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Created March 29, 2012 13:27
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<% if %>
<article class="blog_post image_present" id="<%= dom_id(post) %>">
<% ima_slike = (post.custom_teaser.match /src="\S+/i) %>
<% if ima_slike %>
<section class="key_image">
<% path_od_slike = ima_slike.to_s[5...-1] %>
<%= link_to image_tag(path_od_slike, :width=>"100", :height=>"100"), refinery.blog_post_path(post) %>
<% end %>
<h2><%= link_to post.title, refinery.blog_post_path(post) %></h2>
<p class='meta'>
<!-- <time datetime="<%=l post.published_at.to_date, :format => :default %>" class='posted_at'>-->
<%= t('created_at', :scope => '', :when => l(post.published_at.to_date, :format => :short)) %>
<!-- </time>-->
<%= "#{t('by', :scope => '')} #{}" if %>.
<% if (categories = post.categories).any? %>
<!-- <aside class='filed_in'>-->
<%= t('filed_in', :scope => '') %>
<%=raw categories.collect { |category| link_to category.title, refinery.blog_category_path(category) }.to_sentence %>
<!-- </aside>-->
<% end %>
<% if (tags = post.tags).any? %>
<!-- <aside class='tagged'>-->
<%= t('tagged', :scope => '') %>
<%=raw tags.collect { |tag| link_to tag, refinery.blog_tagged_posts_path(, }.to_sentence %>
<!-- </aside>-->
<% end %>
<br />
<!-- <aside class='comment_count'>-->
<% if Refinery::Blog::Post.comments_allowed? %>
<% if post.comments.any? %>
(<%= pluralize(post.comments.approved.count, t('singular',
:scope => '')) %>)
<% else %>
(<%= t('none', :scope => '') %>)
<% end %>
<% end %>
<!-- </aside>-->
<section class='content'>
<%= post.body.html_safe %>
<%= link_to t('read_more', :scope => ''), refinery.blog_post_path(post) if blog_post_teaser_enabled? %>
<% end %>
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