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Snarp / pathname_core_ext.rb
Created February 27, 2025 16:25
Extends Pathname to add #stemname instance method
# Extends Pathname to add #stemname instance method
class Pathname
# "dir/subdir/filename1.ext" => "filename1"
def stemname
bs = basename.to_s
require 'fileutils'
# For use in cleaning scanned book/magazine/etc pages and preparing the scans
# for distribution/OCR.
# Assume you've been scanning a book as double-page scans. You can
# automatically split them into two files via ImageMagick `mogrify`:
# mogrify -path "./Auto-Halved Pages" -format png -crop 50%x100% +repage "./Double-Page Scans/*.png"
Snarp / superscripts_subscripts_normalized_via_nfkc.yml
Last active February 18, 2024 00:40
Unicode superscripts and subscripts normalized via NFKC
"₀": '0'
"₁": '1'
"₂": '2'
"₃": '3'
"₄": '4'
"₅": '5'
"₆": '6'
"₇": '7'
Snarp / 01_tumblr_glitch_demonstration_text_raw.txt
Last active December 9, 2023 01:31
Tumblr WYSWIG editor formatting offset glitch raw demonstration text (the sourcing line is not part of the post)
<i> vs. <em>
Some developers may be confused by how multiple elements seemingly produce similar visual results. <em> and <i> are a common example, since they both italicize text. What's the difference? Which should you use?
By default, the visual result is the same. However, the semantic meaning is different. The <em> element represents stress emphasis of its contents, while the <i> element represents text that is set off from the normal prose, such as a foreign word, fictional character thoughts, or when the text refers to the definition of a word instead of representing its semantic meaning. (The title of a work, such as the name of a book or movie, should use <cite>.)
This means the right one to use depends on the situation. Neither is for purely decorative purposes, that's what CSS styling is for.
Snarp / HTML Named Color
Last active July 6, 2024 18:08 — forked from jennyknuth/
140 html color names as an array of json objects—enjoy!

HTML Colors

All 140 HTML colors as JSON objects with fields:

  • name
  • hex
  • rgb
  • families


Snarp / sticky_footer_example_flexbox.html
Last active December 7, 2023 18:50
Minimal sticky footer examples - vertical flexbox
Snarp /
Created August 11, 2023 19:59 — forked from mammuth/
Compress PDF files with ghostscript

This can reduce files to ~15% of their size (2.3M to 345K, in one case) with no obvious degradation of quality.

ghostscript -r72 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/default -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -dCompressFonts=true -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf

Change -r for the resolution.

Other options for PDFSETTINGS:

  • /screen selects low-resolution output similar to the Acrobat Distiller "Screen Optimized" setting.
  • /ebook selects medium-resolution output similar to the Acrobat Distiller "eBook" setting.
Snarp / hash_array_to_csv.rb
Created April 10, 2023 19:07
Array of hashes to CSV
require 'csv'
def hash_array_to_csv(hash_arr, fname='csv.csv')
headers ={|hsh| hsh.keys}.flatten.uniq
csv = CSV.generate do |csv|
csv << headers
hash_arr.each do |hsh|
csv << ({|k| hsh[k]})
Snarp / exposeClassKeys.js
Created April 4, 2023 00:05 — forked from AprilSylph/exposeClassKeys.js
expose source names on Tumblr
tumblr.getCssMap().then(cssMap => {
const keys = Object.keys(cssMap);
const elements = document.querySelectorAll("[class]");
for (const {classList} of elements) {
for (const className of classList) {
const mappedClassName = keys.find(key => cssMap[key].includes(className));
if (mappedClassName) classList.add(`tumblr--${mappedClassName}`);
Snarp / oz_per_linear_yd_to_gsm.rb
Created October 30, 2022 23:41
Converts ounces per linear yard (a common measurement of fabric density in North America) to GSM (grams per square meter)
# Converts ounces per linear yard (a common measurement of fabric density in
# North America) to GSM (grams per square meter).
# When buying fabric, a "linear yard" refers to a yard-long piece of fabric cut
# from a bolt. Ounces per linear yard are calculated by weighing a bolt of
# fabric, then dividing its weight by its length in yards when fully unspooled.
# Fabric bolts may be of varying heights, but are generally more than 1 yard
# tall; 4-5 feet is a common height.
# (Q) Given this variability in bolt size, why do so many vendors describe