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Last active February 9, 2020 21:16
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Homemade OCaml parser combinator

I made this learning OCaml, so this will not be the most idiomatic nor the best looking code you'll ever see. However it works and I'm stoked about it!

The filename is as as (cheeky) play on yacc and means "Not a(nother) compiler compiler".

exception ParseException of string
type 'a parse_result = ('a * string) option
type 'a parser = string -> 'a parse_result
let is_done = function
| Some(_, "") | None -> true
| Some(_, _) -> false
let option_of_parse = function
| Some(c, _) -> Some(c)
| None -> None
let pmap f = (v,rest) -> (f v, rest))
let pand f = function
| Some(c, rest) -> f c rest
| None -> None
let pleak = function
| Some(c, _) -> c
| None -> raise (ParseException "Attempted to use failed parse")
let parse_char c = function
| "" -> None
| input -> match String.get input 0 with
| x when x = c -> let rest = String.(sub input 1 ((length input)-1)) in
Some(String.make 1 c, rest)
| _ -> None
let parse_or a b =
let parser input =
match a input with
| Some(_,_) as x -> x
| None -> b input
let rec parse_any ps input =
match ps with
| [] -> None
| p::ps -> match p input with
| None -> parse_any ps input
| x -> x
let parse_all ps =
let rec do_parse ct ps (input:string) =
match ps with
| [] -> Some([], input)
| p::ps -> match p input with
| Some(c, rest) -> do_parse (ct @ [c]) ps rest
| None -> None
do_parse [] ps
let parse_many p =
let rec parser ct (input:string) =
match p input with
| Some(c, rest) -> parser (ct @ [c]) rest
| None -> match ct with
| [] -> None
| x -> Some(x, input)
parser []
let parse_concat_many p =
let rec parser ct input =
match p input with
| Some(c, rest) -> parser (ct^c) rest
| None -> match ct with
| "" -> None
| x -> Some(x, input)
parser ""
let parse_ignore p next input =
match p input with
| Some(_, rest) -> next rest
| None -> next input
let parse_skip p next input =
match p input with
| Some(_, rest) -> next rest
| None -> None
let parse_concat_seq ps =
let rec parser ps ct input =
match ps with
| p::ps ->
match p input with
| Some(c, rest) -> parser ps (ct ^ c) rest
| None -> match ct with
| "" -> None
| x -> Some(x, input)
| [] ->
match ct with
| "" -> None
| x -> Some(x, input)
parser ps ""
let rec parse_combine_seq ps input =
match ps with
| [] -> Some([], input)
| v::vs ->
match v input with
| None -> None
| Some(c, rest) ->
match parse_combine_seq vs rest with
| Some(cs, rest) -> Some(c::cs, rest)
| None -> None
let explode s =
let rec step s l i =
if i == String.length s then l
else step s (l @ [s.[i]]) (i+1)
step s [] 0
let parse_literal s =
let l = explode s in
let m = parse_char l in
parse_concat_seq m
let parse_anychar_in s =
let rec parser ct n input =
if n == (String.length s) then
match ct with
| "" -> None
| _ -> Some(ct, input)
else match parse_char (s.[n]) input with
| Some(c, rest) -> Some(c, rest)
| None -> parser ct (n+1) input
parser "" 0
let parse_delim d p input =
match p input with
| None -> None
| Some(c, rest) -> match parse_skip d p rest with
| Some(d, rest) -> Some((c,d), rest)
| None -> None
(* Utils *)
let parse_wrap l r p input =
match l input with
| None -> None
| Some(_, rest) -> match p rest with
| None -> None
| Some(c, rest) -> match r rest with
| None -> None
| Some(_, rest) -> Some(c, rest)
let parse_digit = parse_anychar_in "0123456789"
let parse_nat input =
input |> parse_concat_many parse_digit |> pmap int_of_string
let parse_int input =
match parse_char '-' input with
| Some(_, rest) -> parse_nat rest |> pmap (fun i -> -i)
| None -> parse_nat input
let parse_float input =
let parse_float_pos input =
|> parse_or
(parse_concat_seq [parse_concat_many parse_digit; parse_char '.'; parse_concat_many parse_digit])
(parse_concat_many parse_digit)
|> pmap float_of_string
match parse_char '-' input with
| Some(_, rest) -> parse_float_pos rest |> pmap (fun i -> -. i)
| None -> parse_float_pos input
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