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hololens fail vodka
1>------ Deploy started: Project: HolographicApp1, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
Bootstrapping for deployment, version 4.
BootstrapAsync-Deploying: START
BootstrapAsync-Deploying: Bootstrapping.TargetHash = PII(
ConnectTo-Device: START
Connecting to the device '' using SSH.
Project architecture: X86
Target processor architecture: X86
Target supported architectures: X86
Connected to the device ''. Execution time: 0:00:00.512.
ConnectTo-Device: END (Success, 0:00:00.513)
Download-Packages: START
Compressing 3 package files: START
Compressing package files: END Execution time: 0:00:00.029.
Copying compressed packages to remote device: START
Copying compressed packages to remote device: END Execution time: 0:00:04.297.
Uncompressing packages on remote device: START
Unzipping files on device with command: LaunchForDeploy "C:\Data\Users\DefaultAccount\AppData\Local\DevelopmentFiles\VSRemoteTools\x86\TailoredDeploy.exe" "/_u C:\Data\Users\DefaultAccount\AppData\Local\DevelopmentFiles\ C:\Data\Users\DefaultAccount\AppData\Local\DevelopmentFiles /_se Global\b85f5752-b13d-4af8-a32d-8194a2c2209c" Global\b85f5752-b13d-4af8-a32d-8194a2c2209c
Uncompressing packages on remote device: END Execution time: 0:00:00.205.
Deploying packages. Execution time: 0:00:06.122.
Download-Packages: END (Success, 0:00:06.123)
Deploying packages. Execution time: 0:00:06.123.
Launching remote debugger with the following command: 'DevToolsLauncher.exe LaunchForDeploy "C:\Data\Users\DefaultAccount\AppData\Local\DevelopmentFiles\VSRemoteTools\X86\msvsmon.exe" "/nowowwarn /noauth /anyuser /nosecuritywarn /__dbgautolaunch /port:8116 /LaunchCompleteEventName:Global\18d2d743-8eb5-43e6-ac8c-1d05196b5719" Global\18d2d743-8eb5-43e6-ac8c-1d05196b5719'
Device endpoint:
Starting remote debugger. Execution time: 0:00:00.214.
BootstrapAsync-Deploying: END (Success, 0:00:07.04)
Bootstrapping complete (0:00:07.045).
Starting remote deployment...
Deploy: START
Deploy: Bootstrapping.TargetHash = PII(
Deploy: Target.OSMajor = 10
Deploy: Target.OSMinor = 0
Deploy: Target.OSBuildNumber = 17763
Deploy: Target.ProcessorArchitecture = X86
Deploy: Target.UapVersion = 10.0.17763
Deploy: BootstrappingSucceed = True
Deploy: TimeToBootstrapping = 7045
Deploy: CorrelationVector = sstwzIcbd0KwY9eKbqs/gw.0
Deploy: RemoteTargetInfo.DevFilesShareName =
Deploy: RemoteTargetInfo.DeviceFamily = Windows.Holographic
Deploy: RemoteTargetInfo.DevToolsPath = C:\Data\Users\DefaultAccount\AppData\Local\DevelopmentFiles
Deploy: RemoteTargetInfo.ProcessorArchitecture = X86
Deploy: RemoteTargetInfo.SupportedProtocols = SSH
Deploy: RemoteTargetInfo.SupportsNewPipeline = True
Deploy: DeploymentOptions.RegisterFromNetwork = False
Deploy: DeploymentOptions.RemoveNonLayoutFiles = False
DeployAsync: START
Reading package recipe file "D:\HoloApp2\Release\HolographicApp1\"...
DEP0100: Please ensure that target device has developer mode enabled. Could not obtain a developer license on due to error 80004005.
Deploy: Target.DeviceFamily = Windows.Holographic
Deploy: DeploymentSucceeded = False
Deploy: DeploymentError = Err_DevLicense_Failed
Deploy: DeploymentHRESULT = 2147500037
Deploy: HasSharedCode = False
Deploy: Target.Id = 1024
Deploy: ProjectGuid = {ae319e08-cdf7-41b5-8d8c-b1d69cf16e07}
Deploy: Project.TargetPlatformVersion = 10.0.17134.0
Deploy: Project.TargetPlatformMinVersion = 10.0.15063.0
Deleting file "vs.appxrecipe" from layout...
DeployAsync: END (Failure, 0:00:00.862)
========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
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