textColor = new $SS.Color(theme.textColor); | |
this.titleColor = new $SS.Color(theme.titleColor); | |
this.tripColor = new $SS.Color(theme.tripColor); | |
this.boardColor = new $SS.Color(theme.boardColor); | |
this.headerColor = new $SS.Color(theme.headerColor); | |
this.headerLColor = new $SS.Color(theme.headerLColor); | |
this.headerLHColor = new $SS.Color(theme.headerLHColor); | |
this.headerBGColor = new $SS.Color(theme.headerBGColor); | |
this.headerbColor = new $SS.Color(theme.headerbColor); | |
this.postHLColor = new $SS.Color(theme.postHLColor); | |
this.quotesYouHLColor = new $SS.Color(theme.quotesYouHLColor); | |
this.ownPostHLColor = new $SS.Color(theme.ownPostHLColor); | |
this.threadHLColor = new $SS.Color(theme.threadHLColor); | |
this.replybgHLColor = new $SS.Color(theme.replybgHLColor); | |
this.replyslctColor = new $SS.Color(theme.replyslctColor); | |
this.checkMark = new $SS.Image(inputImages, "no-repeat center " + (this.inputColor.isLight ? 0 : -8) + "px"); | |
this.radioCheck = new $SS.Image(inputImages, "no-repeat center " + (this.inputColor.isLight ? -16 : -24) + "px"); | |
this.codeBackground = (this.bgColor.isLight ? "255, 255, 255, 0.2" : "0, 0, 0, 0.2"); | |
this.codeBorder = (this.bgColor.isLight ? "204, 204, 204, 1.0" : "204, 204, 204, 0.1"); | |
this.dIcons = new $SS.Image(theme.dIcons); | |
this.icons = { | |
imgExpand: "<svg viewBox='0 0 30 30' preserveAspectRatio='true' height='16' width='16' xmlns=''>" + | |
"<path fill='rgb(" + this.headerColor.rgb + ")' d='M25.545,23.328,17.918,15.623,25.534,8.007,27.391,9.864,29.649,1.436,21.222,3.694,23.058,5.53,15.455,13.134,7.942,5.543,9.809,3.696,1.393,1.394,3.608,9.833,5.456,8.005,12.98,15.608,5.465,23.123,3.609,21.268,1.351,29.695,9.779,27.438,7.941,25.6,15.443,18.098,23.057,25.791,21.19,27.638,29.606,29.939,27.393,21.5z'/></svg>", | |
imgContract: "<svg viewBox='0 0 30 30' preserveAspectRatio='true' height='16' width='16' xmlns=''>" + | |
"<path fill='rgb(" + this.headerColor.rgb + ")' d='M25.083,18.895l-8.428-2.259l2.258,8.428l1.838-1.837l7.053,7.053l2.476-2.476l-7.053-7.053L25.083,18.895zM5.542,11.731l8.428,2.258l-2.258-8.428L9.874,7.398L3.196,0.72L0.72,3.196l6.678,6.678L5.542,11.731zM7.589,20.935l-6.87,6.869l2.476,2.476l6.869-6.869l1.858,1.857l2.258-8.428l-8.428,2.258L7.589,20.935zM23.412,10.064l6.867-6.87l-2.476-2.476l-6.868,6.869l-1.856-1.856l-2.258,8.428l8.428-2.259L23.412,10.064z'/></svg>", | |
menuIcon: "<svg viewBox='7 7 20 20' preserveAspectRatio='true' height='14' width='14' xmlns=''>" + | |
"<path fill='rgb(" + this.headerLColor.rgb + ")' d='M4.083,14H14V4.083H4.083V14zM17,4.083V14h9.917V4.083H17zM17,26.917h9.917v-9.918H17V26.917zM4.083,26.917H14v-9.918H4.083V26.917z'/></svg>", | |
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modified to fix this error:
Error evaluating Tomorrow's theme.customCCS