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Created December 1, 2017 15:41
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from __future__ import division # only for Python 2
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn import tree
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split as tts
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
wine = datasets.load_wine()
features =
labels =
# split the data into training and testing
train_feats, test_feats, train_labels, test_labels = tts(features, labels, test_size=0.2)
# SVM with RBF kernel. Default setting of SVM.
#clf = svm.SVC()
# SVM with linear kernel
#clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear')
# Decision Tree Classifier
#clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier()
# Random Forest Classifier
clf = RandomForestClassifier()
# print the details of the Classifier used
print "Using", clf
# training, train_labels)
# predictions
predictions = clf.predict(test_feats)
print "\nPredictions:", predictions
score = 0
for i in range(len(predictions)):
if predictions[i] == test_labels[i]:
score += 1
print "Accuracy:", (score / len(predictions)) * 100, "%"
# or, just do this for accuracy
# print accuracy_score(test_labels, predictions)
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