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Last active January 12, 2023 04:02
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  • Save SomajitDey/25f2f7f2aae8ef722f77a7e9ea40cc7c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Hosting IPFS node with ngrok

Hosting IPFS from behind NAT/Firewall using a free reverse proxy (ngrok)

  1. Expose localhost's port 4001 to public internet using ngrok: ngrok tcp 4001. Tip: Use -region= flag for lower latency.
  2. Note the hostname and port returned by ngrok in the form: tcp://hostname:port -> localhost:4001
  3. Open the ipfs config json file ~/.ipfs/config
  4. Edit as follows: Addresses.Announce=["/dns4/put-the-hostname-here/tcp/put-the-port-here"]
  5. Save the config file
  6. ipfs daemon
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Probably there was some issues in the Google instance I am using since 100 MB was downloaded in ~10 minutes even peers were swarm connected.

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