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Last active October 1, 2024 09:27
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This script converts an OpenAPI 3.X specification into an OpenAPI 2.0 specification, handling changes like `requestBody`, `$ref`, and security schemes.
import os
import requests
import json
from pyperclip import copy
debug = 0
def convert_to_openapi_2(spec):
global debug
# Initialize the OpenAPI 2.0 specification
openapi2_spec = {
'swagger': '2.0',
'info': spec.get('info', {}),
'host': '',
'basePath': '/',
'schemes': ['https'],
'paths': {},
'definitions': {},
'securityDefinitions': {},
# Convert servers to host and basePath
servers = spec.get('servers', [])
if servers:
url = servers[0].get('url', '')
# Check if the URL is an absolute URL with a scheme
if '://' in url:
scheme, rest = url.split('://', 1)
openapi2_spec['schemes'] = [scheme]
if '/' in rest:
host, basePath = rest.split('/', 1)
openapi2_spec['host'] = host if host else HOST_URL
openapi2_spec['basePath'] = '/' + basePath
openapi2_spec['host'] = rest if rest else HOST_URL
openapi2_spec['basePath'] = '/'
# Handle relative URLs (e.g., /api/DataImport/v1)
openapi2_spec['host'] = ""
openapi2_spec['basePath'] = url if url else '/'
# Convert components to definitions and securityDefinitions
components = spec.get('components', {})
openapi2_spec['definitions'] = convert_definitions(components.get('schemas', {}))
openapi2_spec['parameters'] = convert_parameters(components.get('parameters', {}))
openapi2_spec['responses'] = convert_responses(components.get('responses', {}))
# Convert security schemes
security_schemes = components.get('securitySchemes', {})
for key, scheme in security_schemes.items():
openapi2_spec['securityDefinitions'][key] = convert_security_scheme(scheme)
# Convert paths
paths = spec.get('paths', {})
for path, methods in paths.items():
openapi2_spec['paths'][path] = {}
for method, operation in methods.items():
if method.startswith('x-'):
continue # Skip extensions
openapi2_operation = convert_operation(operation, path)
openapi2_spec['paths'][path][method] = openapi2_operation
return openapi2_spec
def convert_responses(responses):
converted_responsed = {}
for key, response in responses.items():
if 'content' in response:
del response['content']
if 'headers' in response:
del response['headers']
converted_responsed[key] = response
return converted_responsed
def convert_ref(ref):
return ref.replace('#/components/schemas/', '#/definitions/')
def convert_definitions(schemas):
definitions = {}
for key, schema in schemas.items():
# Handle $ref conversion for schemas
if '$ref' in schema:
schema['$ref'] = schema['$ref'].replace('#/components/schemas/', '#/definitions/')
# remove nullable
for property in schema.get('properties', {}).values():
if 'nullable' in property:
del property['nullable']
if '$ref' in property:
property['$ref'] = property['$ref'].replace('#/components/schemas/', '#/definitions/')
if 'items' in property:
property['items'] = convert_schema(property['items'])
definitions[key] = schema
return definitions
def convert_items(items):
converted_items = {}
for key, item in items.items():
if 'schema' in item:
item['schema'] = convert_schema(item['schema'])
converted_items[key] = item
return converted_items
def convert_security_scheme(scheme):
type_mapping = {
'http': 'basic',
'apiKey': 'apiKey',
'oauth2': 'oauth2',
'openIdConnect': 'oauth2', # OpenAPI 2.0 doesn't support OpenID Connect directly
converted_scheme = {
'type': type_mapping.get(scheme.get('type'), 'apiKey'),
'description': scheme.get('description', ''),
if converted_scheme['type'] == 'apiKey':
converted_scheme['name'] = scheme.get('name')
converted_scheme['in'] = scheme.get('in')
elif converted_scheme['type'] == 'oauth2':
# Simplified conversion; OAuth flows differ between versions
converted_scheme['flow'] = 'accessCode'
flows = scheme.get('flows', {}).get('authorizationCode', {})
converted_scheme['authorizationUrl'] = HOST_URL + flows.get('authorizationUrl', '')
converted_scheme['tokenUrl'] = HOST_URL + flows.get('tokenUrl', '')
converted_scheme['scopes'] = flows.get('scopes', {})
return converted_scheme
def convert_operation(operation, path):
openapi2_operation = {
'summary': operation.get('summary', ''),
'description': operation.get('description', ''),
'operationId': operation.get('operationId', ''),
'produces': ['application/json'], # Default value; adjust as needed
'parameters': [],
'responses': {},
'security': operation.get('security', []),
'tags': operation.get('tags', []),
# Convert parameters
for param in operation.get('parameters', []):
openapi2_param = convert_path_parameters(param, path)
if openapi2_param:
# Convert requestBody to parameters
if 'requestBody' in operation:
request_body = operation['requestBody']
content = request_body.get('content', {})
# Initialize consumes for this operation
consumes = []
# Handle 'multipart/form-data' for file uploads
if 'multipart/form-data' in content:
media_details = content['multipart/form-data']
schema = media_details.get('schema', {})
properties = schema.get('properties', {})
# Set consumes to 'multipart/form-data' for file uploads
# Convert each property into formData parameters
for prop_name, prop_details in properties.items():
openapi2_param = {
'name': prop_name,
'in': 'formData', # In OpenAPI 2.0, file uploads are handled via formData
'description': request_body.get('description', ''),
'required': request_body.get('required', False),
'type': 'file' if prop_details.get('format') == 'binary' else prop_details.get('type', 'string')
# Handle 'application/json' as a body parameter
elif 'application/json' in content:
media_details = content['application/json']
schema = media_details.get('schema', {})
# Set consumes to 'application/json' for JSON content
openapi2_param = {
'name': 'body', # In OpenAPI 2.0, the body param is called 'body'
'in': 'body',
'description': request_body.get('description', ''),
'required': request_body.get('required', False),
'schema': convert_schema(schema), # Ensure schema conversion with $ref fixes
# Append the body parameter to the operation parameters (only one body allowed)
# Fallback to the first available media type if none of the above is present
media_type, media_details = next(iter(content.items()), (None, {}))
if media_details:
schema = media_details.get('schema', {})
consumes.append(media_type) # Add the media type to consumes
openapi2_param = {
'name': 'body',
'in': 'body',
'description': request_body.get('description', ''),
'required': request_body.get('required', False),
'schema': convert_schema(schema),
# Add consumes to the OpenAPI 2.0 operation if applicable
if consumes:
openapi2_operation['consumes'] = consumes
# Convert responses
responses = operation.get('responses', {})
for code, response in responses.items():
openapi2_response = {
'description': response.get('description', ''),
'schema': {},
content = response.get('content', {})
if 'application/json' in content:
schema = content['application/json'].get('schema', {})
openapi2_response['schema'] = convert_schema(schema)
if 'schema' in openapi2_response:
openapi2_response['schema'] = convert_schema(openapi2_response['schema'])
openapi2_operation['responses'][code] = openapi2_response
return openapi2_operation
def convert_schema(schema):
if schema is None or 'oneOf' in schema:
return {}
# Handle $ref conversion
if '$ref' in schema:
schema['$ref'] = schema['$ref'].replace('#/components/schemas/', '#/definitions/')
if 'items' in schema:
schema['items'] = convert_schema(schema['items'])
return schema
def get_value_from_ref(ref):
ref = ref[2:]
new_spec = spec
for i in ref.split('/'):
new_spec = new_spec[i]
return new_spec
def convert_parameters(parameters):
openapi2_params = {}
for key,param in parameters.items():
openapi2_param = convert_path_parameters(param, '')
if openapi2_param:
openapi2_params[key] = openapi2_param
return openapi2_params
def convert_path_parameters(param, path):
if '$ref' in param:
param = (get_value_from_ref(param['$ref']))
# print(spec['components']['schemas'])
openapi2_param = {
'name': param.get('name'),
'in': param.get('in'),
'description': param.get('description', ''),
'required': param.get('required', False),
is_path = param.get('in') == 'path'
if is_path and path:
name = param.get('name')
if f'{name}' not in path:
# print(f'Parameter {name} in path {path} is missing in the operation.')
return None
if 'schema' in param:
schema = param['schema']
openapi2_param['type'] = schema.get('type', 'string')
if 'format' in schema:
openapi2_param['format'] = schema['format']
openapi2_param['type'] = 'string' # Default type
return openapi2_param
# Declared path parameter "orgUnitCode" needs to be defined within every operation in the path (missing in "put", "delete"), or moved to the path-level parameters object
# iterate over paths and check if the parameter is missing in the operations
def check_path_parameters(spec):
for path, methods in spec['paths'].items():
for method, operation in methods.items():
parameters = operation.get('parameters', [])
for parameter in parameters:
if parameter.get('name') == 'orgUnitCode' and parameter.get('in') == 'path':
print(f"Parameter 'orgUnitCode' in path '{path}' with method '{method}' is missing in the operation.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
if 0:
dir_name = '.'
file_name = 'openapi.json'
response = requests.get(url)
spec = response.json()
path = r'c:\Users\smart\Downloads\64Gram Desktop\yooz.json'
dir_name = os.path.dirname(path)
file_name = os.path.basename(path).split('.')[0]
with open(path, 'r') as file:
spec = json.load(file)
openapi2_spec = convert_to_openapi_2(spec)
copy(json.dumps(openapi2_spec, indent=2))
with open(os.path.join(dir_name, file_name+'_2.0.json'), 'w') as file:
json.dump(openapi2_spec, file, indent=2)
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