exception ParseException of string |
type 'a parse_result = ('a * string) option |
type 'a parser = string -> 'a parse_result |
let is_done = function |
| Some(_, "") | None -> true |
| Some(_, _) -> false |
let option_of_parse = function |
| Some(c, _) -> Some(c) |
| None -> None |
let pmap f = Option.map(fun (v,rest) -> (f v, rest)) |
let pand f = function |
| Some(c, rest) -> f c rest |
| None -> None |
let pleak = function |
| Some(c, _) -> c |
| None -> raise (ParseException "Attempted to use failed parse") |
let parse_char c = function |
| "" -> None |
| input -> match String.get input 0 with |
| x when x = c -> let rest = String.(sub input 1 ((length input)-1)) in |
Some(String.make 1 c, rest) |
| _ -> None |
let parse_or a b = |
let parser input = |
match a input with |
| Some(_,_) as x -> x |
| None -> b input |
in |
parser |
let rec parse_any ps input = |
match ps with |
| [] -> None |
| p::ps -> match p input with |
| None -> parse_any ps input |
| x -> x |
let parse_all ps = |
let rec do_parse ct ps (input:string) = |
match ps with |
| [] -> Some([], input) |
| p::ps -> match p input with |
| Some(c, rest) -> do_parse (ct @ [c]) ps rest |
| None -> None |
in |
do_parse [] ps |
let parse_many p = |
let rec parser ct (input:string) = |
match p input with |
| Some(c, rest) -> parser (ct @ [c]) rest |
| None -> match ct with |
| [] -> None |
| x -> Some(x, input) |
in |
parser [] |
let parse_concat_many p = |
let rec parser ct input = |
match p input with |
| Some(c, rest) -> parser (ct^c) rest |
| None -> match ct with |
| "" -> None |
| x -> Some(x, input) |
in |
parser "" |
let parse_ignore p next input = |
match p input with |
| Some(_, rest) -> next rest |
| None -> next input |
let parse_skip p next input = |
match p input with |
| Some(_, rest) -> next rest |
| None -> None |
let parse_concat_seq ps = |
let rec parser ps ct input = |
match ps with |
| p::ps -> |
begin |
match p input with |
| Some(c, rest) -> parser ps (ct ^ c) rest |
| None -> match ct with |
| "" -> None |
| x -> Some(x, input) |
end |
| [] -> |
begin |
match ct with |
| "" -> None |
| x -> Some(x, input) |
end |
in |
parser ps "" |
let rec parse_combine_seq ps input = |
match ps with |
| [] -> Some([], input) |
| v::vs -> |
match v input with |
| None -> None |
| Some(c, rest) -> |
match parse_combine_seq vs rest with |
| Some(cs, rest) -> Some(c::cs, rest) |
| None -> None |
let explode s = |
let rec step s l i = |
if i == String.length s then l |
else step s (l @ [s.[i]]) (i+1) |
in |
step s [] 0 |
let parse_literal s = |
let l = explode s in |
let m = List.map parse_char l in |
parse_concat_seq m |
let parse_anychar_in s = |
let rec parser ct n input = |
if n == (String.length s) then |
match ct with |
| "" -> None |
| _ -> Some(ct, input) |
else match parse_char (s.[n]) input with |
| Some(c, rest) -> Some(c, rest) |
| None -> parser ct (n+1) input |
in |
parser "" 0 |
let parse_delim d p input = |
match p input with |
| None -> None |
| Some(c, rest) -> match parse_skip d p rest with |
| Some(d, rest) -> Some((c,d), rest) |
| None -> None |
(* Utils *) |
let parse_wrap l r p input = |
match l input with |
| None -> None |
| Some(_, rest) -> match p rest with |
| None -> None |
| Some(c, rest) -> match r rest with |
| None -> None |
| Some(_, rest) -> Some(c, rest) |
let parse_digit = parse_anychar_in "0123456789" |
let parse_nat input = |
input |> parse_concat_many parse_digit |> pmap int_of_string |
let parse_int input = |
match parse_char '-' input with |
| Some(_, rest) -> parse_nat rest |> pmap (fun i -> -i) |
| None -> parse_nat input |
let parse_float input = |
let parse_float_pos input = |
input |
|> parse_or |
(parse_concat_seq [parse_concat_many parse_digit; parse_char '.'; parse_concat_many parse_digit]) |
(parse_concat_many parse_digit) |
|> pmap float_of_string |
in |
match parse_char '-' input with |
| Some(_, rest) -> parse_float_pos rest |> pmap (fun i -> -. i) |
| None -> parse_float_pos input |