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Last active April 16, 2021 18:47
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Bossbar snippet
on script load:
#Bukkit imports
import "org.bukkit.Bukkit"
import "org.bukkit.boss.BarColor"
import "org.bukkit.boss.BarStyle"
import "org.bukkit.boss.BarFlag"
#function sendBossBar:
#Sends a bossbar to the specified players.
# Default value: none
# Description: the text to be displayed above the bar
# Default value: none
# Description: the players that will see the bar
# Default value: 5 seconds
# Description: the time the bar will be displayed to the players
# Default value: "purple"
# Description: the color of the the bar. The possible values are: blue, green, pink, purple, red, white and yellow
# Default value: 100
# Description: the current bar progress, must be an integer between 0 and 100
# Default value: "solid"
# Description: the style the bar will have. The possible values are: segmented_10, segmented_12, segmented_20, segmented_6 and solid
# Default values: none
# Description: the flags that the bar will have, optional. The possible values are: create_fog, darken_sky and play_boss_music
function sendBossBar(title: text, targets: players, display-time: time span = 5 seconds, color: text = "purple", progress: integer = 100, style: text = "solid", flags: strings = "play_boss_music"):
set {_bar-color} to {BarColor}.valueOf({_color} in upper case)
set {_progress} to {_progress}/100
set {_bar-style} to {BarStyle}.valueOf({_style} in upper case)
loop {_flags::*}:
set {_bar-flags::%loop-index%} to {BarFlag}.valueOf(loop-value in upper case)
set {_args::*} to {_title}, {_bar-color}, {_bar-style} and {_bar-flags::*}
set {_bossbar} to {Bukkit}.createBossBar({_args::*})
loop {_targets::*}:
wait {_display-time}
#function sendAnimatedBossBar:
#Sends a bossbar with animated title to the specified players.
# Default value: none
# Description: the animated text to be displayed above the bar
# Default value: none
# Description: the players that will see the bar
# Default value: 3 ticks
# Description: the time waited per title frame
# Default value: 5 seconds
# Description: how much the bar lasts
# Default value: "purple"
# Description: the color of the the bar. The possible values are: blue, green, pink, purple, red, white and yellow
# Default value: "solid"
# Description: the style the bar will have. The possible values are: segmented_10, segmented_12, segmented_20, segmented_6 and solid
# Default values: none
# Description: the flags that the bar will have, optional. The possible values are: create_fog, darken_sky and play_boss_music
function sendAnimatedBossBar(title-frames: texts, targets: players, time-per-frame: time span = 3 ticks, stop-after: time span = 5 seconds, color: text = "purple", style: text = "solid", flags: texts = "play_boss_music"):
set {_bar-color} to {BarColor}.valueOf({_color} in upper case)
set {_bar-style} to {BarStyle}.valueOf({_style} in upper case)
loop {_flags::*}:
set {_bar-flags::%loop-index%} to {BarFlag}.valueOf(loop-value in upper case)
set {_args::*} to "", {_bar-color}, {_bar-style} and {_bar-flags::*}
set {_bossbar} to {Bukkit}.createBossBar({_args::*})
loop {_targets::*}:
set {_start} to now
while difference between {_start} and now < {_stop-after}:
set {_current} to ({_current} ? 1) == (amount of {_title-frames::*}) ? 1 : {_current} + 1
wait {_time-per-frame}
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