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Created August 2, 2024 15:25
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from collections import defaultdict
word = 'KELNER'
rev_word = word[::-1]
side = 16
def groups(data, func):
grouping = defaultdict(list)
for y in range(len(data)):
for x in range(len(data[y])):
grouping[func(x, y)].append(data[y][x])
return list(map(grouping.get, sorted(grouping)))
def count_in_str(s: str) -> int:
return s.count(word) + s.count(rev_word)
def count_in_groups(data, func):
total = 0
for g in groups(data, func):
total += count_in_str("".join(g))
return total
def count(box: list[str]) -> int:
total = 0
total += count_in_groups(box, lambda x, y: y) # horizontal
total += count_in_groups(box, lambda x, y: x) # vertical
total += count_in_groups(box, lambda x, y: x + y) # forwards diag
total += count_in_groups(box, lambda x, y: x - y) # backwards diag
return total
data = [
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